Man In Konoha: I, Naruto! Completely Screwed Up!

76. Sasuke Who Tasted Blood, Orochimaru Arrives!

Just as Naruto remembered.

The content of the second assessment is the survival challenge of scrambling for scrolls.

Three consent letters can be exchanged for one scroll.

Candidates work in groups of three.

During the exam, by any means, collect the three scrolls of "Heaven", "Earth" and "Human" and reach the tower.

deemed to have passed the examination.

Anko also briefly explained the situation of the dead forest.

For example, how harsh the environment is and how dangerous the Lion Majesty beast is inside.

But the candidates obviously didn't listen much.

After all, compared to the environment, beasts.

Competitors who enter together are the most dangerous.

This assessment does not prohibit killing.

And judging by the look of this examiner, it seems that he is still encouraging killing.

It's kind of scary.

The seventh shift took over the consent to die.

Sasuke signed his daimyo with a swish, and found an entrance to stand.

As if he was a team himself.

Naruto was the second to sign, and then gave it to little Sakura who hadn't signed yet.

I also went to find Sasuke on my own.

Little Sakura was the last to sign her name, but judging by her expression, she was indeed a little worried.

Anko gave the scroll to little Sakura, which is the scroll of "Heaven".

"Don't open it until the exam is over." Anko reminded.


All the examinees finished changing the scrolls, and each found an entrance to stand still.

Wait until all 397 are ready.

With Anko's order, all the entrances opened almost simultaneously.

"Set off!!"

Candidates were full of enthusiasm and poured into the examination room one after another.

The death consent form has been signed, so what else is there to be afraid of?

In this way, the second assessment officially began.

The seventh class rushes to the front is Sasuke.

I kept my head down and rushed, not knowing if I had a plan or was venting something.

Naruto also buried his head and followed up.

Sasuke was Orochimaru's target after all.

But not far.


With a sharp and panicked cry, Sasuke stopped.

He ignored the scream, but looked at Naruto and little Sakura coldly.

He didn't say anything, just stared at the two of them, looking back and forth from left to right.

".....What do you want?" Naruto asked.

He felt like Sasuke was falling ill again.

The little Sakura didn't know what to think, and walked behind Naruto with a pale face.

It seemed like Sasuke was going to do something.

"When you meet the enemy later, you two don't make a move."

Sasuke said coldly.

"Unless my fall prevents you from passing the assessment, don't worry about me.

That's what it means.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Sure enough, he was ill.

This is a plan to make a big killing in the Chunin assessment.

Sensing the arrival of that breath, Naruto nodded secretly.

very good.

Sasuke's beating for today is about to arrive.

The seventh class moved on.

Sasuke is still the main force of the vanguard, taking the lead at a very fast speed.

But compared to the one behind him, the speed is still slower.


Naruto suddenly sensed that there seemed to be a group of unlucky guys ambushing not far in front of them.

And Sasuke...

"Oh? I really found it."

Naruto stopped and looked at Sasuke in surprise.

I saw that Sasuke first threw out a few shurikens, and then his hands made seals.

"Fire Style Great Fireball!"

As soon as Sasuke made a shot, Naruto knew that the other side must be fine.

As we all know, the Great Fireball can't burn people to death.

These three unlucky guys are no exception.

They dodged each other, although their deeds were still exposed, but obviously nothing happened.

Naruto can see clearly that it is Genin of the three Rock Shinobi.

Judging by the age, it should not be the first time to participate in the Chūnin assessment.

It is estimated to be about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Sasuke rushed forward without saying a word, and at some point in his hand he took out a handful of kunai.

"Leave this guy to me, you go find those two brats!"

A Rock Shinobi formed a mudra with both hands, and then slammed down on the ground.

Naruto thought he was going to use Earth Style, but he just wrapped his arms with rocks.

In front of the Uchi (bbdj) wave tribe, it is obviously a bit silly to do so.

Sasuke made a charge, and when he was almost in front of this person, he suddenly turned away.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Isn't this the way he and Li beat Sasuke?

It can't be considered a trick either.

It's simply a habit of people like them who are faster in battle.

But Sasuke obviously remembered.

"One person wants to deal with me, and that's the price you have to pay.


Kunai slit the Rock Shinobi's throat.

Sasuke didn't show mercy, and directly harvested the life of this enemy!

Naruto ignored the two approaching Rock Shinobi, who hadn't even noticed their companion was dead.

His gaze went to Sasuke from afar.

I didn't pay much attention to it before.

He only cared about admiring that Er Zhuzi was beaten.

But now it seems.

Sasuke's changes are indeed much bigger than in the anime.

Two pillars, not two fools.

If you are beaten, you can indeed become stronger.

It's just that now, the aspect of his becoming stronger is in his mentality.

"It should be easy for Orochimaru to betray Sasuke this time, right?"

Naruto thought to himself.

"Naruto..." Little Sakura stood behind Naruto.

Seeing the two Rock Shinobi getting closer, they couldn't help calling out in a low voice.


"Trust your Sasuke, little Sakura." Naruto said calmly, "He is very strong.

The voice just fell.


Two shurikens came out of their hands, cut through the air, and hit the back of the two Rock Shinobi directly!

These two unlucky guys didn't figure it out until they died.

Why is my companion, why is it solved so quickly.

Three kills in one face.

The haze in Sasuke's eyes finally dissipated a lot.

Instead, there is an inexplicable excitement.

Sasuke, who regained his confidence in the three unlucky guys, looked at his hands.

"Is this the feeling of killing people..."

"No wonder,

I can feel it.

When harvesting the life of the enemy, the kind of heartiness that comes from the depths of the soul.

It feels like Chakra has improved a bit because of this!

At this time.

The little Sakura suddenly fell back and was just so fainted.

Naruto silently took a step to the side.

I saw a figure "whoosh" and rushed over.

Naruto could see clearly.

The figure smiled at him as he passed by.

Then, head straight for Sasuke!

Naruto turned his head and glanced at little Sakura.

Then he simply sat down next to little Sakura casually.

A good show is about to be staged.

Orochimaru, here we come. .

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