And among the Chaldeans, Fujimaru Tachika, who felt a huge movement, also walked out of the Chaldeans.

She had just walked out when she saw the huge black dragon, exuding dark energy, as if bringing the end and end to the world.

“That was…” Fujimaru Ritika looked at the black dragon and was silent for a while, a little strange why this creature suddenly appeared.

But after a while, she saw that the heroic spirits she was familiar with were releasing treasures.

And the darkness on the black dragon’s body was even thicker, and it opened its blood basin and let out a deafening roar.

Hearing this voice, Fujimaru Rika was stunned, and immediately recognized the body of this black dragon, and immediately ran over.

Those heroic spirits may think that Jiang Qi is fake and impersonated, but she will not, moreover, even these companions who have accompanied her and Jiang Qi in the past to fight do not know what kind of abilities Jiang Qi has really used, only she and Matthew know.

The dimensional chat group itself has the ability to travel through time and space, and as the leader of this chat group, Jiang Qi’s privileges are even more convenient.

“Senior Jiang Qi, stop quickly” Fujimaru Rika instantly came to Jiang Qi, stopped him, and did not let him attack.

“Fujimaru” Jiang Qi saw Fujimaru Rika coming, so he stopped and changed back to his original appearance, seeing this girl with long orange hair that was different from what he knew, somehow, he also had a little pity in his heart.

Taking a few steps back, Jiang Qi looked at the girl, and then looked at the heroic spirits who surrounded him before.

Palace of the Souls, Cuchulain, Gawain, Diarmud Odina, Panther Man, Arashi, Oda Nobukatsu, Achilles…

Silently remembered these heroic spirits in his mind, he is very vengeful, although he is also guilty in his heart, but being attacked suddenly like this, his heart is definitely uncomfortable

When their strength becomes stronger, then, they will definitely fight one by one, no matter what kind of heroic spirit they are, or Fujimaru Rika’s partner, when the time comes, their own mask area, no one loves, directly into the stealth assassination.

“In short, if there is something, let’s talk about it first” Fujimaru Rika’s words, these heroic spirits will naturally listen, and they also have many questions about Jiang Qi.

Even the Yingling Guard Palace, who provoked this battle, was actually very curious about Jiang Qi’s identity, considering the dark aura that the other party carried, so he directly used the battle to see what this person was like.

Walking into the Chaldean building, Jiang Qi is not particularly strange, after all, he has been to Chaldea in the world of doctors before.

It’s just that, unlike over there, this Chaldean is particularly quiet, and there is no sound of conversation, which gives people a very bad feeling and is extremely quiet.

“Master, is he really [Jiang Qi]?” Yinglingemiya asked directly using the magical link between himself and Fujimaru Rika.

“Whether it’s ability, or character, and… The soul, exactly the same, except that it is not as powerful as it was at the beginning” Fujimaru Tachika walked in front to lead the way, and said to the Spirit Guard.

“I may not be sure before, but since the senior came, I have also determined that he is the senior who disappeared back then, at least, what he looks like after his reincarnation”

Yinglingwei Palace was silent, if this is the case, what he did just now is really too rude, his own royal lord has determined the identity of this boy, then, what can he say.

On the grounds that there was still work to do, the Valinge Palace disappeared, which made some other Yingling very strange.

It wasn’t until the voice of the Yinglingwei Palace suddenly appeared that they understood the situation, their faces became a little ugly, and they left one after another.

Fujimaru Rika shook his head, these guys, they haven’t suffered losses for too long, and they also don’t believe in Jiang Qi’s sudden appearance, which led to this kind of thing.

“I’m sorry for what happened just now, senior” Fujimaru Tachika turned around and looked at Jiang Qi gently.

Although he called him a senior, I don’t know why, Jiang Qi always felt that in the eyes of the other party, he didn’t call himself a senior, a bit like… Sister watching younger brother? Or is it a mother watching her son?

According to age, then it should be the descendants of the old immortals who look at themselves tens of thousands of years later.

“Didn’t… It’s okay, just call me Jiang Qi, I’m better younger than you… Three or four years younger, no need to call senior” Jiang Qi felt a little longing in his heart, so he wanted to change Fujimaru Tachika’s words.

Originally, Jiang Qi wanted to say that he was tens of thousands of years younger than Fujimaru Rika, so he really couldn’t afford it, so he changed,

Because when I said that good, I felt the terrifying power that I could definitely rub my face against the keyboard.

Even if he changed into the posture of a black dragon and had the power of the dimensional perpetual movement mechanism, he would not be able to resist.

“It’s okay, before… Jiang Qi, then…” Fujimaru Rika originally wanted to continue to take Jiang Qi to the conference room, but at the corner, she suddenly saw a girl with long purple hair walking out from there, and immediately directly used her own power to take Jiang Qi and herself back to the room.

After completing this transfer, Jiang Qi did not react, what happened just now, Fujimaru Tachika was slightly relieved, now if the other female servants in the Chaldea know, there will be a riot in Chaldea.

As the head of the Chaldeans, it is necessary to protect this guest from afar, and must not let others hurt him, especially those who are female servants.

Moreover, in other words, Jiang Qi returned here with great difficulty, what if he was scared away all of a sudden?

Jiang Qi can come to this world at will, but he can’t go to Jiang Qi’s world at will.

“Senior, are you in the room? Mr. Hong A said, you brought back a guest, do you need to prepare a room for him? Matthew’s voice came from outside, causing Fujimaru Ritika to narrow her eyes slightly, as if thinking.

After a while, Fujimaru Ritika made a decision, directly under Jiang Qi’s confused eyes, threw him under the bed, and controlled his mouth with Lune’s magic, so that he could not make any sound, and his body could not move.

Subsequently, in order to be on the safe side, Fujimaru Rika quickly set up several multi-layer enchantments, and after tens of thousands of years, even if it was a pig, it was now a crown, let alone her savior.

Matthew pushed the door and walked in, followed by Dissolving Lilith, and as soon as the two pushed the door in, their eyes quickly swept over Fujimaru Tachika’s room.

I saw Fujimaru Rika looking at the two with a smile, one hand behind his back, and made some small measures to prevent accidents.

“Guest, he’s gone back”

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