Chapter 199 for tat!!

“You and your plan… Will let everyone… Killed. ”

Tallulah realized that it was the first time that the giant in front of her had spoken so bluntly to herself.

Even if this opinion is unshakable and hurts people’s bones.

“The tundra of the Northwest will not allow us to live either. The bigger our team, the more resources we need, and the more enemies we will build. At least…… I think we always have to find a way out, and relying on other things like we do now is not a long-term solution…”

Tallulah lowered her voice and said, she was able to lead everyone through the cold winter above this tundra, largely because of the help Jiang Qi brought her, if Jiang Qi did not provide enough supplies for everyone, I am afraid that hunger alone would be enough to bring great trouble.

“You’re in… Accelerate them… of death. ”

The words of the patriot still did not spare the slightest sympathy for her, and whether Tallulah succeeded or not, she was tantamount to putting everyone in danger.

“We only have to leave the tundra, not to Sami, not to the wasteland… We go east, we go south, we go to warm places. ”

In the face of the strength of the patriot, Tallulah only felt that her words began to gradually pale and weaken, no matter what, the Wendigo in front of her undoubtedly far exceeded her in what she had witnessed.

“You’re going to… How to survive… Go down? You want…… What do you think…… Let everyone… Survive…… Go down? Guerilla…… It’s saving people… Never… Let’s except… People other than fighters… Sacrifice. ”

The Patriot further questioned Tallula, leaving her no room to avoid.

“You are stationed in the north, and you abhor what happens to the infected in the north… So you don’t know much about how infected people in the South live. ”

Tallulah took a deep breath.

Facing the coercion of the patriots, he said without showing weakness.

At this moment, Jiang Qi had already come to the periphery of the team, and at a glance he saw the patriot and the talulah who were talking, and he could roughly hear what they were talking about.

If it had been yesterday, she might have gone to help Tallulah win back face in front of the patriots.

But since last night, when the patriot told him that Tallula’s body carried the inheritance of sin and would devour them all someday in the future, he couldn’t help but fall into a dilemma, he could understand the patriot’s reasons for doing this, but he couldn’t ignore Tallula.

“They had a good time… Very good? ”

While Jiang Qi was watching this scene from afar, the dialogue between the two was still going on.

“They’re having a bad time.”

Tallulah replied.

“You want to absorb… They? ”

The patriot’s rhetoric became heavy again.

“I want to unite them.”

Tallulah continued.

“When the Empire… When looking at an infected person, you… Brunt. ”

Patriots are still such stereotypical rhetoric.

“But this matter should always come to an end, injustice and oppression should always be ended, I will not be the first to make this choice, and naturally it will not be the last Tallulah to understand the patriot’s warning to her, but since she chose such a path, there is no turning back.”

“My daughter… Maybe…… Will believe you. But I… Don’t believe that one does not… Disappointed by the facts, just in… Chen Tuo… Somewhat… Fake Big Sky… Doctrinal people. ”

The patriot turned away after speaking, and even though this was not their first conversation, the end result was still an unhappy dispersal.

But Jiang Qi also knew that both of them had each other’s reasons and positions, which ultimately led to the current situation.

“Mr. Patriot, you are…”

After the two had already opened a distance, a familiar voice sounded, causing the patriot to subconsciously raise his forehead and find that Jiang Qi had already stood in front of him at some point.

“You’ve always been… In the listening… Is that right? ”

The patriot knew that since Jiang Qi could appear in front of him like this, then the words he had spoken with Tallulah before were unsurprisingly heard by him.

“I’ve heard some, not completely, but I think I can probably understand you, and it’s not easy to keep this secret.”

Jiang Qi sighed slightly, although the patriot and Talulah were already very difficult to deal with in the eyes of others, but the patriot did indeed keep the secret for Talula, which may not even know about herself, and even change the fate of all of them…

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