The doors and windows in the room are closed, not letting a trace of cold wind blow in, plus the space is relatively small, it can be regarded as warm.

Faintly, you can also hear the sound of Celine chatting with Celine’s mother, Jiang Qi returned to the chat group, and after the introduction of several people in the group, he also roughly understood the functions of this dimensional chat group now.

There is nothing else, just chat, gone, what shuttle dimension, dimensional mall, these things, currently none of them are turned on.

Jiang Qi himself also went to see, the crossing function and the icon on the mall side were gray, and when he went to click to try it, he only reminded himself that he had not turned on this function for the time being.

Jiang Qi: “I have a general understanding”

Meili iron fan: “This newcomer’s ability to accept is very fast”

Princess of the Moon: “A fight with a concubine”

Slime: “Is it a newcomer at the level of a big guy?” ”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “It’s not impossible, otherwise, it wouldn’t be so calm”

Asuna: “Maybe it’s the same as I was then, and I still only think of this as a game.”

Sophie: “Actually, there are so many dimensional worlds, it is not surprising that there is such a thing”

Princess of the Moon: “Speaking of which, Asuna, you said that your world is about to release a brand new game?” Is it released now? ”

Meili iron fan: “Even if it is released, you are in another dimension, no matter how you say, it is impossible to develop a server that can cross the dimension with Asuna her world, of course, I am not a person who looks down on your world, @Asuna”

Kaguya Shinomiya “A fully immersive game?” I didn’t expect that in Miss Asuna’s world, technology is so advanced.”

Slime: “If I have the chance, I want to try it too.”

Asuna: “No, it seems that there is still about a month to go, and after the release, I will definitely buy a copy for everyone in the group.”

Jiang Qi: “Are you talking about SAO?” ”

Speaking of which, at that time, I was also very interested in this game that I didn’t know how many years in the future could be developed, so when I watched it, I was also very serious.

When watching this drama, I naturally chased it with anticipation and curiosity, and in the end, I naturally fell in love with it unavoidably.

But now, as long as you can survive, then in this broken world, you can also play similar games.

Thanks to the collapsed suit, the speed of human scientific and technological development has accelerated I don’t know how many times, although there are countless sacrifices behind it.

Meili iron fan: “!!! ”

Sophie: “??? ”

Princess of the Moon: “Huh? ”

Asuna: “@Jiang Qi, do you actually know?” Are you from the same world as me? ”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “No, this chance is too small”

Slime: “It’s not like that, how can a newcomer who joined the group an hour ago know about SAO”

It’s not a waste angel: “The newcomer is amazing”

Jiang Qi: “No, it’s just… Just know.”

I am the identity of a traverser, in fact, it is nothing to say it, and the conjecture about whether those worlds exist, I have been thinking about it in my previous life, until I crossed into this world, I came to a conclusion.

The dramas and worlds I have seen before must exist, and as for whether those worlds appear first, there will be those works, or whether there are these works first, and then there are those worlds, then I don’t know.

It’s a difficult question to answer, similar to the question of whether chickens or eggs came first.

Whether the world exists, whether your existence is real or false, it doesn’t matter, as long as you do your own thing, as long as you believe that you are real.

Other, does it really matter? Even if you know that you are false, what can you do?

Jiang Qi: “I am a traverser, I can also be said to be a traveler, in my previous life, I knew of your existence, but I couldn’t touch it, just like reading a book, I could see the stories in the book, but I couldn’t interfere or greet you.”

Magic Melly: “I see what you mean, it turns out that there is such a wonderful world?” It’s really unheard of.”

Slime: “However, a world like this can be understood if it exists.”

Princess of the Moon: “It is equivalent to a world used to observe, measure everything, and maintain dimensional order, so to speak”

Asuna: “It feels, it’s a powerful look.”

Jiang Qi: “If you say so, it’s almost the same, you can understand it in the way you can understand it best.”

Sophie: “But why tell us?” ”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “That’s right, we’re just meeting for the first time, is it really good to trust us like this?” ”

It’s not a waste angel: “It doesn’t matter what, anyway, it has nothing to do with me”

Jiang Qi: “I just said that, although it is true, you don’t need to pay too much attention to it, in other words, this group does not have a group leader?” ”

Since coming to this group, Jiang Qi found that this group actually has no group leader, not even an administrator.

As for the voice that invited him into the group, the sound disappeared, but this thing should be similar to the existence of system consciousness.

Although it doesn’t matter if there is a group owner or not, the main thing is to ask when the functions in this group can be turned on.

Otherwise, my interest in this chat group will be much weaker, after all, I don’t have the time to chat in the group every day.

“Stinky Jiang Qi, quickly open the door for me”

Celine’s voice outside sounded, and she was knocking on the door unceremoniously, but without waiting for Jiang Qi to reply, she directly opened the door herself and walked directly in.

“Celine, you are so rude at such a young age, be careful that no one will ask for it in the future” Jiang Qi rolled his eyes and temporarily withdrew from the chat group.

“Hmph, I have a mother… And you… That’s enough” When Celine heard this, she immediately retorted, but when she spoke the middle word, her voice became particularly low.

To be reasonable, when the future Queen of Emptiness, the Law of Emptiness, said such a sentence to himself, Jiang Qi’s heart was so excited.

After all, there is a saying, the appearance and figure of the empty law are very top, even Celine during the Second Collapse War is very good.

“Ahem, Celine, but, you will grow up, and I will also marry a wife and leave here” Jiang Qi coughed lightly a few times and said to Celine seriously.

“If you dare to leave your mother, I will dare to solve you like you did you killed those two bad guys just now” Celine scratched her neck with her small hand, raised her head, and made a threatening look to Jiang Qi.

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