Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

1105 Cooperation Integrate Spar

He found these crystals, Peter looked helpless, Qin Xiao didn't want to say anything, just watched the play quietly.

"You'd better explain to me what the hell this is."

Qin Xiao stepped forward, "This is a gift from Carroll to us when we were in Carolly Star."

Stark stared at the two of them dubiously, "You guys better not lie to me, I'll take a piece back to experiment first.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect you to be useful at critical times, so we can proceed with the rest."

Qin Xiao became interested in his affairs and wanted to get involved.

"How could I miss such a fun thing? Don't you think so?"

In fact, this is also within Peter's expectation, Qin Xiao will be fooled by him, and will help him.

He's also a thrill-seeker after all.

"All these crystals have to be pumped into the device, and then cleaned, and then they can be melted into the mecha. It's that simple, do you hear clearly?"

Qin Xiao looked at him suspiciously, "Is it that simple?"

Peter showed him a demonstration, and Qin Xiao began to make preparations.

After a busy day, they melted most of the spar into Mark Fifteen.

"Why put them all into one mecha for training?"

Peter can't explain the reason to him yet, because he has long-term plans.

Stark came over while they were working, "There is really nothing wrong with yours, it's not harmful, it just reflects people's emotional changes, but I have to tell you one thing, if you use this kind of thing to control people's Psychologically, I will never let you go.

Peter smiled and nodded, "It's good to hear clearly, and why is Mark XV here with you?"

Peter told Stark, "For experiments."

Stark touched the core of Mark Fifteen for a while, and found that there was no major change, so he left here relieved.

"Didn't he notice that Mark XV's light waves have changed drastically?"

Peter started laughing.

"Actually, I also took insurance, and he will never find out."

Qin Xiao came to the front of Mark Fifteen with a confused face, and then touched the other core positions.

"It turns out that Mark XV has become your property, and you can't feel its existence on Friday.

Now the two of them are accomplices, telling Stark about it on Friday.

Stark already knew, and he told Friday to leave the two of them alone.

"After all, young people have their own dreams. If Peter wants to start his own business, let him do it, but this road may be very difficult."

After finishing speaking, Stark drank the red wine in front of him, crossed his legs, and processed the information on the table.

Rhode couldn't help being curious, so he wanted to go to Qin Xiao and the others to investigate (Did Zhao).

In the corner, he heard a terrible thing, that is, they were going to ask Carol to verify their experimental results.

He told Stark the news, and Stark didn't take it seriously.

"Isn't this a good thing? Our big sister leaders have already identified their approach, and we don't have anything to give feedback.

Steve became interested, and when he went to the experimental base, he even wanted to bring him a gift for Peter. .

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