In the sky of Mond, Jiang Qi sat on Twalin’s back, wiping his weapon, and there was a chat group interface in front of him.

The Dongfeng Dragon had a large bag on its head, tears in its eyes, and four wings flapping.

It swore that it had lived for so many years, and it was really the first time that it had encountered such a perverted human being, relying solely on the strength of the flesh to beat itself and beg for mercy.

It’s not that it has no backbone, it’s just that Jiang Qi’s fist beating people is really painful, if it weren’t for its strong physical fitness, it would definitely be beaten half to death by Jiang Qi.

In fact, it was indeed beaten half to death, but fortunately, when Jiang Qi was tired of beating it and intended to end it, it chose to agree.

As the former king of the sky, Twalin naturally would not be so backboned, but who let his bones be shattered several times.

Jiang Qi’s strength is improving every minute, plus the laws of the two worlds are different, each has its own merits, the world of the original god seems to be more suitable for the third perpetual movement organ to absorb intelligence, and the speed of improvement is much faster.

Let’s put it this way, the third perpetual motion mechanism itself can be said to belong to the magic side, while the world of collapse is mostly technology, barely can be regarded as the technology side, and the original god world is different.

Jiang Qi: “Let me introduce you, this is my newly acquired little brother and mount, Twalin, the former king of the sky, the dragon of the east wind who guards a country, Twalin takes a full photo.jpg”

Traveler: “??? ”

Meili Iron Fan: “??? ”

Meili Iron Fan: “Dragon species? Are you kidding? Group Leader”

It’s not a waste angel: “It is said that the value of dragon blood is quite high, group master, send me some?”

Princess of the Moon: “The value of dragon’s blood is indeed very high, and it is said that the whole body is full of treasures”

Anzulgong: “This group is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger”

Sophie: “However, this dragon seems to be a little different from the dragon I know.”

Jiang Qi: “Isn’t it certain that dragons in different worlds look different?” ”

Princess of the Moon: “Inexplicably reasonable, but on a big night, the group leader actually didn’t sleep and became a god?” ”

Anzulgong: “Your Royal Highness, aren’t you the same?” ”

Princess of the Moon: “The concubine took Penglai medicine, did she not grow old or die, did she not take it?” ”

Meili iron fan: “Such a domineering reason, can you be so arrogant if you don’t get old and die?” ”

Sophie: “Not old or dead, it’s just so arrogant”

It is not a waste angel: “It’s really terrible, human beings, this kind of creature, can still reach this realm of gods, or is it good to destroy”

Jiang Qi: “I’m curious why the people of the Celestial Realm would give you the horn of destroying the world.”

Anzurgon: “Destroy the world!!! ”

Meili Iron Fan: “I agree with the words of the group leader, and I feel that Jia Baili is dead”

It’s not a waste angel: “Hmph, I’m an angel, although I’m not old or dead, but I also have a long life.”

The princess of the moon: “The life of immortality is lonely as snow, if you can, then the concubine will still choose to take this medicine”

How good it is not to be old and not dead, become not old and immortal, even if you play a game and die suddenly, you will be resurrected with blood, help more

This is the best ability for Kaguya-hime, more than the power she has to control and eternity.

However, his own Penglai medicine is created with his own ability, and he really wants to give it up, but he is still reluctant.

Because he ate the medicine of Penglai, he was degraded to the world, so there is the legend of Taketori Monogatari.

Jiang Qi: “Envy of immortality, @Princess of the Moon, I’ll spend 10,000 dimensional points for you, and then how about you make a Penglai medicine?” ”

Princess of the Moon: “Group master, haven’t you woken up yet?” Is Penglai’s medicine so easy to make? ”

Meili Fan: “Even I know it, this truth”

Sophie: “It’s not good not to grow old too early, I know an example, because they became vampires too early, so the family has their own regrets”

It’s not a waste angel: “Hey, I was asked by the group owner first, if I don’t age and die, then I don’t have to worry about playing games and being taught by Wei Nai”

Anzurgong: “Sure enough, there are some big guys in the group”

Jiang Qi: “You guy don’t pretend to be new, your strength can crush the group… Half of them, well, currently they”

Princess of the Moon: “Asuna, Shinomiya Kaguya, Doctor, and the other two newcomers?” Or someone else? ”

Meili Fan: “Why mention me, although I am very weak now”

Sophie: “If you have nothing to do, the group owner might as well tell us the story of the newcomers, just about the three newcomers who just joined today.”

It’s not a waste angel: “What is there to understand, could it be that there are still very amazing guys in them?” ”

Anzurgon: “Information on the other two?” The gentleman who wants to be king, and another taciturn? ”

After Jiang Qi thought about it, this is not something that cannot be said, as for whether this is the privacy of the other party, then, it is not his own business.

If you think about it carefully, you can know that after entering this dimensional chat group, it doesn’t matter what the future will be like before.

This is true for anyone in the group, for example, things are changed by themselves in this way.

The words in his own world have not changed much, at least not now.

Jiang Qi: “Well, in that case, let me briefly say that the young man who wants to become a king, his world is somewhat special, he will become a time king who can easily destroy time and space, create new time and space, and even the world in the future, and his power is the strongest in his history”

Anzurgon: “!!! ”

It’s not a waste angel: “This guy is a god?” Easily destroy time and space and create worlds? Isn’t this a power that only gods possess? ”

Jiang Qi: “Among the powers he has, there is a god, plus he is a person who was born to be a king, no matter how history changes, he will also achieve this position”

Meili Iron Fan: “This is really scary, what about the other one?” ”

Sophie: “It’s not going to be the three new newcomers, one or two are future bosses.”

Anzurgong: “Wait for the leader of the group to speak.jpg”

It’s not a waste angel: “I don’t believe that the newcomers are such terrifying people this time”

Princess of the Moon: “This king of time, I really can’t see it”

Jiang Qi: “That Zero is the future emperor, the emperor of an empire, alone against the world, for the sake of his sister, he also has the spiritual ability of [Absolute Command]”

Princess of the Moon: “Absolute order? This is really a terrifying ability, but there should be some restrictions.”

Anzulgong: “Sure enough, the dimensional chat group is full of a group of bigwigs, which is really terrifying”

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