Man In Konoha: I, Naruto! Completely Screwed Up!

79. Naruto: Be Fifth Hokage, Orochimaru

"I have to say, you amaze me.

 …. Uzumaki Naruto. "

The arm covered with mucus suddenly stretched out from the body that was blasted into a shapeless body by the hard vortex water blade.

Then the shoulders, the head, and finally the whole body.

The real Orochimaru, showing what he looks like.

Kind of disgusting.

But this technique is indeed a very powerful technique.

If Danzo knew this technique, it would not take a few Izanagis to clean up the two pillars.


Orochimaru·Body Replacement Technique, approximately equal to Izanagi.

Naruto silently wrote it down in a small notebook, which may be needed in the future.

And when Orochimaru came out.

Instead, he saw that he was sitting on Sasuke, playing with Kunai's Naruto.

"Oh?" Doubt flashed in Orochimaru's eyes.

"I thought you didn't care about his life or death."


As soon as the words fell, Naruto inserted himself next to Sasuke's face.

"It's fine if you don't care."

Naruto regained his dead fish eyes, and said calmly.

"Believe it or not, if this guy turns traitor, I will kill him right away?"

Naruto's tone was so calm.

It seems to be asking, but in fact it is more like an announcement.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes.

But before he could say anything.

"Just say you don't believe me."

Naruto put one hand to his ear, listening.

"Come and test my bottom line, quick."

Naruto pulled out Kunai with his other hand, and put it on Sasuke's neck.

"The rebel Orochimaru sneaked back to Konoha, tried to kill the descendants of Uchiha, and captured the Sharingan. Start"

Nine Tails Jinchūriki tried desperately to stop, and was seriously injured in the end, but also failed to stop Leng Jun Orochimaru, one of the Sannin.

"I can only see that he cut his companion's throat with Kunai and took away his companion's eyes..."

Naruto looked at Orochimaru blankly.

"Such a script, do you think it makes sense?"

this moment.

Orochimaru was completely taken aback.

Not surprised by Naruto's "script".

Instead, he was surprised by the young man in front of him.

I remembered....

The familiar feeling during the battle just now.

Not a ferret.

Not the man who beat him with a single illusion.

It feels similar, but very different.

This kid's fighting style is less exciting than Itachi's, but more ruthless.



He used the technique that existed.

Obviously, he also inherited that style.

Orochimaru's eyes flashed.

The existence of that person, he has never played against it.

But he was, and even now, someone whom he admired immensely.

Konoha's Second Hokage, Tate Tobirama.

Orochimaru has studied all the information regarding the purpose of the Second Generation.

In addition to Forbidden Technique, biography, self-made combat records, ninjutsu habits, etc.

We have been friends for a long time.

If it wasn't for the fear of that person regaining consciousness, he would be taken down immediately.

Orochimaru really wanted to have an in-depth discussion with him about Forbidden Technique.

And now.

This child in front of me.

Leaving aside his Jinchūriki identity first.

This quality in battle alone is enough to make him look differently.

"Very reasonable." Orochimaru smiled slightly.

His voice is hoarse and charming, with a thick evil.

"So, what do I need to do to make you throw away the Kunai in your hand?"

Orochimaru didn't shy away from admitting how much he valued Sasuke.

Among smart people, there is no need to play around with these twists and turns.

Does the script make sense?

not really.

Naruto alone cannot create environmental traces of fighting him.

But these are not important anymore.

Orochimaru now has reason to doubt the legitimacy of Naruto's ninjutsu.


Based on his understanding of his teacher.

The understanding of the one who is at the top of the roots.

It is impossible for them to teach the Nine Tails Jinchūriki the Second Generation purpose technique.

The bag's information was not wrong.

Mizuki's information on Naruto for the past six years has not been wrong.

The one who made a mistake was the child in front of him.

Orochimaru was already a little curious.

This Fourth Generation purpose child.

This present-day Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

What exactly do geese do?

"You don't have to do anything."

Naruto thrust Kunai under Orochimaru's feet with a whoosh.

"Follow your plan and carry it out."

"How do you want to destroy Konoha, how do you want to deal with the Third Generation project, just let go and do it."

Naruto's face was expressionless and his tone was flat.

But every single word hit Orochimaru's chest like a giant hammer!

He knows again.

How on earth did he know!?

"So, you want to stop me and gain the trust of the higher-ups?"

Orochimaru couldn't help asking.

He didn't even think to hide his plan.

He couldn't find a more reasonable explanation.

He couldn't figure out what the boy was thinking!

Naruto raised an eyebrow.


This seems like a good idea.

Nine Tails Jinchūriki defeats Ren Orochimaru, saves Third Generation and saves Konoha?

Go fuck it...

Third Generation is dead, and Konoha is sure to blow up.

The Sage of Six Paths can't be stopped, he said!

"Do I look like the kind of person who only pleases Konoha?"

Naruto asked with a strange face.

Orochimaru froze for a moment.

He carefully looked at Naruto in front of him.


Although I have seen a lot of information and photos of this child.

But a close look at 670.

This kid is really similar to Minato back then.

Except for the eyes and expressions...

Orochimaru, shook his head in agreement.

I don't know if you look like me.

Anyway, your dad looks a lot like...

"Of course not."

Orochimaru was holding on to the words "sophistication and sophistication".


"Then it's over." Naruto shrugged.

"You have a vengeance against Third Generation, and I have a debt with Konoha."

"After it's done, maybe you don't have to leave. Kill all the disobedient ninjas, and get a daimyo stamp, and you can declare yourself as Fifth Hokage on the spot."

"How about it?"

Naruto said with a look of ease.

In fact, his heartbeat has already started to speed up.

One thing to say, the plan he just mentioned seems to be really feasible.

The daimyo, the nobleman of the country of fire, regards the profession of ninja as an advanced wage earner.

Then such words.

No matter who the worker boss is, they seem to be the same, right?

But Naruto dropped the idea anyway.

A little fantasy, a little crazy.

But at this moment, he and Orochimaru seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they looked at each other.

The same idea appeared in the hearts of the two of them by coincidence.


Did it come true?

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