Man In Konoha: I, Naruto! Completely Screwed Up!

97. Naruto Who Lay Flat Again, Jiraiya Who Was Manipulated

"Hey! Not bad, young man, you can sell your grilled fish for money!"

"Bake me another one!"

.......Give. "

Naruto looked at Jiraiya, the pig next to him, and was a little speechless.

Minato is really blackened.

Even Jiraiya is counted.


It's impossible for Jiraiya to do something that would hurt Konoha.

In the anime, the only time Jiraiya gets angry with Tsunade is to warn Tsunade not to think about revenge-Konoha.

Minato knows Jiraiya well.

So let this one go straight to Orochimaru then.


Naruto sighed.

He actually wanted to remind Minato that Orochimaru really wanted to kill the Third Generation.

Fourth Kazekage is probably already cold.

Even Impure World Reincarnation is ready.

With the addition of the First Generation and Second Generation projects, it can be said that the preparations are complete.

Let Jiraiya take Orochimaru...

It can only be said that it is a bit unnecessary.

But he didn't intend to worry about it.

Taking down Third Generation, Minato is serious.

And Danzo.

Naruto makes no mention of the Distinguished Heavenly Gods.

It only said that Danzo may have a very strong Mangekyō, which can control others.

Minato made Naruto run around Konoha that day.

It directly locked the root base.

In the outskirts of Konoha.

It is a hidden deep underground base.

Highlight a robustness.

It is estimated that even if Konoha is flattened, Danzo will be fine.


The words "Honkai Konoha" are more complicated than imagined.

Naruto made a suggestion: use the Tailed Beast Bomb to push flat, and it will be done once and for all.

But Minato strongly objected.

Because if you can't finish pushing, it will be troublesome.

Konoha's all-out pursuit, the threat of the masked man, and the greed of other ninja villages.

And even if the push is really over, there will be no place for him in the ninja world.

These Naruto thought.

Just too lazy to think too far.

And if you think too far, it's better to just wait for Payne to come and follow the script.

He can't wait.

Do not clean up the itching all over.

If you have to be targeted even when you lie down, then you can simply blacken it.

can now.

Naruto has just been blackened, and it hasn't started to operate yet.

Minato directly took over the operation again, and after a meal of planning, it felt like it had been separated.

Then what are you worried about?

Wait for the result.

Naruto gave Jiraiya his grilled fish.

He hadn't eaten at noon, so he could only catch another one.

Fortunately, this small lake is big enough and there are enough fish in it.

Naruto didn't worry about being hungry either.

Now he seems to have returned to six years ago.

Don't worry about getting stronger.

Don't worry about revenge.

Worrying about cooking, food and vegetables, and sleeping well is not good.

But the difference is.

Six years ago, he couldn't do anything.

Now, he's handing everything over to Minato, and he can't be bothered...

"Boy, who taught you how to fish with a Chakra line?"

Coming to Naruto, Jiraiya held the pig's head, followed Naruto's example, and caught fish.

"No one taught." Naruto glanced at Jiraiya.

"About half a month ago, the Chūnin exam hadn't started yet. My fishing line was broken and I couldn't afford a new one, so that's the only way I could do it."

"I see." Jiraiya's eyes flashed.

Then, fell into silence.

Jiraiya wanted to chat with this kid, but didn't know where to start.

Talking about homework? He is also not familiar with Naruto's previous life hobbies.

Moreover, Naruto looks like a 60-year-old man, listless, and it feels like he can't talk to each other.

Talking about other things, I feel too sensitive.

Minato and Kushina, you don't want to expose this kid to too much darkness, do you?

So if that's the case.....

"Boy, it's still too slow for you to fish like this, look at me."

Jiraiya suddenly thought of a good way.

I saw him biting his fingers in seals with both hands, and then pressing on the ground violently.

"Do me a favor! Toad Jiansang!"

In the next second, a big toad with a purple body, a shield on its back, and a harpoon full of thorns appeared.


Toad Jian landed on the lake and directly shook a bunch of fish out.

I saw Toad Jian slapping it casually with the pot cover and shield, and a lot of fat fish were slapped ashore just like that.

"What is this guy doing? Why don't you go to old man Sarutobi to explain the situation?"

In the Eight Sign Seal space, Kushina asked with a frown.

"Hold on, Kushina."

Minato smiled slightly, then said to Naruto:

"Naruto, if Mr. Jiraiya wants to teach you something later, don't hesitate to say yes."

"Trust me... Teacher Jiraiya will not harm you until the dust settles."

‥ Asking for flowers... 0

In the sealed space, Naruto's consciousness turned to look at Minato.

"......All right."

If he wants to refuse, it is better to sign the wet bone forest than to sign the toad contract.

But a salted fish never haggles.

As much as you say, it doesn't matter if you don't look for it.


Jiraiya, who had been caught by Minato, immediately put her hands on her hips and laughed.

"How about it, boy! This is much faster than your fishing, hahahahaha!"


Naruto, who was drenched all over, picked up a big fat fish.

Lifting the kunai, he quickly divided the fat fish into two, took out the internal organs, and put them on.

But when he was about to start roasting, he found that the fire just now had been extinguished.

At this time, Jiraiya jumped over again, carrying a huge fat fish on his shoulders.

"Oh, the fire has gone out, but just right, the fire made by the branches of the field always has a strange smell... look at my

I saw that Jiraiya quickly formed seals, and Chakra condensed into oil.

"Fire Style Flame Bomb!"


A group of raging fire hit the extinguished fire, and the flames fluttered instantly.

"How about it? My Fire Style burns with toad oil, so it will last longer!"

Jiraiya said proudly.

Naruto watched Jiraiya being beaten into a pig's face by Kushina.


Minato predicted it again.


Naruto dressed the fish silently and started grilling the fish.

Jiraiya was left on the sidelines, he couldn't make up his mind about Naruto's dead fish face for a while.

Why does this kid look like an old man?

At this moment, he thought of Kakashi.

Kakashi used to be like this, every day was like dying.

Until, he gave Kakashi a book...  

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow.

But I still gave up this idea, mainly because my face hurts.

Let's be serious.

"How about... my Fire Style is good?"


"That big toad just now, isn't it majestic?"

"Extremely majestic."

"Um... want to learn?"

Jiraiya looked at Naruto expectantly.

Naruto turned his head and sized Jiraiya up with his dead fish eyes.

"...can be toweled.".

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