When I walked out of the arcade, it was already night, and the bright moon illuminated the dark world.

Jiang Qi and Cecilia enjoyed dinner in an open-air restaurant that was characteristic of the town, and the atmosphere was very good.

No one opened their mouth about the matter in the game hall just now, but they were simply discussing very ordinary topics.

“The sausages in this restaurant taste good,” Cecilia looked at the sausages on her plate with some surprise.

“Is it? It is said that this is the characteristic of this town” Jiang Qi also inserted one with a fork, threw it into his mouth, and after chewing a few times, he also nodded: “It is indeed very good”

In terms of taste alone, this sausage is indeed delicious, although it is not very filling, but it does not matter.

Moreover, compared to the girl opposite, any delicious food will be inferior.

“Thank you, Jiang Qi, if it weren’t for you…” Cecilia put down the knife and fork in her hand, looked up at the moon in the sky, recalled her experience today, and involuntarily smiled.

“I may not be able to taste such delicious cuisine, let alone learn so many interesting things, exquisite accessories, beautiful flowers, holy wedding dresses, wonderful books, all kinds of interesting things, of course, the most interesting thing is… Game Hall”

Jiang Qi ate slowly, his eyes always on Cecilia’s body, with an elegant smile, quietly listening to her words.

Yes, for her, everything today is very interesting, I believe that her laughter today is her heartfelt happiness.

“I think I’ll never forget today, it’s going to be the happiest day of my life, and I’ll cherish this wonderful memory,” Cecilia said, looking at the moonlight.

Jiang Qi’s eyes fell slightly, it was just a day, it made this girl so happy, it really made people not know what to say.

When the time is almost up, the princess will become Cinderella, and after being free, the bird that can fly in the sky will return to that prison.

Happy times always pass so quickly, and I have no excuse to keep Cecilia.

“Actually, I know a chef, her dishes are more delicious than these, Cecilia, if I have the opportunity, I’ll let her cook for you” Jiang Qi thought of the girl with the name [Tongue of God], although she was not in her group, but in the future, she might be added.

The cuisine of that world is indeed top-notch, and it is definitely more delicious than the cuisine of this world.

“Is it? Cecilia was also full of expectations when she heard this, but then she showed a somewhat lost expression.

Expectations are definitely expected, but it is no longer possible for me to have this opportunity, and after I return to the headquarters, I am afraid that I will not be able to come out again.

“Don’t worry, I…” Before Jiang Qi finished speaking, a red screen jumped out, and lines of text were listed on it.

Seeing this color chat group screen, Jiang Qi couldn’t help biting his lower lip, but at this time, can’t it be later?

Although I don’t want to care, but it is impossible, my love life is important, but the tasks that appear in the chat group cannot be ignored.

[Alarm, alarm, there is a dimensional change in the world of the group leader Meili Iron Fan, please go to the group members to deal with it as soon as possible].

[Mission introduction: This world has been invaded by illegal crossers, which has caused dimensional mutations, and this traverser will seriously affect the fate of the world, please support as soon as possible].

Mission objective: Expel or kill the crosser

Mission reward: 50,000 points (distributed by mission completion).

Mission restrictions: Only two people are allowed to participate except the group leader

Seeing the introduction of this mission, Jiang Qi’s hand holding the knife and fork couldn’t help but clench, and directly broke the knife and fork.

The head is also slightly lowered, if someone can see Jiang Qi’s expression now, then they must know how bad Jiang Qi’s mood is now.

The matter on his side has not yet been completed, plus the location of this mission is still the Chaldean where Romani is located.

The sum of these two things undoubtedly directly made Jiang Qi’s anger like adding fuel to the fire.

“So, what’s wrong?” Cecilia was also startled when she saw Jiang Qi suddenly break the knife and fork.

“Ah” Jiang Qi heard Cecilia’s voice, only to come to his senses, and when he saw the knife and fork in his hand that he had broken by himself, he couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

“Sorry, eh, that, I, suddenly remembered something, so I didn’t control it”

I finally made up a reason, but this lame reason, even Jiang Qi didn’t feel able to fool through.

“Is that so?” However, Cecilia didn’t seem to care too much, and directly believed Jiang Qi.

After Jiang Qi asked the waiter to take the tableware again, he entered the dimensional chat group.

Jiang Qi: “@Meili Iron Fan, something happened to you over there?” Quick, those who are coming, sign up”

Meili iron fan: “Group leader, I am really touched that you care so much”

It’s not a waste angel: “Forget about this mission, I don’t have much time, I just ran a thousand meters”

Princess of the Moon: “The concubine is also a little tired, and she has just been resurrected from sudden death”

Asuna: “I may only add to the chaos when I pass.”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “Ditto”

Slime: “I want to go, I want to go”

Jiang Qi: “One slime, one left, fast”

Sophie: “@Meili Fan, is it daytime over there?” Or at night? ”

Meili Iron Fan: “Daytime”

Sophie: “I’m sorry…”

Flame Lingji: “If you don’t mind, let the little woman do her part”

Traveler: “Since there are all the people, then I can only give up”

Jiang Qi: “Okay, task, start”

The system also opened the dimensional tunnel directly at the moment when Jiang Qi’s voice fell, the world of the three, time and space suddenly stopped, and a pitch-black crack unfolded under the feet of the three.

With the first experience, this time, Jiang Qizhi did not have that uncomfortable feeling, and as soon as his eyes opened and closed, he realized that he had arrived in a strange and familiar place.

Silver walls, bright lights, long passages, even if no one is outside for the time being, you can still recognize this place.

“Chaldean, but I’m sorry, I have something to do this time” Jiang Qi felt the breath here, so he directly took out the village rain and used the Straight Death Demon Eye.

With the third perpetual motion mechanism as a backing, in theory, he can use it indefinitely, but now that he has just obtained this ability, it is definitely impossible to let himself reach the level of reversing sixteen nights in one breath.

But at present, the passive ability of [the truth is unknown] is enough.

The power to shatter mountains and seas, the powerful power to shatter gifts, and the strongest flesh of mankind, and unlimited energy.

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