Attens didn't know how many times he had saved him.

"The fate of this child is really a bit funny, and it must have something to do with his physique.

Artens and Qin Xiao nodded.

But this time the nature was different, he really suffered bad luck.

The organization that captured him is not simple at all, everyone here has different abilities.

Some have infinite power, and some "910" can use the force range of elements.

Listening to his eloquence, Qin Xiao figured out the basic combat effectiveness of this organization.

They infiltrated the mutant army and found Rads sitting among them.

At this time, Atens stretched out his hand, and their leader took out a handcuff, and put it on Attens.

Artens couldn't resist at this time, if he acted rashly, Lades would definitely lose his life.

At this time, they want Attens to rescue Lades in exchange for Ability.

Qin Xiao told him to do this first with his thoughts. Anyway, the fruit ability can be taken back at any time. Atens turned the fruit ability into an energy ball and handed it to Mutant

Qin Xiao appeared suddenly, grabbed the Mutant leader by the neck and snatched the energy ball back.

At this time they wanted to tear up the ticket, but found that Lades had disappeared.

Because Qin Xiao transferred Lades to another place just now, and after Attens regained his Ability, he transformed into a lightsaber in his hand and knocked down all these Mutants.

The abilities of these minions are not very good, but this leader is a bit tricky.

Qin Xiao was held hostage by him.

Attons didn't move, Qin Xiao told him to go back to the headquarters quickly with his mind, and leave the rest of the matter to himself.

After listening to Qin Xiao's words, Atens returned to the headquarters in the form of light.

Qin Xiao smiled slightly, he hit the leader's stomach in a circle, and then beat him until he vomited blood.

"You guys actually use dirty tricks..."

"Who was more insidious just now? You actually threatened me with such a dangerous weapon."

Qin Xiao snatched the sword of the Mutant leader.

"If I'm not wrong, this sword should be your sword, right? It contains nanotechnology. By the way, you also secretly learned Stark's nanotechnology?"

Mutant suddenly opened a dark door from behind, Qin Xiao would never let him slip away like this, so he grabbed Mutant's hand, and dragged it outside..

But unexpectedly, he was directly torn in half.

The Mutant wailed in pain, Qin Xiao thought that his time was approaching, but he didn't expect that it was just a fake.

The Mutant was out of Qin Xiao's sight all of a sudden, taking advantage of his pity.

Qin Xiao felt a little regretful.

"I should have dealt with him directly just now, why think so much?"

Qin Xiao went back to the headquarters, and after Attons found out about the situation, he said that he could find the Mutant.

"He will definitely expand his power now, because he can infect others with 2.1 and make them become Ability users, but he is different from you, he will mutate when he touches others."

Qin Xiao snapped his fingers, "In other words, that guy is the source of infection, right? Then as long as the source of the virus is cut off, it will be fine?"

Artens said that it was no different from this, and Qin Xiao felt that he could no longer sit still. .

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