“…… Go back. ”

This is Walter. Yang, after telling the events of that year, the first words that came out.

“Go back?”

Jiang Qi seemed a little unable to understand his attitude.

“Well, just as the destroyed Empire State Building can only be rebuilt as it is—an organization based on that person’s self-sacrifice can only be symbolized by that person’s image. These are things that shouldn’t have been mentioned… History always turns a new page. ”

Walter. Yang nodded and explained to Jiang Qi.

“So, I wonder what you think of all this?”

Jiang Qi looked at the anti-entropy alliance master in front of him and asked with a slight heaviness.

“The battle that year changed a lot of people, and Joyce and Leanna sacrificed themselves to protect everyone. The whereabouts of Dr. Schrödinger, who dissipated in quantization, are unknown, and the black abyss white flower has also sunk into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, and it is difficult to find a trace. I, on the other hand, as the only qualified male at that time, inherited the core of the First Lawyer. ”

After a half-ring silence, Walter . Yang continued.

“Having said that, after all, I am not the original first lawyer, the core of the lawyer, this distributed nanorobot, every cell in my body, into a zombie-like machine. Just to be able to physically transform yourself into that hero in the flesh when needed. This is not the pain I should bear, not at all. But the name ‘Walter’ has never been a burden to be abandoned. ”

At this point, perhaps nothing needs to be said, the story has come to a temporary end, someone has inherited Joyce’s legacy and passed it on.

Jiang Qi, who got the answer, was also looking to Walter in the room. After Yang greeted slightly, he turned and left the place.

And at the moment when he finally stepped here, the familiar system prompt sounded again, and this time the content prompted also made his eyes widen for a while.

“Mission Extra Bonus Trigger: Leanna. Brigantia will join the dimensional chat group as a group member. ”

“Leanna. Brigantia joins the dimensional chat group…”

In this way, not only did the group suddenly explode, but even Jiang Qi suddenly felt that his heart began to beat uncontrollably violently.

At the moment, he didn’t care what the reaction of the group of people in the group was, Jiang Qi immediately used the function of the system to summon Leanna to reality in the form of an entity.

With the flow of light and shadow, the figure of a woman also slowly appeared, blond hair and blue eyes, with Roman curly hair, long hair tied into a ponytail, leaning on the black abyss white flower in her hand, wearing a white knight’s robe, embellished with gold decorations.

Just like when he first met Leanna.

“Rei… Quiet…… Na…”

Facing Leanna who stood in front of him again, Jiang Qi couldn’t help but be incoherent for a while, both with the joy of being lost and regained, but also a little apprehensive, because he didn’t know if Leanna still had that memory that didn’t exist.

“Oh, it’s obviously a reunion scene, why show that expression, isn’t I standing in front of you now?”

Unlike Jiang Qi’s anxiety, Leanna had a faint smile on her face, and it was because of Jiang Qi’s obsession that the system finally gave Leanna the opportunity to “resurrect” this time. As if to convince him, Leanna took the initiative to step forward and took his hands.

And this Leanna in front of him, the one he knew, retained all the memories that belonged to the past, and now stood in front of him. But it’s a bit too absolute to say that it’s completely consistent, because…

“Leana, your body…”

Feeling the temperature coming from those palms, as well as the blood flowing below and the beating pulse, he raised his head and looked at Leanna in front of him with some disbelief, because now she was no longer a machine, but a real person.

“It’s a small surprise, but after getting used to the perception of machinery, let me change back to the human body, but I am not used to it.”

Leanna nodded and said with a smile, for her, it may take a while to get used to her body.

“It’s okay, no matter what it becomes, as long as it’s Lyanna, then I’m already satisfied.”

Jiang Qi also slightly retracted the expression on his face, trying to show a suitable smile to face Leanna in front of him.

It’s just that before he could react, he felt that he was being held by someone unreasonably, and he could even feel the temperature coming from the other party’s body… And Leana’s voice that only he could hear.

“I said, when you come back, let’s continue…”

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