The power of unknown truth has naturally not been developed to the limit, but before that, his strength was good, plus after obtaining it, every moment, every minute, his strength is increasing.

If one or two crossers in this area can’t deal with it themselves, then they really don’t deserve to live in this world.

Louis’s body was slammed into the ground, and the sound of shattering could even be heard from his body.

His expression was a little distorted, well, he was punched in the left face by Jiang Qi, and the punch came out, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and several teeth had already fallen out.

Until he fell to the ground, Louis couldn’t believe that as a reincarnation person who had lived through two worlds in the reincarnation space, he couldn’t even deal with a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child.

Moreover, he was defeated when he and Ross dealt with him together, without touching each other.

“Deal with you, it seems that using a fist is enough, I look up to you” Jiang Qi withdrew the village rain, twisted his wrist, and the bones also sounded crisply, and slowly walked towards Louis on the ground.

Although he originally planned to use the village rain to cripple these two people, or after slashing them both, he would all use his fists to beat them until he was exhausted.

“Boy, look down on people less” Ross, who got free, obtained the mutant tiger gene in the reincarnation space, and his injuries quickly recovered, and at this time he had completely turned into a giant tiger, with thunder and lightning on his body.

Jiang Qi looked at Ross, tilted his head, and stepped on the floor hard, directly causing the entire control room to shake, casually pulling towards the ground, a steel plate was directly grabbed by Jiang Qi from the ground, and smashed in the direction of Louis.

His punch just now, although he didn’t let this guy die, his current condition is not very good, and he can be regarded as nine dead in his life.

Seeing that the steel plate flew in the direction of his companion, Ross, who originally planned to attack Jiang Qi, immediately turned his head and quickly rushed forward, biting it directly before the steel plate attacked Louis.

“It’s really touching friendship” Jiang Qi saw this scene, and also admired from the heart, but no one knew what the expression under the mask was.

“But… Is that any use? ”

“What?” Ross suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart and immediately looked at Louis.

I saw that his eyes suddenly widened, and then they lost their luster, there was no life, and his body gradually turned into flying ash.

He was completely dead, and if Ross had the ability to live and die in human flesh and bones, he could save his companions.

But, unfortunately, Ross clearly does not have this ability.

“It’s an honor to die at the hands of my Otto Apocalis,” Jiang Qi smiled softly.

“Otto Apocalis? I remembered” Ross remembered the name and sent it out through the contact information of the reincarnation space.

According to the situation just now, if you want to live, it will be a very difficult thing, since this is the case, it is better to let other reincarnators come to Otto’s trouble.

“Then, I’m not in a good mood now” Jiang Qi nodded, clenched his fists, and directly burst out his fastest speed, and came to Ross in the blink of an eye.

“Can I trouble you to be my sandbag? This Mr. Reincarnation”

After speaking, Jiang Qi’s fist hit the body of this reincarnation person fiercely, and his purpose was achieved, so he could use it to vent his unhappiness.

A good date with Cecilia was swept away by these guys, and he didn’t get angry with this group of guys, and he felt wronged.

In order to prevent the other party from being killed, Jiang Qi also controlled his strength a little, picked up this guy, pressed it against the wall, and punched it over.

The reason why he left this Ross is also because he seems to be more resistant, and when he is finished, he will throw them to Flame Lingji.

Although the task panel does not seem to say the number of reincarnators, for the sake of fairness, it is better to give it to your dear group members.

Anyway, no matter what, he will receive all the rewards, but if he solves the enemy all by himself, then he will be in trouble.

While beating, Jiang Qi told the other party’s crimes one by one, so that he could understand it later.

“Let you disturb my date, deserve to die companion”

“Let you come out and make trouble, make me work overtime, and increase the crime”

“Let you run here when the atmosphere is right, and the death penalty is inevitable”

“Let you waste air alive, and you will die a thousand deaths”

“Let you be the reincarnation… Anyway, hit you right”

“You fail to protect your companions and are justified in being beaten”

“Let you commit a slut, and make my clothes stain with your blood”


As he spoke, Jiang Qi didn’t know what to say, so he found all the reasons for the mess, which were completely unreasonable.

The first two or three, Ross can still accept, but the latter ones are completely nonsense, random reasons.

Didn’t his own companion die because he killed him? What does it mean that you are not protecting your companions?

Is it what the reincarnation thinks of himself? At that time, the computer suddenly came to me and asked myself, “Do you want to understand the true meaning of life?” “, I thought about it, who knew that I had become a reincarnation.

Blood on your clothes? Then don’t beat you, if you don’t beat yourself, you won’t get bloody.

Almost an hour later, Jiang Qi was still immersed in the joy of punching sandbags, and Ross almost died on the way, if Jiang Qi hadn’t given him a fairy bean in order to be angry, he would have died by now.

At this time, the door of the control room automatically opened, and Flame Lingji and a blue slime followed a girl with short pink hair and walked in.

As soon as he came in, he saw Jiang Qizheng carrying a man who was about two heads taller than him, punching him with one punch after another, and he was merciless.

You can’t see, this poor reincarnator, the corners of his mouth are bleeding, his teeth are not gone, literally, not a single tooth is left.

With despair in his eyes, he has completely given up hope in life, and there is no light.

Even the three people who have just come can know that now this reincarnator hopes most is to come and get to know him quickly.

In just one hour, he couldn’t remember how many times he had been beaten and how many that magical bean had eaten.

Eat beans, then be beaten, be beaten after eating, the most terrible thing is that Jiang Qi hits just right every time, and he will definitely not let him die.

Originally, he wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide, but Jiang Qi didn’t even leave him this opportunity, and his teeth were beaten like this.

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