Man In Konoha: I, Naruto! Completely Screwed Up!

101. The Son Of Prophecy? I Don't Deserve It, Sorry.

"Watch it, Naruto."

"This technique allows you to summon a powerful helper. It is a big toad from Mount Myōboku. The toad Jiansang I summoned yesterday is just one of them."

"However, what kind of helper you can summon depends on yourself."

Jiraiya makes mudras with both hands, but it's just a demonstration.

It is the seal of Summoning.

Naruto actually already knew it.

Rashomon, a total of five levels.

But it shouldn't conflict with Mount Myōboku's Summoning technique.

Naruto tried to seal.

Biting his fingers, he pressed his hands to the ground.

"Summoning Technique!"


Accompanied by a huge burst of white smoke, a big toad suddenly appeared with a pipe in his mouth and a knife in his waist!

"This is........ Toad Bunta?"

A strange color flashed in Jiraiya's eyes.

"The first Summoning can summon this, this kid..."


Gama Fumta landed with a bang, and saw Jiraiya at first glance.

"Jiraiya, call me out, what's the matter?"

The tone was a bit cold and condescending.

It can't be said to be arrogant, but there is always a bit of social attitude.

It's a bit like the boss of the local community 860.

"Yo, long time no see, Toad Bunta."

Jiraiya greeted familiarly, then patted Naruto on the head.

"But it's not me who called you out, but this kid...haha!"

"Do you have a feeling, who does he resemble?"

With the other hand, Jiraiya patted the scroll on the back vaguely.


Toad Bunta lifted the pipe, it understood what Jiraiya meant.

This kid, has he already signed a contract with Mount Myōboku?

Gama Bunta looked at Naruto again.

Just a glance.

It probably recognized it.

"Is this a descendant of the... Fourth Hokage?"

"Yes." Jiraiya waved her hand and turned to leave.

"The rest is up to you, Naruto...I'll be waiting for you at the open-air hot spring three kilometers away, come on."

Naruto was able to summon Toad Bunta, which was unexpected by Jiraiya.

This kid's talent is better than expected.

He looks exactly like his dad, with that world-weary face... Forget it, wait until he turns 18.

When (bbbf) arrives, send him a coming-of-age gift signed by the immortal himself, hehe..

Jiraiya is gone.

Naruto raised his head, and looked at Bunta Toad.

I have to say, this guy is huge.

But at most, it can be regarded as a medium auxiliary combat power.

The fighting effect in the early stage is good, and at the highlight moment, he can also fight against Nine Tails twice.

but in the middle and late

Even Payne couldn't hold back.

Naruto glanced at the distant Jiraiya.

"Don't look at it, if you want to get my approval, no one else can help you."

Hamo Wentai took a puff of cigarette and said lightly.

"Find a way to stand on me, as long as I can persist for a day, I..."

"Sorry, I can't do that."

Naruto shook his head decisively.

Too much trouble.

Not to mention that what he lacks most now is strength.

I didn't intend to be tough with Madara and Kaguya, what do you need so much strength for?

If you spend so much effort on a toad, wouldn't it be nice to take a bath?

Apart from other things, Jiraiya is quite good at choosing a bathhouse.

Yesterday Naruto took a bath for the first time.

After a set of procedures, it's a bit cool.

It's kind of addicting.

In the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, bathhouses are essential.


Toad Wentai was a little surprised, "Little ghost, did I hear wrong?"

"You just said... you can't do it?"

Naruto nods.

"Yes, I can't do it, give up."

"Change it."

As he said that, he made seals with his hands again and pressed them to the ground suddenly.

This time, Naruto increased the Chakra.

Toads appeared one after another!

There are only two large toads, namely Deep Purple's Toad Guang and Green's Toad Jian.

One has both offense and defense, and the other is good at swordsmanship.

In addition, many small toads appeared on the three big toads.

Toad Zhong, Iron Arm Toad, etc. The toads that have been summoned in Jiraiya anime have also been summoned by Naruto.

There is a contract with Mount Myōboku.

As long as there is enough Chakra, it can be summoned.

But if you want to accurately summon a certain toad, you must be familiar with their Chakra breath.

Naruto looked at the group of toads in front of him, and began to choose his so-called "companions".

"Little Jiraiya is in trouble again, why did you call us all in one breath?"

At this moment, on Toad Bunta's head, two old Toad Sages suddenly spoke.

"No, the child's father. That doesn't seem to be little Jiraiya, little Minato? It's not..."

"It's a descendant of Fourth Hokage, who just signed a contract with Jiraiya." Gama Fumta added respectfully in a much softer voice.

"So it's the child of the Fourth Generation and little Kushina..." The immortal's eyes flashed.

Little Jiraiya, have you found the Son of Prophecy?

"What about...little Jiraiya? Why didn't you see him?"

"Jiraiya originally planned to let this kid make a contract with me, so he left early, but this kid......"

Toad Wentai didn't know what to say.

Obviously have such a huge Chakra, but are unwilling to complete the test?

It's not the same character as Jiraiya and Fourth Generation...

Naruto looked around.

To be honest, I always feel that neither one is necessary.

Especially Toad Bunta.

Pulling, feeling will be very troublesome.

It's better to choose a personality that is more suitable.

It is enough to support the scene in the early stage, just play support.

Naruto finally looked at Gama Ken.

It is the one that Jiraiya filled with fried fish yesterday.

Both offensive and defensive, calm personality.

Should be a nice toad to get along with.

At least not troublesome.

"Son, come closer, I'll take a good look at you.

At this time, Fukasaku Senjin waved to Naruto.

It wants to see what the Son of Prophecy that Jiraiya is looking for looks like.

But Naruto was unmoved.

He really doesn't want to have too much contact with Mount Myōboku...

Son of Prophecy?

I don't deserve it, sorry.

Save the world or something, leave it to Konohamaru.

He is the grandson of the Third Generation, a group who can throw small stones accurately.

"Sorry, not enough Chakra."

Naruto snapped his fingers, and all the toads disappeared on the spot, leaving only a confused toad Jian.

"In the future, please give me more advice, Hato Jiansang."

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