Man In Konoha: I, Naruto! Completely Screwed Up!

39. Konoha, No Need For A Second Gold Flash

In the evening, the Hokage building.

"Sasuke is still talented, but his personality problem will be bigger, which was also caused by the incident that year..."

"Little Sakura may have a little low self-esteem, but overall it's qualified."

"Better than I expected."

Kakashi simply reported.

The Third Generation lit the bong, skillfully.



"What about Naruto?"

"That kid's personality is similar to yours. You two should have something in common, right?"

Mentioning Naruto, Kakashi instantly thought of that dead fish-like face.

His expression suddenly became awkward.

"It's because my personality is similar to mine, so it's more difficult to deal with..."

Kakashi smirked, then his expression gradually became serious.

"Master Third Generation, I would like to apply for... a ninjutsu test on Naruto."

The smoking Third Generation paused.


The ninjutsu test does not refer to the assessment of a ninja's mastery of ninjutsu.

Instead, it is to test what ninjutsu is suitable for a Genin to learn.

Instructing Jōnin will test the Chakra properties in the students through the Chakra test strips.

And judge according to character and talent.

After finally deciding what kind of ninja the student will learn, he needs to report to Hokage.

Of course, low-level ninjutsu does not need to be reported.

Some C-level ninjutsu and ninjutsu above C-level need to be reported.

Third Generation's eyes were slightly surprised.

Since Kakashi has proposed it, he obviously has an idea.

"You have high hopes for Naruto, Kakashi..."

Just graduated, just passed the Genin assessment, ready to teach that kid ninjutsu?

It seems that Kakashi is really optimistic about this kid.

You must know that the students he brought in the past few years were all directly ordered to return to school.

"That's true, Lord Third Generation."

Kakashi said sternly, "Although a person like me has no right to expect anything from others, Naruto's talent is indeed the best in the seventh class."

"Even Sasuke, who has that kind of blood, is still... much worse than Naruto."

Kakashi remembered the performance of the two.

Indeed, not even a star and a half.

Naruto doesn't show much though.

But from discovering his position at the beginning, to what seemed to be a mistake afterwards, it was actually a tactical operation in disguise.

no matter from which angle.

They are better than Sasuke who rushed up directly, even with killing intent.

And the last and most important assessment.

Kakashi could hear the words that Sasuke almost blurted out...

If you change it to the previous one.

No matter how excellent this child is, it is absolutely impossible for him to become his student.

"According to my observation, his basic ninjutsu is very solid, and his taijutsu is beyond Genin's standard."

"So I applied. After the regular Chakra manipulation training, he can learn ninjutsu in stages."

"Please approve, Lord Third Generation."

Kakashi half-bowed solemnly.

Third Generation stared at Kakashi for a long time.

Putting down the bong, he picked it up again.

"You are their guide, Jōnin, if you think it's appropriate, then go ahead and teach."

"That's your teacher's son after all, I believe you... Kakashi."

"Ninjutsu below B level, you can teach it as you like."

Third Generation took a deep breath.

Kakashi bowed again.

"Thank you so much, Third Generation."

"Then...see you tomorrow."



Kakashi disappeared.

Third Generation looked at the photo hanging on the wall.

Students who can be recognized by Kakashi must be extremely talented.


That was the case with Minato back then.

He still remembers to this day...

It is probably Naruto's current age, how Excellent is that ninja school student who rescued Kushina all by himself.

Third Generation has always been proud of the decisions they made back then.

Give the teacher Flying Thunder God to Minato at that time.

That led directly to a generation of Gold flashes afterwards.

Unfortunately, after Minato's death, the improvement of Flying Thunder God also stalled.

Third Generation took a breath.

Naruto, well inherited his father's talent.


Let's start with low-level ninjutsu.

For Naruto, there is nothing wrong with inheriting his father's ninjutsu.

But for the Jinchūriki of Konoha...

It does not need.

It is enough to start from low-level ninjutsu to understand Chakra.

Cloud Shinobi's perfect Jinchūriki is the way Naruto should go.

Today's Konoha doesn't need a second Gold sparkle.

It is a Jinchūriki who can control Nine Tails.

One, the Jinchūriki who serve Konoha...

Third Generation continues to smoke.

After a while of puffing, the entire office was filled with smoke.


The next day, at 8:15 in the morning.

Naruto was not late this time, because the check-in just happened to be completed.

But Kakashi was still late.

They have to enter the Hokage building to claim the bounty task.

Hokage Building, the logo of Konoha.

But Naruto rarely comes to this place.

Except for Hokage Rock, the check-in takes four hours.

Naruto has no excuse to stay here... Anbu's a lot, he's just lying at the gate and has to be kicked out.

And since there is the ultimate check-in position like Hokage Rock, he didn't struggle.

At eleven fifty, Kakashi finally showed up.

"Oh, why did you come here so early, didn't you agree to gather at 12 o'clock?"

"It seems that you are all very punctual people like me..."

"..." Sasuke and little Sakura couldn't complain anymore.

Naruto was looking forward to it.

From 8:15 to now, the check-in time is almost here.

It was the first time in my life to sign in at the Hokage building.

Not to mention, I'm really looking forward to it.

Follow Kakashi all the way inside.

Other newly graduated Genin will be a little nervous and curious when they come to the Hokage building for the first time.

But the seventh class had little Sakura, and the reaction was different.

Sasuke grimaced.

Uchiha is also a part of Konoha, but the high-level people sitting here let the Itachi slaughter the whole family.


The task of killing that man must be done by him!

Well, it's already showing signs of rebellion.

Naruto walked forward with his head in his pocket, looking as if he was too nervous to look up.

But in fact, he didn't dare to meet Anbu's eyes...

Every Anbu here, he seems to be able to remember the breath.

After all, the task of monitoring the Nine Tails Jinchūriki has always been in shifts.

It is also to prevent feelings for Jinchūriki.

You can't hide the eyes of someone you know.

Naruto didn't think that his acting skills had been honed to this point.

It's better to be steady.

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