"Here they come."

Payne sits firmly on the high tower, and the rain and tiger's freedom technique gives Kushina's Chakra a very clear feedback.

"Is it Nine Tails Jinchūriki?" Konan asked coldly, "It's here, faster than expected."

"Not quite."

Nagato shook his head, "Has a strong tail beast Chakra, but a woman."

"Woman?" Konan frowned.

"This doesn't match the information... Is it the other tailed beast Jinchūriki who came here?"

Nine Tails Jinchūriki will arrive in the Land of Rain recently, this is the information provided by Uchiha Madara.

This person is not trustworthy, but the information of this person has not made any mistakes so far.

"Go and try it out."

"I... get ready too."

Nagato closed his eyes.

Chakra spread out through the console and connected to Six Paths Payne's dormant chamber.

Nine Tails Jinchūriki is not an easy person.

Even he needs enough preparation.

"I see."

Konan responded lightly, his body turned into pieces of paper and disappeared.

Two minutes later.

Kushina stopped suddenly.

"Coming. 11"

In the perception, the breath of the sun is approaching rapidly.

"Is there only one person here... It seems that we have been discovered long ago."

Minato said in a deep voice.

"Then it's up to you."

Kushina moved Chakra slowly, his eyes gradually turned cold.

"It should be just to test the situation, and I will do it when I meet the right owner."

......…OK. "

Minato takes over body control.

Transformation Technique is still the image of Kushina, but now it is Minato who is acting.

Minato's image, too obvious.

This is also a tactic.

Confuse the enemy, let the battle have a sense of hierarchy and rhythm.

It doesn't take a moment.

Sheets of paper fell in front of Minato.

Converging into Konan's body, with paper wings.

"Who are you?"

"Why step into the territory of the Kingdom of Rain?"

Konan floats in mid-air with an indifferent expression, holy and noble.

"Without Rinnegan...."

Minato narrowed his eyes while making mudras with his hands.

No need for indifferent probing.

The enemy came with killing intent and malice.

Unnecessary probing, just a waste of time.

“Wind Style·Great Breakthrough!”

Minato raised his hand and was a C-level Wind Style, the wind howled towards Konan!

"Ignorant intruder."

Konan faced the strong wind, but there was no fear in his eyes.

It didn't even mean to dodge.

The wings snapped, and a gust of air hit Minato's Wind Style.

The strong winds collide with each other and cancel each other out.

At the same time, the sheets of paper behind Konan have condensed into shurikens, spinning continuously.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The paper shuriken slammed at Minato.

"That's the detonator, dodge!"

Kushina discovered the paper shuriken trap for the first time.

During lasing, the center has started to burn.

Apparently, it's a shuriken disguised with a detonator!

Minato didn't hesitate, and stepped out one after another in an instant, opening the distance.



Explosions sounded one after another.

The detonating talisman shuriken exploded, and the flames covered the place where Minato was just now.

"Ah... rats in the gutter."

Konan looked at the red-haired woman who was dodging non-stop, and the explosive shuriken was ready.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The detonating talisman shuriken is covered and shot.

Minato's pupils shrank, and he dodged one after another!


Explosions sounded one after another.

Minato tossed and turned, seemingly embarrassed, but left many marks of Flying Thunder God around him.

"It's not good, Kushina........ I left too quickly, I didn't bring many ninja tools."


Minato kept switching body shapes.

Konan's detonating rune shuriken covered bombing, so that he had no chance of melee.

Even if his speed has been maintained at the speed of shuriken shooting.

But if things go on like this, they will still suffer.

"Think about it yourself, the guy behind this woman hasn't appeared yet, so I can't make a move.

Kushina said disdainfully.

"Hey." Minato laughed.

So let's do something a little bit better...

Minato took out a handful of kunai.

This is his only Kunai bearing the Flying Thunder God sigil.

I left in such a hurry that I only took this.

But to deal with an enemy who can only use the detonating talisman shuriken... that's enough.


Flying Thunder God Kunai shoots Konan.

Rasengan is condensed in Minato's hands.

Konan frowned.

"Small tricks."

Raising his hand, Tian Laifa shot the paper shuriken directly at Minato.

At the same time, two more shuriken shots were fired at Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai.

"Is it."

The corner of Minato's mouth hooked slightly.

Flying Thunder God, launch!

In the next moment, Minato has come to the side of Flying Thunder God Kunai.

But he didn't stop there, but stepped on the Flying Thunder God Kunai, instantly activated, and went straight to Konan!

"So fast!"

Konan's pupils shrank, and he controlled the wings to wrap his body.

And the next second.



Blue's Chakra ball hit Konan's wings, with a huge impact, 600 directly shattered Konan's body!


"It's over, intruder."

Konan's voice was neither happy nor sad, and there was no panic in his eyes just now.

I saw sheets of paper burning, surrounding Minato.

Konan, with only his upper body left, kept floating backwards, but raised his fingers.



Tens of thousands of detonating symbols exploded at the same time!

This tactic was originally prepared for Uchiha Madara.

Pretend to let Uchiha Madara get close, and then activate the detonator hidden in the body.

But Konan dropped that tactic two years ago.

The reason is that she doesn't know how long Uchiha Madara was "invincible".

So she negotiated with Nagato to let Dila, who is not rebellious, join the Akatsuki organization.

The purpose is to try out the limit of Uchiha Madara one day.

but now..…….

It is just right for this woman who has the same hair color as Nagato.

"It is indeed over."


Konan's pupils shrank.

That figure had come to her side without knowing when.

In his hand, he was holding a detonating talisman wrapped in Chakra!

"Even you, can't bear your own attack?"



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