Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

102 Scary S.H.I.E.L.D! Add Fruit Ability! (2 More)

"Hey~~ Hulk, let's fight again!"

Although the abomination was countered by Hulk this time, he was extremely excited instead.

who is he?

He is a super soldier.

Those who are willing to inject these researched super serums are not very thorough for strength.

Otherwise, it would not have turned into this teaching war.

Now, there is a master who can fight against him, and he definitely wants to fight hard.

Either he falls, or the other party falls.

"Hulk~~ Hulk~~"

Hulk is also right.

He is very angry, but he is not out of his mind.

He is reckless in close combat, but he doesn't know how to use his body.

Seeing the hatred rushing over, he just caught the opponent's powerful punch, and now he is also extremely excited.

Sure enough, he is still the best!

Moreover, with this punch, Hulk seems to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du.

He saw the various ways Qin Xiao used the fruit just now.

Arms can grow on the ground and other people's bodies.

There was an impulse constantly echoing in his mind.

He can do it himself!

He can also make more arms appear, as if he has four arms now.

However, he still hasn't figured out what to do.

Seeing the abomination charge towards him, Hulk recoiled wildly.

If you want to fight, you have to fight really hard.





The two figures fought together thoroughly.

The white light of hatred constantly caused strong shocks.

And such shocks can make Hulk feel severe pain every time.

But angry, his strength gradually became stronger and stronger.

Gradually gaining the upper hand in strength, he used his two arms to hold the two fists of the abomination.

And the remaining two arms crazily fell towards the disgusted face.

That violent fist made the hatred feel extremely painful.

After being stimulated, he once again spread the power of vibration all over his body.

Anyway, if you want to be beaten, it will make you love the feeling of shock.


Hulk punched the abomination again, but immediately after, he discovered the problem.

Holding the two hands that I hate, At the moment trembling crazily.

Not only that, with that trembling, his hands even felt numb.

Suddenly, he unknowingly let go of the hands that held Hate.

And the abomination who was free, clenched his fists.

The violent punch directly knocked Hulk into the air again.



But this time, the hatred didn't chase it out immediately.

Because of Hulk's punch just now, his body was severely injured.

The difficulty of the four-armed Hulk really exceeded his expectations.

The most important thing is that Hulk originally has the property that the angrier the stronger, the abomination has no way to do it.

If Hulk's strength had been constant, it would have been impossible for Hulk to catch his shocking fist.

In that case, even if Hulk has limbs and arms, there is nothing he can do about it.

But Hulk originally had an anger BUFF, and now there is a double attack and defense BUFF.

This time, the abomination with MAX attack power has nowhere to attack.

Even if it doesn't work out, it will be counter-killed.

With a little rest, his body once again adjusted to the injury.

And Hulk just happened to rush over from a distance again.


Two huge bodies collided once again!

"Hulk is getting better at using his limbs and arms."

Qin Xiao said with a headache.

It's such a waste.

"He didn't use the flowers and fruits you gave him to be as colorful as you.

However, this kind of appearance is actually more suitable for him. His battle is to punch to the flesh. "

Betty has her understanding.

Qin Xiao's presentation methods are indeed incomparably diverse and weird.

The lethality is even more astonishing.

But that doesn't apply to Hulk.

Hulk's combat is mindless melee.

And the four-armed Hulk, more than double the fighting power.

"I know, but I still feel a little pity when I think about it. It's a waste to use this stuff."

Qin Xiao still felt it was a waste.

As I imagined, the appearance of Hulk fighting everyone alone did not appear.

The look of the green arms all over the ground did not appear.

Really disappointed.

"Waste? No, it won't be wasted, Hulk doesn't, and Bruce."

Betty didn’t agree with Qin Xiao’s words at all.

Hulk really didn't use the fruit of the flower to the flower.

But, there's Bruce!

As the smartest person in the world, he will definitely be able to develop more uses for Huahua fruit.

"hope so."

Qin Xiao didn't want to argue, anyway, the matter had already happened.

"Devil Messenger, I have a question to ask you? I don't know if it is possible."

Betty was a little apprehensive, she had some questions and kept trying to figure it out.

"what is the problem?"

"You can teach Hulk to use the power of the flower fruit, can you also use the power of the ghost fruit?

In fact, even if I don't eat the Ghost fruit, you can actually stop the Hulk and the abomination?

You are just for me to sign a contract with the devil. "

Qin Xiao glanced at Betty.

"You are really smart, and I can indeed use the power of the Ghost fruit.

