After a short trial.

The Third Generation project started his big package push of the will of fire.

It's still the set of ninja school textbooks.

Talking about how difficult it was for them back then, the village was full of waste, surrounded by powerful enemies outside the village.

Naruto was encouraged again.

You must study hard, they didn't learn it back then, they all relied on fighting on the battlefield to learn experience.

Naruto listened honestly.

On the one hand, he secretly kept an eye on the time.

Finally, at exactly eight o'clock...

Naruto gave up.

Third Generation is still talking about it.

I'm afraid I won't be able to catch the last bus for tonight's check-in.

This process lasted until half past eight.

Maybe it's because Third Generation is getting older and lacks energy, or maybe it's because so many people are thirsty.

Third Generation finally got up.

"Alright, Naruto, it's getting late, so I'll be leaving first."

Third Generation walked towards the door, "Remember, don't waste money... You will learn the three prohibitions next semester. That is the basic principle of ninjas."

Naruto nodded honestly.

However, just when he thought that the Third Generation project was going to leave.

I saw Third Generation suddenly stop and look at him.

this moment.

Naruto was startled.

Is it because he was acting too outrageous when he fought Guy?

Or was his reaction just now too calm?

Third Generation's paranoia, won't make it again!

"Almost forgot, Naruto."

Third Generation turned to look at Naruto with a kind smile on his face.

"In two days, it will be your birthday."

"Is there anything you want this year?"

"As long as it's not too much, I can try to satisfy you as much as possible..."

Naruto was taken aback after hearing this.

Soon, he was relieved.

I thought about it carefully.

Do you want something...

Don't say it, there really is.

And not a lot.

"Really...really? Grandpa Third Generation?" Naruto asked.

"Of course." Third Generation smiled.

After talking tonight, Third Generation may already know the reason for Naruto's change.

Indeed, he should have thought too much.

The kid seemed indifferent to everything.

But he was able to listen patiently to what he had been talking about for so long.

If it is maliciously guided by someone with a heart, then at the very least, it will show some resistance.

It's just a kid.

No matter how early the mind develops, it is still only six years old.

If you have a rebellious mind, you can't hide it...

Wasn't his son Asuma like that back then?

If he refuses to talk, any instruction will be long-winded in his ears, and he can't wait to not listen to a word.

The child has been spoiled by his mother since childhood.

It was not until the death of his mother Lake Biwa that he finally woke up.

Volunteering to go to the Land of Fire to serve as a guardian ninja, it can be regarded as promising.

But Naruto is different.

The harsh environment since childhood, coupled with his guidance.

Although this child is still young, his mental development has gradually matured.

Among other things, at least she is very independent and able to take good care of herself.

As for being listless all day...

Perhaps, it is because of the loss in my heart.

This is unavoidable.

But the problem is not big, and the days to come will be long.

"What gift do you want, you can just say it, Naruto."

"Take it as your gift for the beginning of school... Remember to study hard in the future and don't let Iruka worry about it."

Naruto froze for a moment.

Since you said so...

Then, I'm not polite?

"I want some money, Grandpa Third Generation."

Naruto lifted his vest.

"Autumn is here, winter is coming, it's time to lick clothes."

"And I found out that last year's clothes can't fit anymore... I want to buy some clothes to wear."

Very simple request, this child has indeed grown up a lot.

Whether mental or developmental.

"Yes..." Third Generation nodded, and was about to take money out of his pocket, "I..."

"I also want to change two pairs of shoes, they are too small...and Mr. Guy made us run all day, this pair is about to break."

Naruto pointed to the small broken shoes in the room again.

Third Generation glanced at him and nodded again.

"Okay, what else, Naruto."

"If I can, I'd like to change the's all torn."

Third Generation stared blankly.

"Also, the house needs to be repaired, the window can't be closed all the time, and the faucet keeps shutting off the water."

"It still makes strange noises at night, as if someone is running on the roof."

Naruto gushed.

"Some time ago I always felt that someone was staring at me, which made me sleep badly at night."

"When I dozed off in class, Teacher Iruka would scold me."

Naruto sighed.

I also experienced the thrill of performing with a paralyzed face.

In fact, what Naruto said, the system can be bought.

Clothes and pants, quilts and shoes, all have systems.

Naruto felt it all the time.

Aside from those sky-high prices, the living area of ​​the system mall is the most suitable for him.

Daily necessities, household furniture, clothing and shoes, fast food and bento.

In addition to not selling a house, everything has.

But Naruto must not dare to ask for another house.

He was afraid that Third Generation would just pat his ass and leave, and on his birthday, he would give him another Will of Fire book.

"Is that so..."

Third Generation frowned.

Naruto's request is not too much, it sounds like a lot, but in fact it doesn't cost a few dollars at all.

At most it is a bounty for a C-level mission.

But the Third Generation project does not care about these.

Some time ago...

Was it after the old man withdrew Anbu?


There are still people in the village, watching Naruto's.

Third Generation had a faint decision in mind.

"No problem, what you said will be delivered in two days."


Third Generation readily agreed to Naruto's request for a birthday present.

Naruto also bowed decisively, "Thank you very much, Grandpa Third Generation."

Third Generation raised his eyebrows, turned and left without stopping.

He has roughly adapted to the current Naruto.

No longer mischievous, but the spirit of eccentricity is still there.

I've been listless all day long, but in fact I'm very talented and I'm working hard silently.

It seems that it is somewhat similar to Kakashi?

Thinking of Kakashi, Third Generation couldn't help but sigh.

The current Kakashi, before coming out of the darkness, is still not suitable for touching Naruto.

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