"This is..…………

"Quick! Return to the aid base!"

A root team that was performing a mission suddenly stopped.

Looking at the unique signal eagle in the air, without hesitation, he turned around and rushed to the root.

Compared to Anbu.

Most of the tasks performed by Root are within the territory of the Fire Country.

Eliminate rebellion, obtain intelligence, and monitor Konoha.

This is the responsibility of the root.

The roots that go out can't come back, but there are many roots that perform tasks in Konoha.

After the three Roots found the Signal Eagle, they immediately headed for the Roots base.

The figures of the three kept jumping.

But suddenly, a kid with Konoha's forehead protector jumped out from a corner.

The root looked cold.

Without dodging, he kicked directly.


The kid screamed and fell out.

The three roots ignored it and continued to move forward.

But the root didn't find it...

On his ninja bag, 11 has branded a spell.

The content is not much, but it is extremely complicated.

And it disappeared quickly.

The three roots soon came to one of the entrances of the root base.

It's a barber shop.

The two entered through the back door, came to the boss' bedroom, and moved the bed away.

Below, there is an entrance to a secret passage.

One root lit a luminous stick, and the three jumped down.

Along the secret road, I walked about five or six hundred meters.

Everything suddenly became clear.

Intricate iron bridges support this underground world.

At both ends of each iron bridge, roots with masks appeared one after another.

A man named Genbu jumped off the iron bridge, formed a neat square formation, and knelt down on one knee facing one direction.

The three roots looked at each other, and immediately jumped down one after another.


Just at the moment when the third root was about to jump off.


Minato suddenly appeared and slit the man's throat with lightning speed.

One hand was on the wound, and the other was on the mouth.

The root just died like this, and he didn't even utter a scream before he died.

Even the smell of blood was completely concealed.

Minato raised his fingers.

This unlucky guy with roots was embedded in the wall just like that.

And Minato is a Transformation Technique, followed by it.

The whole process takes less than three seconds.

After the two roots fell to the ground, nothing unusual was even found.

Minato followed silently.

Along the way, I watched the six roads and listened to all directions, observing the movements of all the roots.

The first two roots found the team's position.

After Minato followed, he silently knelt down on one knee and waited.

About a minute passed.




Accompanied by a regular rhythmic knocking sound.

All the root personnel held their breath to a minimum almost at the same time.

Minato never looked up.

But judging by his breath, he already knew who was coming.


Shimura Danzō, the root chief.

Danzo came to the assembled roots and stood still, glancing around with cold eyes.

When seeing Minato's Transformation Technique in disguise, he didn't stop.

Apparently, nothing was found.

Danzo just stood there quietly.

No words were spoken, and no orders were given.

Until two roots suddenly appeared and whispered something to Danzo.

"Anbu didn't find the result." Danzo frowned.

"Yes...but what is certain is that the person hasn't left yet, and if there is no accident, he has already mixed into Konoha."

Hearing this, Danzo's one-eyed suddenly turned cold.

No one knew what he was thinking.

"It's also possible that they sneaked into other countries' missions." Danzo said in a deep voice.

"It's also possible that Anbu has gotten into it, even the roots.

Danzo's cold eyes looked around all the members again.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped on a root.

Danzo immediately raised his fingers.

The next second, the root suddenly let out a muffled groan, and then fell to the ground with a "bang".

The so-called "root" person has no name and no emotion. There is no past and no future.

There is only a mission in my heart, and what supports the big tree of Konoha Village behind it is the will of the "root" deeply rooted in the earth.

Every single root is handpicked by Danzo.

The selected objects all have certain special talents and have certain darkness in their hearts.

This ensures the strength of the roots.

With brutal training, most roots are capable of approaching the strength of a special Jōnin.

Stand out, and even reach Jōnin strength.

And in order to control his subordinates.

Danzo planted a spell on everyone.

Similar to the Caged Bird of the Hyuga family, the control is in the hands of Danzo.

As long as Danzo is willing, a thought can make life worse than death for all the roots in front of him.

Danzo's eyes continued to wander, and soon locked on to the next one.

When the curse seal was activated, the root immediately let out a muffled groan.

Danzo, who got the feedback, was not relieved.

If you can use time and space ninjutsu to break through the barrier of Konoha, you can enter the root.

Danzo's gaze continued to wander.

And this time...

He, looked at Minato.

Minato felt the gaze immediately.

But he didn't feel too much panic in his heart.


The roots that should come back have all come back.

A total of one hundred and seventeen people.

Among them, no more than eight people approached and reached Jōnin. 927

There were two standing next to Danzo.

The remaining six people also control Danzo's surroundings.

The corner of Minato's mouth hooked slightly.

That's easy to handle...


Danzo mobilized Chakra, but did not perceive the existence of the curse seal.

Sure enough, it's already mixed in...

Not a little courageous.

He nodded slightly.


next second.

Anbu, the one closest to Danzo, went straight to Minato!

This root is fast.

Not so fast, being able to follow Danzo's side shows the strength of Madara.

But the speed aspect.

After Minato died twelve years ago.

No one can inherit the title of "No. 1 Speed ​​in the Ninja World"

And now.

Minato, back.


In an instant, Minato's figure flickered.

The man slashed at the root, but when he landed, his eyes suddenly widened.

Minato removes Transformation Technique.

To be precise, the Transformation Technique of the mask man is used to replace the previous roots.

And the kunai in his hand has already been inserted into the root's chest

"Be safe."

"Elder Danzo."

Minato's voice was so cold.

In the scarlet right eye, three hook jades slowly rotated.

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