Chapter 193 Rumors!!

“So, are those statements passed down by the warriors true? Was that sinkhole really blasted out at once when Jiang Qi and Frost Star competed? ”

Alina asked Tallulah in front of her, although it had been some time since the negotiations with the guerrillas, it was still a topic that the fighters talked about, so much so that she couldn’t help but want to confirm it to Tallula.

“It’s not that exaggerated, the rumors are always getting more and more bizarre, but it is true that the situation at that time was beyond my expectations.”

Tallulah also smiled, explaining to Alina what happened that day, the children in the camp were in the distance, who were surrounding the fire, listening to Romani, who had almost become the king of children, tirelessly telling all kinds of things about Melly.

Some children even directly lay on Romani’s body, wanting to urge him to continue talking.

“Ivanka, don’t go too far, it will hurt Uncle Romani.”

Seeing the children’s actions, Alina couldn’t help but whisper a scolding to him to quickly get off Romani’s body.

“It’s ~ good to see how they can live freely here.”

Tallulah looked at the group of children and couldn’t help but smile a little helplessly.

“That’s my job.”

Alina said slowly.

“I didn’t expect you to volunteer to teach the children.”

As if remembering something, Talula continued to Alina.

“My relationship with the children is much better than that of Usas, but then again, Mr. Jiang Qi, how can he win over the patriots.”

Alina let out a sigh and said to Tallula.

“Maybe it’s some power he doesn’t want us to know, I guess.”

Tallulah said, obviously behind Jiang Qi, there are secrets that she doesn’t want to be known by them, but she feels that there is no need to delve into it.

“That’s… Patriot, let him admit his failure, that’s true. ”

Alina’s face couldn’t help but show a bit of surprise, even now, she seemed to have some difficulty accepting the fact that Jiang Qi was able to make the patriot admit defeat in the competition.

“Ha, that’s right, it was probably beyond everyone’s expectations at that time, because I should have been the opponent of the patriot, originally I was already thinking about how to lose to be relatively decent, but I didn’t expect that Jiang Qi would actually take the initiative to replace me, and then there are various versions that you heard.”

Even now, when she remembers the original situation, Talulah is still a little incredulous.

“Ah, I can see that you are quite impressed, and you are happy to tell others about it.”

Alina saw the emotion behind Tallullah and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Nor… Well, indeed… Eh, this child, the one hiding behind the fence, what is her name? ”

Tallulah looked at the pasture not far away, and a sneaky figure was behind the pole.

“Liu Baofu, don’t eavesdrop here, if you want to hear the story, just wait for the next class, I’ll tell you about it… So, then what. ”

After sending the other party away, Alina immediately asked Tallula…

“Patriots… Alina, as you know, his reputation is far greater than that of any of us. ”

Tallulah paused, picking up her previous words and moving down.

“In that capacity, take the initiative to challenge someone you meet for the first time… Thinking of it this way, you probably really caught his attention. ”

Alina mused.

“He’s a top warrior and an existence that is out of reach to each of us… Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean to deliberately praise Jiang Qi, just stating an objective fact. ”

Tallulah added.

“But in the eyes of many people, this may indeed be the case, and Mr. Jiang Qi’s position is probably not enough to support him to this point, let alone fight the patriots on your behalf.”

Alina seemed to have something to say at the moment.

“Stop, stop, I don’t think there’s any need to doubt him, if he can do it, he doesn’t have to live with us to this day, but, Alina, what do you think?”

Talula shook her head, she still didn’t want to doubt Jiang Qi.

“Are you really going to ask my opinion… Well, of course I would not doubt him, doubting those who are kind to us would undoubtedly be a great disrespect, everyone has the right to keep their secrets, and perhaps in his opinion, Tallulah is also a very good and wonderful person, and it may be possible to get his help because of this. ”

Alina’s face showed a somewhat warm expression, and Tallulah understood what she meant almost instantly…

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