Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

1120 Prepare To Find Dragon God

Attens looked at their two puzzled eyes, and then manipulated the thing that looked like a rifle.

Qin Xiao and the others were very engrossed in watching, thinking that they could also operate like Attens.

Attens analyzed them.

"Actually, this thing is called Longjiang. It's a name in Wakanda. It is said that its bullets can penetrate Vibranium. I don't know if it is true. If it can penetrate all Vibranium, then it's okay. "

The bullets of this thing are also made of Vibranium, so they dare not mess with it.

At this time, Qin Xiao had a strange idea, he wanted to use the battle suit given to him by Shi Zara before as an experiment.

"In that case, shoot my battle suit with bullets from this Vibranium rifle.

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he took out his own white battle suit.

"To be honest, I quite like this dress. If I really wear it, it will prove that this gun is very powerful, but I still feel sorry for the clothes."

Now that he has put forward this condition, he must fulfill it, so it is not up to him not to regret it later.

Attens aimed his battle suit and took the trigger.

Then he found out that he didn't shoot through his clothes, Qin Xiao cheered because his clothes were not damaged.

But what they don't know is that this is the result of Attens adjusting the rate of fire and various performances with Ability.

"What two idiots, will I let you down so easily|"?"

There is also a reason why T'Challa handed over Longjiang to them.

T'Challa wants them to shoot a ferocious dragon god, this guy is in the god realm.

Thor had discussed with T'Challa before, asking him to make such a gun, but T'Challa agreed because he couldn't resist his temper.

Thor should find them in the head soon, and T'Challa forgot to tell them with such a thought.

Thor received a message from T'Challa in the God Realm, and then he straightened his hair and came to Qin Xiao and the others.

Qin Xiao couldn't help laughing when he saw his cropped hair.

"I remember an old man forcibly cutting your hair off, right [it's funny to think about it now."]

Thor strokes his hair.

"Leave that aside, Longjiang should be here with you, T'Challa told me."

Qin Xiao and the others dangled Long Jiang in front of him.

"What? Do you want it?"

Thor sighs.

"Actually, there is one thing T'Challa forgot to tell you, that is, you have to go with me to perform a mission."

After Thor finished speaking, he put the Storm Ax into Qin Xiao's hand.

After Qin Xiao spun the Storm Ax a few times, he carried it on his shoulder.

"What's the matter, are we going to do great things, or are we going to kill God?"

Thor put on a disdainful expression.

"It's almost like this. I have to prepare a little bit. I want to kill a dragon god. This guy (has been) is making waves in the God Realm. Use this Longjiang in your hand to make him remember. Remember, we Not to kill him but to make him remember."

Qin Xiao made a victory gesture to Attens and Banner behind him, and then pulled them both to the God Realm to admire.

Come to i, Artens and Banner have both changed their hairstyles.

Because Qin Xiao and Thor flew up with weapons, they also blown their hair into another hairstyle. .

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