Man In Konoha: I, Naruto! Completely Screwed Up!

55. Don't Cut The Road Again

Kakashi was careless after all.

I thought that after Sasuke rushed to the street, Kakashi might perform supernormally.

But I didn't expect it to be the same ending.

Naruto stood up silently, flexing his shoulders.

Just right.

Take no more chops and practice your hands.

Upgrading to the Kage-level template requires killing 10 Jōnin and a Kage-level.

The Third Generation must belong to Orochimaru, he doesn't eat Ghoul Reincarnation.

If you have 10 Jōnin, before you know the specific situation, you should prepare early.

"Look, Sasuke."

Naruto did not forget to stimulate Erzhuzi.

"Don't blink."

Naruto started walking towards Zabucho.

To be precise, it is the water body that will never be cut again.

Kakashi is trapped in the water prison, and the main body of Zabuchi needs to maintain Chakra.

"You were lying on the ground not daring to move just now, have you finally mustered up your courage now?"

No more chopping his head and tilting his head, his eyes were playful.

Immediately, he directly raised the beheading sword and went straight to Naruto!

"not good!"

Kakashi in the water prison is extremely anxious. Although he is only a water body, he must have the strength above Chūnin.

With the current Naruto...

Naruto narrowed his eyes.


No more chopping actions.

The state of watching the battle is really different from the state of fighting.

In Naruto's eyes, there are flaws in Naruto's eyes.

The neck, heart, kidneys, thighs, and abdomen are all fatal flaws.

Naruto even felt that throwing a shuriken at random would end the battle.

"Although it's just a body of water, does such a person really deserve to be called Jōnin..."

Naruto grumbled.

next second.


The thunder light flickered, and there were bursts of sharp humming in an instant.

Lightning Style Raikiri.

Naruto bent over and picked up speed sharply!


The next moment, the two figures interacted.

And when the two sides settled down, there was already a huge gap in the abdomen that would not be cut again.

The water body begins to dissipate, and there is even a Lightning Style Chakra all over it before dissipating.


Kakashi's eyes widened, and he even forgot to crack the Water Prison Technique.

A second ago, he was still worried about whether Naruto could do it, but Naruto directly cut off the body of the water that was no longer cut!

He used the Raikiri he taught Naruto.

It is possible to master this technique to this extent in a short period of time, and it is still without Sharingan.

Kakashi's heart beat faster.

He was already trying to overestimate Naruto.

But even so, Naruto far exceeded his expectations!

The water body of Chūnin's strength, won it in one face-to-face?

And it's obvious that there is still room left!

"This brat..."

No longer maintaining Kakashi's water prison, there was a little consternation in his eyes.

He glanced at Kakashi in the water prison.

In the end it was Jōnin, it might take a while to suffocate him.

"However, if it's just this level, I'm afraid it's a little bit worse if I want to rescue you."

Naruto never stopped, and slowly walked towards the body that would never be cut again.

"Mr. Zai Bu Zhan's Water Style is unexpectedly gentle, is this showing mercy to my subordinates?"

Naruto kept approaching, and at the same time, he kept provoking him not to cut.

"But if you have no other means, then I'm going to do it."

But if he didn't cut it again, he sneered.

"Come on kid, I'll just stand here and give you another hand, I'll kill you as usual!"


Naruto started to speed up, and the Chidori in his hand hummed continuously.

Putting the big knife in front of him again, he said it easily, but obviously he didn't care.

This kid is fast, and his Lightning Style's lethality is not weak.

But Chakra should be his short board, and that technique should not last long.

No longer cut his eyes and locked on Naruto who was rushing over, his eyes were a little dignified.

The water body that can instantly kill him, this kid obviously has something.


The figure flickered, and Naruto was in front of Zabuzhan in an instant.

"it's useless!"

No longer slashing and lifting the knife to block, but also kicked out at the same time.

Fighting while maintaining Kakashi's Water Prison isn't too difficult for Zabuchi.


"Don't move."

Just at the moment when the two sides were about to collide.

Naruto's figure suddenly flickered behind Zabuzhan.

This is actually just a simple Body Flicker Technique, but it has reached LV9 Body Flicker Technique, and it is not much different from Flashing.

This is the result of Naruto's storage.

The thunder in his hand pointed directly at the back of Zabu's heart.

At the same time, Naruto clearly sensed a wave of breath in the dark.

"Oh, can't bear it anymore?"

Let Bai Zhaobi pretend to be Mist Shinobi Anbu and get out of the way if necessary.

Although Zai Bu Zhan looks like a cruel butcher, his mind is very delicate.

"I can only hide!"

Zabuzhan realized something was wrong the moment Naruto disappeared.

This brat is ridiculously strong!

Don't say anything else.

It's just the Body Flicker Technique just now, the timing, and the amazing speed.

At this moment, Zabu Zhan was even a little skeptical.

This group of guys, could it be that Konoha came here specifically to target him?

With this fighting style, it is definitely not something a brat who just put on the Genin forehead protector can do!


The water cell suddenly dissipated, and Kakashi fell with a plop.

Zabuzhan gave up the Water Prison Technique decisively at the last moment and used the Body Replacement Technique.

Naruto chopped the wooden stake into slag, feeling the breath of retreating quickly without chopping, raised his eyebrows.

There was a little warmth in his hands.

Even though he dodged the blow just now, he still probably suffered serious injuries.

But it doesn't matter, this guy will come back.

It's just a pity.

I didn't get to see the women's clothing boss in Legendary, otherwise it would be nice to see Bingdun.

"Did you run away... so dangerous!"

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear, and then looked at Naruto with complicated eyes.

He had never felt Naruto so strange.

It can only be said that he is indeed the teacher's son...

It seems that after I go back, I must apply to the Third Generation program.

With such talent, Naruto might even be able to learn the teacher's Flying Thunder God!

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