Man In Konoha: I, Naruto! Completely Screwed Up!

07. Third Generation: Iruka, Don't Give Up On Yourself.

The teacher of the second class is Mr. Mizuki.

It's math class.

Naruto slept soundly, and Mr. Mizuki didn't care about him.

When get out of class was over, there were only two hours left in the countdown.

The time of one class also diluted the previous episode.

There are two big classes in the morning, and it is now 12 o'clock, lunch time.

The students also took out their lunch boxes and started cooking.

This worried Naruto.

He didn't prepare any bento at all, not even instant noodles.

Looking at the classmates who started to cook, Naruto wanted to numb himself with sleep.

But the fragrance was too strong, and my stomach quickly protested.

Now I can't go home, and I will be cut off as soon as I leave the school to sign in.

"I can only buy some from the system mall?"

Naruto remembers seeing it when he was buying fishing rods yesterday, and the system sells fast food and snacks.

Turning on the system, the performance value was 160, which shocked Naruto a lot.

"It seems that upgrading the template is still very useful."

"But go up in one breath..."

Naruto hesitated for a moment, and chose to add 20 points to each attribute.

After adding attributes, the body will also change.

When I look in the mirror in the morning, I have abs.

It is not impossible to add it in one breath, but Naruto is worried that the change will be too large and it will be found abnormal.

It would be embarrassing to suddenly become a big muscle bully during class.

To upgrade to the Chūnin template, each attribute needs to be 100.

Now the average attribute is almost 40, which is not too bad.

Balance a little and increase slowly, which is more stable.

And you can also save some bad points for self-defense, and you can also save up to buy some abilities.

After adding points, Naruto still has 100 bad points left.

A fast food is only 5 o'clock, and it is nutritionally balanced.

Naruto walked out of the classroom and went straight to the rooftop, found a corner of the stairs, and quietly ate his meal.

After all, he didn't bring anything with him when he came, so he suddenly conjured up a lunch box, which was always suspicious.

The process went smoothly.

Although Naruto is broken, the speed of cooking is still there.

What he was looking for was a dead corner of the stairs, and there were no classmates, and Anbu couldn't see it either.

Naruto returned to the classroom after wiping his mouth and began to take a nap.

2 hours left for check-in.

When I woke up, I was just able to receive the reward.



Hokage office.

Taking advantage of the lunch break, Iruka hurried to find Third Generation to report on the situation.

"Master Third Generation, you... why don't you change Naruto's teacher."

"I can go to class B to teach students, and I can be a teaching assistant for a year, anyway..."

"Sorry, Lord Third Generation, I can't do it!"

Iruka lowered his head, his face full of shame.

What a shame.

I failed the trust of the adults of the Third Generation project.

But thinking of Naruto's words, Iruka felt a twinge of fear in his heart.

Hobby is sleeping? Ideal is to be a cleaner?

Efforts may not have results, but it must be comfortable not to work hard? ?

Is this what a six-year-old child should say!

These problems are not too big.

After all, there are still six years to come.

Iruka felt that if he worked hard, he could still bring Naruto on the right path.

What really broke his defense was actually Hinata's voice.

Iruka blamed himself.

As a teacher, I don't know as much about a student as my classmates...


There are many ways to contribute to Konoha.

Everyone is going to be a ninja and perform tasks.

So who should do those little things?

Hinata reminds Iruka.

Isn't this one of the reasons why he gave up his promotion to Jōnin and returned to teach at the ninja school?

But the result...

Iruka blamed himself.

I even doubted my life for a while.

Are you suitable to be the teacher of children?

Third Generation is smoking a cigarette.

Presumably he already knew the situation.

Naruto has been a bit of an anomaly lately.

In the past, I couldn't wait to talk about my ideal of being a Hokage.

But now...

Hokage, become a cleaner.

Third Generation doesn't think that Naruto will take into account the level of serving Konoha as Hinata said.

on the contrary.

This is a red flag.

Naruto this kid...

In the end, he still couldn't bear the pressure.

Yes, he was still a child after all.

With so much malice, no one would be able to bear it.

But it's not a big problem.

Since Naruto has already entered the ninja school, six years is more than enough.

"Iruka, do you know why I chose you as Naruto's homeroom teacher?"

Third Generation took a puff of smoke, his eyes were deep, and he said slowly.

Iruka looked up, "Master Third Generation, I..."

"Because of are the one who understands Naruto's existence best among all the teachers."

"Your destinies are connected together, and you all suffer similar pains, which no other teacher has ever had."

Third Generation said indifferently.

"The current Naruto is still a blank slate, a suitable teacher is too important to him..."

"You are walking on a similar path, and every step of Naruto, you will be able to see your shadow, you are the light that guides that child."

"So, Iruka."

"I can consider your request. But I still want to ask you...don't give up."

"Don't give up on that kid, and don't... give up on yourself."

When Iruka walked out of Hokage's office.

His back is straight, and his eyes are bright.

His eyes are full of light!

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