Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruit

Man in Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruit Chapter 71

As for the variable you caused, it doesn't seem to be any worse.

So we won't affect you in any way. "

Gu Yi quickly explained.

Looking at this young face saying old-fashioned words.

Qin Xiao always felt a little out of the way.

On the contrary, what she said made Qin Xiao feel relieved.

With his current strength, escaping in front of two heavenly fathers is probably a little off.

Just relying on Gu Yi's one-handed mirror image dimension is enough for him.

The words of Gu Yi and Odin surprised both Frigg and Sol.

Is this man who claims to be the messenger of the eastern demons so miraculous?

Suddenly, Sol thought of something.

"Father Odin, I ate a devil fruit given by him, and now I have the power of thunder.

Is this a contract signed with demon gods of other dimensions?

Father Odin, can you release me? "

Sol said something that shocked everyone. people.

Chapter 86

"Devil Fruit? What is it?"

Frigga looked at Sol nervously.

"Calling the Thunder Fruit, when Loki sent the Destroyer to attack us, Sif and the others were injured by the Destroyer.

I was so angry that I ate the fruit.

After eating it, a powerful thunder force was generated in my body.

This power of thunder doesn't even require my hammer to use the power of thunder.

He said it was a devil fruit, which was equivalent to a contract with a devil.

I don't think that demon can stop the divine power of Odin the Father.

I think that some demon god cancels the contract.

Father God, I need your help. "

Thor looked at Odin expectantly.

This was a decision he made in a flash.

He had full confidence in Odin's strength.

Although he denied some of the practices of reaching the top, he definitely did not deny Odin's strength.

This time, it was Qin Xiao's turn to sit on the wax again.

This guy Sol, this is completely a way to find the parents directly when something goes wrong.

You are a Thor, what do you do?

Don't you?

Sure enough, it was a mistake to come to Asgard by yourself.

Gu Yi pitted himself once, and Sol came to pit him a second time.

What's so special, I'm in a hurry and I'm directly elementalized!

Gu Yi looked at Sol with a strange expression.

Can this Protoss also eat Devil Fruits and gain power?

It seems that the dimension demon god behind Qin Xiao can be raised by another level.

Not only can it affect the people of the earth, but even the Protoss can affect it!

Odin reached out and felt the power in Thor's body.

He had already seen that there was another power in Thor besides his own power.

He originally planned to find out about Sol later.

Unexpectedly, Sol brought it up directly.

As he felt, the more and more he felt that this power was somewhat miraculous.

"Zhongzheng is peaceful and continuous, and it has absolutely nothing to do with demons.

I haven't felt any evil from this power for a while.

Nor is there any other will interference in it.

This power can be used.

Moreover, even if it is to be sealed, it is almost impossible.

It has merged with your body, your divine power.

To seal it is to seal your strength. "

Odin finally made his judgment.

can use!

Unable to seal!

"Although this fruit is called a devil fruit, the power in this fruit is pure.

In general, you don't have to worry about the effects of the fruit. "

At this time, Gu Yi also stood up and said something.

"You have research on this power?"

Odin looked at Gu Yi with a curious look on his face.

This novel power, even Odin is full of curiosity.

"Because, I also ate a devil fruit."

Gu generously admitted this.

Unlike Dormammu, Dormammu's dark dimension will constantly erode people's sanity.

After communicating with Dormammu, K will keep muttering in your mind.

Those with weak mental strength and weak will will be directly eroded by the other party.

Thus became Dormammu's lackey.

Just like Casillas.

So Gu Yi has not told anyone about her communication with the dark dimension.

But Devil Fruits are different.

At least the Devil Fruit Gu Yi ate did not feel any power to erode his will.

Zhongzheng and peace!

A steady stream!

As Odin commented.

So, she dared to admit it boldly.

Gu Yi's admission shocked everyone at the scene.

Qin Xiao never thought that Gu Yi would take the initiative to say this.

Because this sentence came out of the mouth of the Supreme Master, the meaning of the meaning is completely different.

This is equivalent to the Supreme Master's endorsement of Qin Xiao!

When something goes wrong, she Gu Yi is also responsible.

For the sake of Gu Yi's strength, Qin Xiao decided not to price Gu Yi's own affairs.

And Saul is unbelievable.

This Supreme Mage has actually eaten Devil Fruit!

Why doesn't she look worried?

Yes, she is the Supreme Mage, perhaps she has long known that this kind of fruit is no problem.

Sure enough, his level of strength is still much worse than God Father and Gu Yi?

Odin was thoughtful.

He understood why the Supreme Mage of the Atrium became what he is now.

The Supreme Mage is a mortal and does not have the longevity of the Protoss.

Being able to live for hundreds of years, he has certain guesses about the things behind it.

Now suddenly rejuvenated, this should be the power of the fruit.

Moreover, the power of this fruit may have suppressed another power of the opponent.

That's why it was so easy for her.

Even dare to leave the atrium and come to Asgard!

People with such power as them usually stay in their own territory for a long time.

Frigga was full of expectations.

She also guessed that the fruit Gu Yi eats can make people younger.

The lethality of this for any woman is staggering.

I don't know if I can match such a fruit.

"Cough~ It's not that devil fruits don't affect people's personality, but such fruits are in the minority.

Thor's Thunder Fruit has powerful attack power.

In the entire Devil Fruit, it is the most powerful one.

And it has a super compatibility with Sol, there is no harm in using it more.

There is only one way to extract the power of Devil Fruits.

That is, the host who ate the Devil Fruit dies.

Once this is done, the power of this Devil Fruit will condense into a complete Devil Fruit again. "

Qin Xiao briefly described the characteristics of the Devil Fruit.

It is important to emphasize that the power of the Devil Fruit will only disappear when it dies.

This completely interrupted Sol's thoughts of discarding the Thunder Fruit.

Just kidding, I spent so much energy fooling you into eating it.

What can you do when you look back?

Stop thinking about it.

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, Sol gave up completely.

Otherwise, to die once?

Isn't this a joke?

"If that's the case, forget about it, but I'm curious, do the two of us have suitable Devil Fruits?"

At this time, Frigga asked a question that surprised Qin Xiao.

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