
The two new people, Jiang Qi is a little interested in them, one is a fellow countryman with himself, the other does not know, but from the words of ta, it seems that he is also a not simple character.

If it is under normal circumstances, then as a weak chicken crosser, you should try your best to cheat the members of the group.

But his own situation is somewhat different, he is also a man with two systems, as long as he is lucky enough, then even if it is a weapon in those fantasy worlds, he may not be able to get it.

Therefore, the meaning of this dimensional chat group for yourself is that you can sublimate yourself.

God-level check-in system, it is indeed very good, but it also has limitations, and it is very difficult to let it take itself to other worlds.

If you can’t go to other worlds, then the apex you can reach is only as strong as the peak of this world, and you can’t go further.

Since they have all crossed and have this golden finger, they must not be willing to stop here.

And the dimensional chat group can help you achieve this goal, and for other things, you will not work this dimensional chat group to help yourself.

Connect the ten thousand worlds, establish contact with countless strong people, and use their world as a pedal to reach the top of the dimension.

Jiang Qi: “In short, welcome two newcomers to our group, as the group leader, cough, I will express it”

Princess of the Moon: “Huh? What does this mean by this sentence, the group leader pays benefits? ”

Meili iron fan: “Isn’t it, the group owner is actually going to give benefits?” ”

Sophie: “Why are you all called so unified now?”

It is not a waste angel: “The group lord races high, the group lord is handsome”

Slime: “Sit and wait for the group owner to send red envelopes, expectation, curiosity”

Asuna: “Did the group master send red envelopes?” ”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “Obviously when he first became the leader of the group, he didn’t send it”

Traveler: “…”

Flame Lingji: “What a generous group leader”

[Jiang Qi sent an exclusive red envelope].

[Jiang Qi sent an exclusive red envelope].

A group of members, seeing Jiang inspired the red envelopes, opened the red envelopes one after another, ready to grab them, but the result was obvious.

These two exclusive red envelopes are destined to be obtained only by the two designated people.

After Flame Lingji opened this red envelope, he saw an extra fiery red fruit on his own hand.

“Is this the gift of that group master? Is it food? Flame Lingji took this fruit, and after hesitating for a while, he took a small bite, and suddenly his brows furrowed slightly.

The taste is really not very good, but it is still to the extent that it can be swallowed.

And when he ate the first bite, Flame Lingji felt that his body seemed to have undergone some kind of change.

Raised his hand slightly, a flame directly rose on his hand, directly destroying the crystal pool that trapped him.

“The ability to manipulate fire? It seems to be more powerful than my original ability” Flame Lingji could feel that the energy contained in that mysterious fruit was much more powerful than the fire sorcery he already had.

The methods used are also more flexible, and even, you can directly turn yourself into flames.

With a flick of his hand, a pillar of fire landed on a pillar not far away, igniting a raging fire.

“This dimensional chat group, it seems to be real” Flame Lingji tried the ability to burn the fruit, and couldn’t help but show a very beautiful smile, like the night sky and the bright moon, but unfortunately, no one watched this picture.

“That group leader, I really have to thank him well.”

Originally, his strength belonged to the level of second-rate masters, but now that he had this mysterious fruit, he could already squeeze into the ranks of first-class masters.

On the other side, on the outskirts of Mond City on the Tivat continent, two long swords suddenly appeared in the hands of the beautiful girl with blond hair and orange eyes.

One pitch black, one cyan, just arrived, the traveler in the group, tried to swing a few times, can feel that these two swords are much easier than their original swords.

“That group, can you help me find my brother?” After receiving this gift, she couldn’t help but think about this question.

But this thought had just arisen, and Ying shook his head, how to do this, he has not worked hard yet, and he wants to seek the help of others, which is not good.

“Wow, traveler, these two swords are so handsome” Emergency Food flew over, and when he saw the two new swords in Ying’s hand, he couldn’t help but marvel.

There is a saying that the appearance of the interpreter and the darker is indeed quite flattering, and Jiang Qi bought it for this.

After all, the strength is something, Jiang Qi himself has the Demon Dao Village Rain, and the substitute also has two artifacts of the Sword of the Night Sky and the Sword of the Blue Rose.

These two swords are naturally used as tools to earn favors, anyway, they are things that can be bought in the shopping mall in the group, and naturally they are not distressed.

Ying nodded and re-entered the dimensional chat group, intending to thank Jiang Qi.

It’s not a waste angel: “Wow, the leader of the group, you are partial, I want it too, I want it too”

Princess of the Moon: “Gee, exclusive red envelopes, the group owner will not be because he knows the new members, knows that they are all beautiful girls, so he wants to earn some impression points”

The Princess of the Moon was silenced for ten minutes.

Jiang Qi: “Do you think I am you?” Also, the lazy angel above, I will exchange my sword with you for your horn, will you or not.”

Meili iron fan: “Hahaha, the princess of the moon is really miserable, and she was banned for the second time”

Sophie: “However, the group owner is really biased, so he only gives benefits to new group members”

Asuna: “Could it be that the new member who came in was an acquaintance of the group leader?” ”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “As far as I’m curious, what is the gift from the group leader?” ”

Slime: “Whatever it is, in short, I envy it, and I want it too”

Jiang Qi: “I do know, but I only know one, and the other one, I can’t guess for a while.”

Flame Lingji: “Thank you for the gift of the Lord of the Group, if you have the opportunity, the little woman will definitely repay”

Traveler: “Thank you, group master”

Meili iron fan: “Envy, by the way, can you introduce yourself?” By the way, my name is Romani Achman, and I’m a doctor.”

Sophie: “I’m just an ordinary vampire, just call me Sophie”

Slime: “My name is Limuru, oh, it’s a slime”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “I am Shinomiya Kaguya, please advise”

Asuna: “Just call me Asuna”

Flame Lingji: “The little woman Flame Lingji is polite”

Traveler: “Ying, just call me Ying”

Seeing the traveler say his name, Jiang Qi’s eyes lit up, he really didn’t expect that this traveler was actually her at first.

Earlier said it was her words, herself… I can’t do it myself, it’s impossible to send those two artifacts over.

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