After he finished speaking, a transparent Ghost appeared on the scene behind him.

However, he sighed in his heart.

"If you don't eat it, I can't have the power of the Ghost fruit, so you will be kept in the dark.

When Betty heard Qin Xiao's words, she felt a little decadent.

Demon messengers are really dangerous.

If he was not careful, he would take advantage of it.

In the mirror dimension, the battle between the Hulk and the Abomination continues.

Both of them now look like they are covered in injuries.

Hate that the whole person looks bruised and swollen.

Hulk didn't seem to have any problems on the surface, but his body was shaken and he was covered in internal injuries.

It's just that the two guys didn't know how to stop fighting.

Continue even if you are seriously injured.

"Betty, you can stop now, this is the end of today's battle, and there will be more time in the future.

You said something next, and then he looked in another direction in the mirror dimension.

Betty's negative ghosts flew directly towards Hulk and the abomination.



Negative Ghost penetrates the bodies of two monsters.

The two fiery guys who were still fighting just fell to their knees.

"Our battle has caused you trouble, we are rubbish, you can throw us into the trash can like rubbish.

The two monsters spoke dejected words.

Qin Xiao At the moment looked at the position in the mirror dimension, which was the destroyed block outside.

Two familiar people appeared on the block.

Hawkeye Barton, Black widow Natasha Romanoff.

Behind the two people, there are several security members who obviously belong to the S.H.I.E.L.D branch and are also agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

They were looking around, as if they were looking for something.

Qin Xiao walked to the side of several people.

Hawkeye spoke helplessly.

"They are the ones who disappeared around here. We asked General Ross, but there was no sign of them on the plane."

0…ask for flowers……………

"This is the horror of the Hell Devil Messenger.

Director Fury said that the demon messenger has a magic that can quickly transfer from one place to another.

Perhaps, now they have moved to other places.

If they don't want to come out by themselves, we may not have a way to find them at all.

Natasha Romanoff is equally helpless.

"What should I do now? Go back and return to life?"

"Go back, I have planted some man-made living creatures in various blocks along the way, and they will monitor this place for me.

If the demon messengers are back here, I'll know. "

Natasha Romanoff has obviously found a way to use the soul fruit.

Use "artificial living creatures" to monitor!

This thing is difficult to even attract people's attention, and it is simply a talent for monitoring.

Natasha Romanoff has placed several artificial living creatures in several hidden locations on the block.

Then several S.H.I.E.L.D agents left here together.

"Do you know these people?"

Hulk has turned back into Dr. Banner, and he came to Qin Xiao's side with Betty's support.

"That's right, they belong to S.H.I.E.L.D, a huge organization that is not very famous now but spread all over the world.



Next, I will take you to their side.

There's a research center for Fruit Abilities over there.

The woman just now is the fruit Ability.

Afterwards, you can also join their research and try to get a good look at Hulk's serum.

Qin Xiao already had his plan.

Although he wanted to keep Dr. Banner.

But with a person like him who even hides his place of residence, it would be a waste to keep Dr. Banner.

Let Dr. Banner go to S.H.I.E.L.D to provide him with a better research foundation.

And, anyway, Qin Xiao is still a consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Since I am a consultant, it is reasonable to send two Fruit Ability people to study, right?

However, this kind of proactive action by myself probably scared Nick Fury out of his mind.

"S.H.I.E.L.D, what is this?"

"It's troublesome to talk about it, but now I can take you directly.

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he directly opened a portal.

On the other side of the portal is the S.H.I.E.L.D branch in the suburbs of New York.

When the portal opened, everyone in the S.H.I.E.L.D branch turned their eyes to this side.

Behind the door, the advisor from the S.H.I.E.L.D branch came through.



A group of people subconsciously greeted Qin Xiao.

"There are a few guests coming this time, and they will stay here for a long time, so please come and register.

They are also fruit Ability users. If anyone of you has contact with headquarters, you can report to headquarters.

Qin Xiao told them directly that Banner and Betty are Fruit Ability users.

While everyone has a vote in their hearts, the hearts of the researchers are full of curiosity.

You know, Natasha Romanoff's Fruit Ability has already made them feel extremely happy.

That is a special power.

Now, there are two more!

This was a surprise for them.


"Fruit Ability person, we just want to study the Ability of Fruit Ability person.

"It's really too timely."

"It has to be warmly welcomed.

A group of scientific researchers threw off the security guards and rushed directly to Betty and Banner.

"Where is this? I will also live here in the future?"

A yellow, huge figure came out from behind the portal.

"Ah!!! On!".

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