Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

097 Banner's Shock! Betty Stopped Me? (3 More)

All eyes in New York City are on one place tonight.

The place where the big yellow guy was crazily destroying.

There, it is unknown how many people died tonight.

There, I don't know how many buildings and houses became ruins tonight.

And this is just the pursuit of a person by the military.

A green monster named Hulk.

That night, the military surrounded a place and seemed to have no trouble capturing Hulk.

It was a relief to everyone on that block.

They thought that this time, what happened on campus a few days ago finally did not happen.

However, everything will not go as they imagined.

When all the troops were about to evacuate, another monster appeared before everyone's eyes.




Huge size.

Deep ribs.

Spiked side of the spine.

The monster roamed the streets crazily, even though it overturned the cars blocking his way.

These cars are like toys in his hands.

The army that was about to withdraw, At the moment had to turn around and attack the monster.

However, all this had no effect on the monster.


Even rockets can't break his defenses!

how else can you fight

Fortunately, the hunted green monster also appeared afterwards.

Perhaps one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Perhaps the two monsters originally had a grudge.

They fought together crazily.

Citizens who thought they were saved now realized that they were still too naive!

Destruction is one if only the yellow monster.

So now, the destructive power of the two monsters is king!

They fought and smashed through two blocks easily.

Their throws easily knock over high-altitude buildings.

Their frantic running easily turned the entire block into a sea of ​​flames.

They are two real monsters!

Those residents who thought they were hiding higher and might not be able to hurt themselves found that they were also threatened.

Several whole blocks were gradually destroyed in the crazy battle between the two monsters.

Panicked citizens even started fleeing New York.

Now, if no one stops these two monsters, then their battle will spread to ten streets, dozens of streets!

Even, the whole of New York City!

A deep despair just appeared in everyone's heart.

In S.H.I.E.L.D, Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye are riding in a car and rushing frantically towards the block where the abomination and the Hulk are fighting.

Nick Fury said, let Nantasha feel her own fruit power.

However, judging from the scene of the battle, she knew that she was not an opponent now.

Even Nick Fury called Tony.

Here, we need the support of Iron Man!

But, well, the mortal Iron Man isn't in New York at all.

It's not just S.H.I.E.L.D in action.

Xavier's School in New York, Charles and a group of Mutants have gathered together.

Both Storm and Cyclops are ready to fight at any time.

If the military cannot effectively control the two monsters in a certain area.

They're about to make a move.

New York holy place.

Daniel stood quietly on the roof, with Ancient One magician beside him.

At the moment, they looked at the burning neighborhood in the distance.

Daniel's hands trembled slightly.

They are magicians and generally do not engage in real world combat.

As for Ancient One, with his hands behind his back, the folding fan in his hand is constantly spinning.

She was also waiting because she "saw" Qin Xiao's appearance.

As time passed, the battle became more and more critical.

But at this moment, the two fighting big men suddenly fell to their knees.

No symptoms.

There was no resistance.

Even the green Hulk directly and slowly turned into a human form.

The yellow monster, on the other hand, held its head in both hands, beating its head on the ground.

Everyone has no idea what happened.

Under the footage of an unknown news helicopter, military helicopters gradually landed beside the two monsters.

A girl rushed out of the plane, and she went straight to the humanoid Hulk.

Immediately afterwards, another oriental face also got off the plane.

He walked directly to the big yellow monster over there.

Immediately afterwards, under the live camera, this oriental man directly showed the power to shock everyone.

He turned into a mass of mud directly.

Just "eat" the kneeling yellow monster!

Eat it alive!

When he turned into a human form again, the yellow monster had completely disappeared from the scene.

The military, is there anything so terrifying?

This is what all citizens are thinking at the moment.

Two monsters who destroyed several blocks were arrested directly like this?

Everyone is complaining why the military didn't send out such a force earlier

At the same time, there was an incomparable fear of the power of the military.

Worthy of being a military force!

And as this live broadcast went out, those who were preparing were slightly relieved.

This demonic emissary from the east took away the abomination.

It's also a good thing for them.

However, there are also many people who have more worries.

Like Nick Fury.

This oriental demon has obtained another terrifying test product!

He didn't believe that Qin Xiao At the moment appeared on the scene just to calm the chaos.

Demon messengers will not be so kind.

Then, the other party has taken a fancy to the yellow monster.

This monster already has crazy power, if it is being changed by the demon messenger.

What kind of monster will it become in the end?

Nobody knows!

At the moment, he ordered Natasha Romanoff and the others to find Qin Xiao as quickly as possible.

Then try to get each other back to S.H.I.E.L.D!

