"Isn't this thing just a huge amounts of basin?"

Banner did not refute Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao threw all the fruits he collected into it.

Afterwards, Atens came out. At this time, Atens took off his shoes, and Qin Xiao was very puzzled.

"Wait a minute, what are you doing? Aren't these things for eating? Don't you still want to stir them into a liquid state?

Atens said that these were Stark's orders, and he had to carry them out.

In fact, Attens came to do this kind of thing, and everyone had no objection. After all, he was just a cute-looking young boy, but in fact, everyone knew that he was an old man who was nearly forty years old.

But for the sake of appearance, he let go of this concern.

"Everyone is color control."

Qin Xiao sighed like this, and then Atens threw away his shoes, jumped into the container, and angrily trampled the fruits into pieces.

The liquid that came out of it was filled by Banner into a huge amounts of bottle.

This bottle is full of the essence of the fruit, and there may be some Attons' foot sweat, but this is even better.

This sweat can also synthesize the fragrance of the fruit liquid.

Adensi jumped off the basin at this moment, Qin Xiao just caught him, and a princess hugged him.

The two looked at each other like this for a few seconds, Atens slapped Qin Xiao flying, and Qin Qi naturally lay down on the ground enjoying himself.

Now all they have to do is process the fruit's liquid, but that's easier said than done.

Because these liquids must be processed very carefully, even a slight mistake will lead to the loss of essence.

But under Banner's command and manipulation, these liquids are almost processed.

Qin Xiao covered his blushing face, then went to Banner's side.

"What the hell are these liquids now like?". "

Qin Xiao told Qin Xiao that the liquid was to be used to make wine, and to reward the company's employees.

"Since the shape of the fruit is used to make wine, this is really something he will come up with."

At this time, the liquid was refilled into a large bottle.

All that needs to be done now is to package it and distribute it to the employees of the company.

"If this kind of freshly made wine is sold, it must be very expensive. Now everyone can enjoy this kind of treatment, thanks to Qin Xiao.

Banner kept promoting how delicious the alien wine was, and even put the credit on Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao didn't want to accept such a reputation at first, but he reluctantly admitted what he wanted to say.

Atens looked at the very exquisitely packaged bottled wine in front of him, and then recalled the embarrassing scene of picking those fruits by himself, and held it in front of Qin Xiao.

"This is for you to drink, (Qian Dezhao) To be honest, I'm not too interested."

After all, he was a little repelled when he thought that the wine might smell of his own feet.

But Qin Xiao drank the bottle of wine right in front of him.

"It turns out that this wine is the work of little Attons, so I must drink it to my heart's content today!"

Thor yelled loudly in the company.

At the moment Artens was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say, and then walked outside the company to drink. .

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