The movement caused by Jiang Qi is difficult for someone not to find it, and let it go one move after another, and the movement can really be described as earth-shattering.

At least those Collapse Beasts near Jiang Qi had been completely turned into flying ash, and there was nothing left.

The two pupil techniques of Calamity, Black Abyss, Great God Declaration, Village Rain, Straight Death Demon Eye (Infinite), and the final aurora pillar, even Jiang Qi himself, are a little unable to eat this consumption.

Assuming that the speed at which the dimensional perpetual movement mechanism restores energy and physical strength to itself is 10, then the continuous amplification move just now consumes at least 300 physical strength and energy.

Completely unleashing his combat power, Jiang Qi dared to say that except for Otto, no one could let himself achieve this point.

“Phew” Jiang Qichang let out a breath, the tiredness in his body was gradually recovering, and he himself was panting.

The state of the body can not be said to be bad, but the feeling of fatigue after a long absence, other than that, there is nothing.

Continuous amplification moves, and they are all powerful moves, in this world, it is estimated that it is difficult for anyone to do it except themselves.

Walter not far away looked at the cave mouth of the bottomless dark abyss after being bombarded indiscriminately, and he had a clear understanding of Jiang Qi’s strength.

Sure enough, you can’t become an enemy with this person, otherwise, you will definitely suffer a big loss, and now the combat power he broke out can also be done to a certain extent, but you can’t do it like him, and in the end you just gasp.

But what made Walter more curious was who the person who was attacked and why Jiang Qi attacked the other party so hard.

Did the person wearing the mask kill Jiang Qi’s parents, or did he take Jiang Qi’s child bride?

“This…” Cecilia also ran to the vicinity at this time, looking at the messy ground, her voice was a little timid.

Faintly, she seemed to see the true identity of the masked man, and the face under the mask was none other than the Archbishop of Destiny, Otto.

Moreover, when Jiang used the ability to get out of the village rain, Cecilia also remembered that on that day, the attack that suddenly attacked the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven was completely consistent with Jiang Qi’s attack.

Jiang Qi did not look back, took out a piece of clothing from the storage space and draped it over his body, twisted his neck, and used the power of space to float.

Although it was only a doppelganger of Otto, it was enough, and I believe that with Cecilia’s eyes as an S-class Valkyrie, she must have seen Otto’s face under the mask.

As long as one person sees Otto’s face, then his plan is set up and can continue to go on as he wants.

“Human, your defeat is doomed” Jiang Qi held his hands behind his back and looked indifferently at the Valkyries on the ground who were still fighting against the Honkai Beasts.

Jiang Qi’s words seemed to have some kind of magical power, causing all the Avalanche Beasts and Valkyries to stop fighting and look up in his direction.

Secretly, Cylin pouted and directly used her power as a lawyer to completely control all the broken beasts on the battlefield.

Cecilia looked at Jiang Qi in the sky, there was some complexity in her eyes, she didn’t understand, she didn’t understand what Jiang Qi was doing this for.

Only Walter who was not far away thought about it and seemed to understand something, perhaps, what Jiang Qi was doing was actually something that many people knew.

But even if they knew, no one would dare to do it, because the cost and consequences of doing it are not something anyone can afford.

In addition, he must have that strength, and since Jiang Qi chose to do this, he was obviously ready.

“Your boss, no, in your words, it should be, your archbishop, Otto Apocalis, the leader of the Mandate of Heaven, has been killed by me, you have lost, there is no chance of victory, your hope has fallen into the abyss”

Jiang Qi held the Void Wanzang, which is the ancestral weapon of the Apocalis family, although it is said to be ancestral, in fact, for so many years, only Otto held it.

This matter is also known to many high-level officials, and it is obvious that Otto cannot give such a weapon to Jiang Qi.

Well, there are actually only two answers, one of which is… This Void Hidden is fake, and the second is… Otto was killed by Jiang Qi.

As if to make an answer for those who have questions about the Void Wanzang, Jiang Qi turned the Void Wanzang into its seventh plural mimicry, Void Wanzang Rain Tianhua.

The Void Wanzo has the power of mimicry, which of course is also something that the high-level of the Mandate of Heaven knows, and Walter, as an old opponent, saw this scene, although he was puzzled, but more shocked.

Jiang activated the mimicry ability of the Void Wanzang, then it proved that the Void Wanzang was real, then, the answer was obvious.

Otto was killed, and this “Lawyer”, the Second Lawyer, was born from this Second Collapse War.

Most of the Valkyries on the battlefield believed Jiang Qi’s words, and the fact that Otto was dead was finalized by them.

They began to despair, the bishop of Heaven’s destiny lost, as Jiang Qi said, even their boss lost, then they must have lost.

“But…” Jiang Qi’s words turned sharply, his eyes looked at Cecilia on the ground, slowly fell to the ground, and said softly: “You still have the last hope, let the strongest one of you now come out to fight me, if she wins, then I can promise you any conditions”

Hearing these words, the flame of hope in the hearts of countless Valkyries was ignited, and everyone set their eyes on Cecilia.

The strongest one? Isn’t that the only S-class Valkyrie on the battlefield today, Cecilia Shanyat?

Not only is she an S-class Valkyrie of Heaven’s Destiny, but she is also the saint of the Shanyat family, and she is also the master recognized by the Sixth Divine Key, Black Abyss White Flower.

Hearing this sentence, Walter also understood Jiang Qi’s purpose and means, and couldn’t help but smile, it was really a very risky approach.

Most people don’t know that Otto actually has many spare bodies, and every time Otto is killed, he disguises himself as a serious injury to cultivate.

Moreover, human life is limited, human life is only a hundred years, and the Valkyrie’s time is even shorter, if the current Valkyrie dies, then, no one will know that Otto has always been alive.

The reason why Jiang Qi attacked so hard just now was to make everyone sure that this time Otto would not be [seriously injured], but a real “death”.

Especially after Jiang Qi took out the Void Wanzang, let the Valkyries confirm this matter, and the next words, it depends on whether the other side will cooperate.

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