Only in S.H.I.E.L.D can they "monitor" Qin Xiao's every move.

Definitely, this is just their self-comfort.

Just like this time, Qin Xiao disappeared in S.H.I.E.L.D directly, and they couldn't even catch up.

When they approached, Qin Xiao had even completed his plan.

Qin Xiao knew that there was a shooting in the sky, but he didn't care at all.

He knew exactly what his face represented in the eyes of some people.

Moreover, this time he is using the military's influence.

Next time, his demon messenger status will be easier to ignore Hiroto.

You see, the military is looking for me to cooperate, trust me.

Qin Xiao walked to Betty's side.

"Next, will you leave with me, or continue here and wait for them to take Dr. Banner away?"

Betty was taken aback when she heard Qin Xiao's words.

Immediately afterwards, she reacted.

"Before we leave."

"Fine, come with me."

Qin Xiao directly opened a mirror dimension at the tail hatch of the plane.

He took Dr. Banner and Betty directly into the mirror dimension.

However, in the eyes of others, Qin Xiao "captured" the two monsters and returned to the military plane.

Military mission accomplished!

Qin Xiao wants to use the military to death!

In the mirror dimension, the slightly sober Dr. Nei looked shocked.

They left.

But they didn't leave.

In the mirror dimension, no one can see them.

Even if they just stand here swaggeringly.

And around, the unreal sense of fragmentation, let Banner know that this is not the real world.

"Here, where is it?"

He finally asked the question that concerned him most.

"This is the mirror dimension, which is a secondary dimension outside the mainstream cosmic space.

In this dimension, we can do anything, but what we do will not affect the real world.

0…ask for flowers………

Qin Xiao simply explained.

Banner was taken aback when he heard this.

"Secondary dimension? Is it space debris? Or a wormhole that connects to another world? Or is this a parallel space, a space-time crack?"

He tried to explain this space with the knowledge he could understand.

And this question, on the contrary, stopped Qin Xiao from asking.

It's just a mirror dimension, and I don't know what it belongs to.

This knowledge involves my blind spot.

"It's just a separate space, it's not important, what's important is that you can see the impact of your battle with the abomination."

Qin Xiao quickly changed the subject.

If Banner finds out that he is not smart enough, then his compulsion will drop a lot.

Although I also know that compared to Banner with seven Ph.D. degrees, I am indeed almost...a lot.

But you have to maintain your style, after all, look, you can't do what I can do.

Banner froze when he heard this.

The whole block was full of flames.

Countless people are still constantly fleeing this matter.

Not just this street, but all around.

He didn't know how many people were hurt in today's battle.

Although this is to stop the yellow monster, it can't alleviate the apology in his heart.


"Bruce, Bruce, you know, it's not your fault.

If you really want to blame it, you can blame my father. If he hadn't forced him, what happened today would not have happened.

Know that you have successfully controlled the Hulk power within yourself.

Later, we will find Dr. Lan to inject you again with the medicine to eliminate the Hulk serum.

At that time, you will be able to return to normal. "

Betty constantly comforted Banner.

But Banner's expression changed again and again.

"It's useless, that potion can only suppress my strength for a while.

When the gamma ray power in my body exceeds a certain limit, Hulk will appear again.

Even, once I have a life-or-death crisis, Hulk will appear again.

In fact, this time, even without the Hulk serum he gave me, I was still able to transform into Hulk.

Through this transformation, Banner clearly understood his situation.

Ti hears the words and believes them.

"Our efforts are all in vain?"

"Perhaps, I already knew this result in my heart, but I just didn't believe it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't think about jumping from the skyhole on the plane.

By the way, who stopped us?"

Banner finally thought of something.

How were he and the abomination subdued?

Why didn't he feel anything this time?

Even when he turned back, he didn't even see the hatred.

Hearing this question, Betty's complexion changed for a while.

"Betty? What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

Banner asked with great concern.

"Actually, this time it was Betty who stopped you from fighting the abomination."

Qin Xiao told the truth that shocked Banner without any hesitation.

"What? Betty stopped me and the abomination? How? How did you do that?"

Banner looked at Betty in astonishment.

This woman is so powerful?

Could it be that Hulk got mad when he saw Betty?

But why do I have no memory at all?

Betty's complexion is still not very good.

Qin Xiao told the "facts" again.

"Well, it's because Betty signed a contract with me.

To help you, she ate a devil fruit, which gave him a power that would calm you down.

In a sense, she is now my devil apostle.

More effective than a verbal contract between you and me. "

Qin Xiao once again exerted his demonic characteristics.

Huh Hiroto, and it doesn't cost any money.

"No! How can you do this?".

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