Itachi and Kisame walked silently on the streets of Konoha.

Familiar yet unfamiliar.

The mission assigned by Akatsuki this time is to capture Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

Before that, Three Tails had already been captured.

He gained the trust of Akatsuki organization.


Third Generation is dead.

Before the Third Generation, Danzo was also assassinated.

Only these two know about him being a spy of the Xiao organization.

Itachi is a little worried now.

Is it safe for Sasuke to stay in Konoha?

Itachi was also very confused.

The Fourth Generation left consciousness in Nine Tails Jinchūriki before dying in battle.

That now.

Nine Tails Jinchūriki with the consciousness of the Fourth Generation. Enemy, or friend?

If I tell Lord Fourth Hokage everything.

Will he... believe it?

Will you be willing to protect Sasuke?

Back then, he made a deal with Elder Danzo and Third Hokage.

Slaughtered the entire Uchiha, bearing the name of traitorous ninja, defected to Zhixiao, and carried out spy missions.

Such him...

Lord Fourth Hokage... Do you understand?

Itachi doesn't know.

But he has to try.

For Sasuke.

Also for Konoha.

"Returning to his hometown, Mr. Itachi must have a lot of emotion."

Kisame sighed softly at the side, "We are all abandoned people, if possible, who would like to leave their homes."

Itachi was silent.

He was used to hiding everything under a cold expression, in a scarlet Sharingan.

Fortunately, Kisame is also used to this kind of one-man show.

He continued: "I'm really tired after traveling all the way...Mr. Itachi, is there any delicious place you can recommend? Your treat."

.......Can. "

Back to Konoha.

Back to his beloved village.

Although Itachi is not in the mood to miss it.

He has been prepared to be unaccepted for the rest of his life;

Prepare to use your life to open eyes for Sasuke.

But I am still willing to go up and down.

Came to a meatball shop.

There are many more shops like this one.

Business seems a bit calmer today.

Itachi and Kisame found a place to sit down.

I ordered two skewers of meatballs and two cups of hot tea.

And at the same time.

Naruto stands on Hokage Rock.

Look far away.

"I got it, I don't like Chakra~~.

Kushina frowned.

She personally has no prejudice against Uchiha.

Back then, she and Uchiha Mikoto, the wife of the Uchiha clan chief, were still good friends.

It can be accompanied by a deeper and deeper control over the Nine Tails Chakra.

The consciousness of Nine Tails has an increasingly obvious influence on Kushina.

If it's true that Kushina's soul comes, maybe Nine Tails can't do anything.

But today's Kushina, after all, is just a Chakra consciousness that stays in Naruto's body.

What Nine Tails hated gradually became what she didn't like.

For example, Itachi's Sharingan.

But Naruto is clearly an exception.

"It's true...but it's not that guy. Although they are all Sharingan, this Chakra is colder than that guy."

Minato commented.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Judging from the performance of the two pillars after being beaten:

The colder the Chakra of the Uchiha family, the stronger the power.

So it means that Tuzige is weaker than Itachi?

Naruto understood.

Compared to the pain of losing a loved one.

Itachi wiped out the whole family with his own hands, obviously suffering above Obito.

Obito was designed by Uchiha Madara, who has been doing MLM for 18 years.

And Itachi...

As Fugaku said before he died.

Compared with their pain, the Itachi who was tortured by the nightmare for eternity is obviously more miserable.

"Are you going to meet him?"

Naruto looked up.

Distinguished Heavenly Gods, only the weasel one remains.

Even if you don't go to fight against Xiao organization for the time being.

It's also good to kill the second Distinguished Heavenly Gods first.

"Their target should be you, Naruto."

Minato put his arms around his chest and said with interest.

"Wait for them to come to the door by themselves, this is Konoha after all, huh? Kakashi is here too.

at this time.

Kakashi has already walked to the door of the meatball shop at this moment.

The situation in the seventh class is a bit complicated.

Although the Chūnin assessment was interrupted, the senior management seems to agree that both of his students have the strength of Chūnin.

However, the specific situation has not yet been determined.

Recently, there have been too many things going on in the village.

As an Elite Jōnin, Kakashi has a lot of responsibilities to bear.

one of them.

It is to prevent those who have any evil plans from sneaking into Konoha.

"...Boss, bring me two skewers of meatballs."

"Okay guest!"

The boss quickly skewered two strings of meatballs and handed them over to Kakashi.

Kakashi took the ball, and at the same time glanced at the person behind him seemingly inadvertently.

It looks suspicious at first glance.

Been with both of them.

There is a high probability that it is a ninja from the enemy village.

I just don't know which village it is from.

"Yo! Kakashi, take a break from your busy schedule."

At this time, Kurenai Yuhi and Sarutobi Asuma walked over side by side.

"Yeah, yeah, let's relax a little bit."

Kakashi gestured to the two with his eyes.

Available at the same time.

He saw Guy standing upside down not far away.

Behind him is Xiao Li, the only one who is willing to practice like Guy

Watermelon head master and apprentice attracted the attention of many people, some were shocked, some laughed.

But the two are obviously used to it.

When they came to the door of the meatball shop, the two stopped.

Guy showed his big White Fang, and stood up (Zhao's good).

"It seems everything is destined, Kakashi."

Are you ready!?"

"Have a long-lost...huh?"

Guy said half.

Suddenly, they found the two behind Kakashi and left with super high Body Flicker Technique.

"It's fast?" Guy asked in surprise.

Kakashi looked at Guy speechlessly.

"Guy, you scared them away..."

Asuma and Hong looked at each other.


The figures of the two disappeared immediately.

And at the same time.

Naruto also silently stood up from the Hokage Rock.

"It seems that we have also been discovered."

Naruto stared at the two rapidly approaching figures, and said indifferently.

"Very good!" Kushina geared up.

"Son, just try the brand new Tailed Beast mode after the seal is lifted."

"Smash 'em!".

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