Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

1127 Find Polly's Papa

In other words, this boss sponsored the school, and also adjusted it specifically for Peter's Ability.

After learning about these things, Qin Xiao wanted to visit Polly's father.

Peter agrees with his opinion and wants to go with him.

Polly recently told Peter that he hoped he could pay more attention, because his dad had already been eyeing Peter.

Peter just knew that Glass was a good boy, - misunderstood him before.

"Don't worry, your father will never do anything to me, because I have a more critical insurance above me, if he dares to touch my bottom line, I will definitely make him pay the price, so you- just Don't worry."

Polly put his hands on his chest as if praying and preached to Peter.

"I hope so, if you really have nowhere to go, you can come to me, I will say something nice to my father, and you can save some troubles at that time.

Peter waved.

"You don't have to think about these things, because behind me are those abnormal people.

Peter's remarks startled Polly.

"What kind of abnormal person, is it a mental illness?"

Peter smiled.

"That's about it."

Polly chatted with him for a few minutes before returning to the classroom.

Peter had a novel idea at this time, he wanted to skip class, and hurried back to the headquarters.

Aunt May and Stark were chatting, and Stark asked Peter for leave in the name of his parents, so Aunt May didn't know.

Peter ran out of the school a long time ago, put on the nano battle suit, went to Polly's father's room, and found him sorting out the materials.

"Hey, isn't this Spider-man? I'm so sorry that I don't have much time this time. Let's chat again when I'm free.

-Let's talk, after all, a crime-fighting hero like you is worth wasting a little of my time. "

Polly's dad is stopped by Peter.

"Today, you have to give me an explanation no matter what. My friend is in trouble. This is related to you. Remember the blocker.

Polly's dad thought for a moment.

"It seems that there is such a thing, it is my company's product, what's the matter? Do you have any objections to him?"

Peter narrowed his eyes, then whispered in his ear.

0......seeking flowers......

"My friend is upset because you blocked one of his plans."

At this time, Polly's father pressed his remote control, and their room was sealed.

At this time, Peter felt that his breathing was not smooth, and he clutched his chest, almost fainting.

Polly's dad kicked Peter out of the way.

"Now we have come to another place, this is the lowest level of my company, I don't bring most people here to play.

Polly's father tore up his suit and put on a yellow mecha.

This is true and false looks quite delicate, Peter punched it to no avail.

How flexible it is to live with a force of tens of tons. "

But Peter was wrong in thinking this way. This thing is indeed rough and thick, but it still has weaknesses.

At this moment, Polly's father jumped in the air and almost stepped on Peter.

It's a good thing Peter is quick, otherwise it would have turned into meat sauce.

"It seems that your company is not very serious. You don't wholesale these things you have researched, and keep them for your own use. What are you trying to do?".

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