Man In Konoha: I, Naruto! Completely Screwed Up!

147. Kakashi: One Last Lesson For You, Sasuke!

that night.

Just after Sasuke left Konoha with Otoyin and the others.

Jiraiya and Naruto are also ready to go.

Naruto didn't mention plastic bags this time.

Instead, like Jiraiya, ~ carries a large scroll on its back.

Plus a fishing rod, and a day backpack.

This is what Kushina had early-prepared for him.

Inside the backpack are some clothes, food, daily necessities, and a lot of cash.

A child with a mother is a treasure.

Naruto's outfit adds up to the sum of his living expenses for 6 years, and it has to be multiplied hundreds of times.

Naruto came to the gate of Konoha Village.

Besides Jiraiya, Kakashi is also here.

Seeing Naruto coming, he immediately looked helpless.

" are really calm, Naruto."

"Really don't plan to take care of Sasuke?"

As soon as Sasuke left the village, Sleepy Leaf Barrier received the information.

The Xuanjian team went to pursue it immediately, and Kakashi also received the news immediately.

But when Kakashi found Jiraiya, he found that Jiraiya was ready to leave.

Also brought Naruto.


These two guys also watched Sasuke leave the whole time.

It's outrageous.

"The point is, it's useless to catch him now, Mr. Kakashi."

Naruto spread his arms while supporting his dead fish eyes.

"I can bring him back from his big brother, and I can bring him back from those four guys.

"But here's the difference..."

Naruto hesitated to speak.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes too.


Bringing back Sasuke from Itachi is saving his companions.

Can bring back the traitorous Sasuke from the enemy

That greeted Sasuke, only judgment.

#2.09 …

"In short, Sasuke has not yet been classified as a traitor... Aside from his subjective will, objectively, he is a kidnapped Konoha Shinobi."

Kakashi spread his hands.

"Until he reaches Orochimaru, there is no room for change in affection.

"Naruto... I'll ask you one last time."

Kakashi looked serious.

"Are you sure...not going to bring Sasuke back?"

"If you don't go, I, as the instructor Jōnin of the seventh class, can..."

"If he goes, Sasuke probably won't want to come back, Kakashi." Jiraiya said at the right time.

Kakashi was taken aback.

"What do you want Naruto to do? Knock out Sasuke and bring him back?"

"If this was useful..... At that time, the old man would not have allowed Orochimaru to defect."

Kakashi looked at Jiraiya with some surprise.

"From your standpoint, would Mairan say such things..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Kakashi."

Naruto waved his hand and yawned.

"I left the mark of Flying Thunder God on that kid, and I can find him in minutes."

Naruto glanced at Jiraiya, "When the time comes, I will bring Sasuke back, and Master Jiraiya will bring Orochimaru back."

"That's our plan."

Jiraiya also smiled, "If you want to go, go quickly...... I. Naruto and I don't chase after you, your guide Jōnin must feel good about it."

"Otherwise, Orochimaru might notice something."

Kakashi was stunned for a long time.

"That's okay, the Fifth Hokage candidate is more important than Sasuke."

After all, Kakashi let out a sigh of relief, then formed mudras with both hands and disappeared in place.

He's already gone...

Just to make sure Naruto and Jiraiya know.

Since you have a plan, that's the best.

Then he probably knows what to do...


Kakashi's eyes flashed as he received the feedback from Shadow Clone.

"I see…………"

"Then I, as your teacher, will give you one last lesson, Sasuke."

Kakashi thought to himself, and then quickened his pace.

"What's the matter, Inkasi?"

Guy next to him followed Kakashi's pace closely, noticed Kakashi's abnormality, and asked.

The Xuanjian team was defeated.

ask for flowers...

But there are not many ninjas in the village who can spare their hands.

Let alone Jōnin.

So this shot must be done quickly. Except for Kakashi, only Guy can do it.

"'s okay, I just received a mission."

Kakashi glanced at Guy, "Wait a minute... Guy, leave Sasuke to me, and leave the rest alone."

"Oh, no problem."

Guy grinned.

It's been a long time since I went on a mission with Kakashi.

The enemy this time, I don't know how good they are!

Kakashi and Guy ran all the way.

In front, is Ninja Dog Parker who is also running.

Suddenly, Parker stopped and sniffed the air.

"There's a lot of enemy crossing scents here, they've stayed here."

"Should have set a trap, Kakashi."

Kakashi silently revealed Sharingan.

"In this case... Guy, come behind me."

Konoha's two Elite Jōnin were dispatched together, obviously much more professional than the Shikamaru team in the anime.

The speed of the two did not slow down.

Kakashi moved ahead cautiously but not at a slow pace.

Guy followed Kakashi closely.

The two of them passed through the forest densely covered with traps, and basically didn't spend much time in the process.

Ninja Parker, who was lying on top of Kakashi's head, sniffed the air.

"There is a very strong smell ahead, but the other three are weak... Be careful, Kakashi.

Kakashi's eyes flashed.

"It should be the guy for the queen..."

Kakashi stopped and looked ahead.

Jirōbō has been waiting for a long time.

Fought against Sasuke in Konoha, and just dealt with three Konoha Jōnin.

Yin Yin and the others had to stop to rest.

But Konoha is clearly in pursuit.

In this case, Jirōbō could only be left behind.

"Sorry, this way doesn't work."

Jirōbō stood up, the mantra swam across his body.

Kakashi glanced at Guy.

"Only one, let's go together...the old rules."

"No problem Bu!".

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