Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

104 Dr. Banner's Brain Opening! Various Shows Of Huahuaguo! (4 More)

"Demon Messenger, what are you going to do?"

Nick Fury muttered to himself.

Even an old fox like him has no idea what Qin Xiao is going to do.

One side seems to be actively maintaining the safety of this world.

For example, let Tony, together with the Mutant peace line, stop the fanatics' conspiracy.

Thor's damage was stopped in New Mexico.

This time in New York, it is equivalent to saving many lives.

Not surprisingly, according to reports from members of the branch, Banner's girlfriend should be the one who made the two monsters lose their combat abilities.

Her strength can actually make people decadent.

And this power also comes from the devil messenger.

The other gave a man that just happened to save New York City.

These intelligences seem to be able to see that the other party seems to be doing it for the good of the world.

However, in the process, the other party directly created one fruit after another.

Even outside the monitoring, he also hides a fruit ability fighter of unknown scale.

What is this hidden force going to do?

He didn't understand, so he could only arrange the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D to get ready.

As time passed, Dr. Banner and Betty became more and more comfortable at the S.H.I.E.L.D branch.

Especially after Dr. Banner began to cooperate with the research on the power of devil fruit.

The whole lab produced countless wonders!

Even Ethan was amazed at the impossibility when he saw the duplications that completely violated the rules and were created out of thin air.

If Natasha Romanoff and Betty's kind of soul-involving research, Ghost is difficult.

Then Dr. Banner's this one is really too conspicuous.

Throughout the lab, Banner's arms are everywhere!

There is even an arm in front of every researcher.

They are constantly testing the data of these arms.

Constantly researching why they can grow out of nowhere from any place.

Definitely, they also discovered that there is a connection between these arms and Dr. Banner's body.

It was a connection that couldn't be found at all.

The Fruit Ability is really mysterious.

Originally, this matter was a very harmonious matter.

Come to think of it, all researchers can research what they want.

In the entire laboratory, no one is short of research products.

It's like an "artificial creature" made by Natasha Romanoff's Soul Fruit.

They also conduct research one by one.

Now, the same goes for Dr. Banner's Blossom Fruit.

On the contrary, there are very few people who can study Betty's Ghost fruit.

However, things gradually became a little scary later.

Dr. Banner has a brilliant mind.

After he knew how Qin Xiao used the fruit in the first place, he directly opened his own brain hole.

Various abilities were gradually developed by him.

Growing arms from everywhere is just the most basic way to use them.

Since a certain part of the body can grow from anywhere.

So what about growing new parts on top of your own body?

Ever since, all kinds of flowers were "grown" directly.

A giant net formed by one hand after another.

A group of giant arms grouped together.

A ladder descending from a height.

An ever-extending hand snake, one hand after another.

These things are the most basic.

Since the arms can grow, other places should also grow.

As a result, eavesdropping ears and peeping eyes also came out.

In the entire laboratory, terrifying eyes or ears began to appear one after another.

This time, the entire laboratory dared not even speak nonsense.

They feared that these words would be heard by Dr. Banner.

Even reports from Natasha Romanoff and Nick Fury had to be kept away from the division.

Because she was also worried about S.H.I.E.L.D's information being learned by Banner.

Banner at the moment, still in their doubts.

They were worried that the Banner was specially used by Qin Xiao to conquer S.H.I.E.L.D.

Ever since Nick Fury got the news, he felt restless in his sleep.

Just in case, Dr. Banner one day grows an eye where he sleeps.

Or grow an ear while he's talking.

Just thinking about this scene made him feel horrified.

The whole S.H.I.E.L.D, can there be any secrets?


Is that what Qin Xiao wants to do?

In this way, all the information of S.H.I.E.L.D is directly made into one's own!

Or, let them live under some kind of high pressure and fear all the time.

Make a wrong judgment at some critical moment?

He, Nick Fury, originally thought about using the devil fruit, but now he was directly frightened.

But within a few days of this news, another news that shocked him even more came out.

Dr. Banner!

A duplication has grown!

With Dr. Banner's IQ, his brain is infinite.

Since any part of the body can grow anywhere.

So what about growing another body somewhere else?

So, a Banner duplication came out.

This Ability directly makes Banner extremely scary!

You know, he always felt that he couldn't do so many things alone.

He always felt that it would be great if someone could help him do other things.

He always felt that he didn't have enough time.

However, in the blink of an eye, this fruit gave him "duplication"!

This duplication is completely transformed from the fruit Ability.

As a genius, dual-tasking is almost his standard.

Otherwise, how could he get seven doctorates in a row.

And now, with duplication, he can run two experiments at the same time!

A body studies a devil fruit.

Another body that studies Hulk's blood!

This directly addresses Dr. Banner's constant regret of not having enough time.

At the same time, I can now spend it as two pieces of time.

Even, after he gets used to it, he might be able to use it three times and four times at once.

At that time, can the main thing duplication and the fourth thing duplication also be able to respond!

This is the most powerful existence of Banner using Huahua fruit.


No, he was not a combatant at all.

He is a scientist.

Huahuaguo's duplication ability turned him into an even more terrifying genius monster.

As for using the fruit, it takes a lot of physical strength.

Don't forget, there is powerful gamma ray energy in Dr. Banner's body.

His physical strength may not be very good, but, there is Hulk!

The almost endless physical strength allowed him to maintain the ability of this fruit.

The entire laboratory began to become extremely terrifying.

Banner may not feel very obvious personally, but the whole laboratory was frightened by Banner.

Parts of Banner's body are scattered throughout the lab.

It is possible to touch Banner's body anywhere.

That sense of fear made many timid researchers even want to apply for transfer later.

Even Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye feel the horror here.

They now have a big doubt.

Dr. Banner can create duplication, so is the current two doctors the limit?

Even, are these two doctors the real body?

Could it be that Dr. Banner's main body has gone to nowhere.

These two bodies here are just duplication?

Thinking of this, the two immediately reported the information to Nick Fury again.

When Nick Fury learned that there were two Dr. Banners in the branch, he was completely stunned.

Even with his formidable psychological quality, it is impossible to understand how Dr. Banner did it.

The mystery and magic of Huahua Fruit directly made him raise Dr. Banner's level of danger by another level.

At the same time, a new question appeared in his mind.

Now, Dr. Banner is able to take advantage of this flower fruit.

So, does Hulk also use Ability?

If, one day, two Hulks appear, can this world still be peaceful?

Not to mention two Hulks, but if the whole world is full of Hulk's green arms.

Will this world be destroyed by him alone?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Nick Fury felt.

Demon Messenger, what kind of monsters are these created?

Moreover, it didn't take long for Dr. Banner to play Huahuaguo like this.

So, what happens next?

Can this fruit develop more powerful and weirder powers?

Natasha Romanoff was more than unfounded in their worries.

What if, At the moment Banner has actually developed three or four duplications?

Then put two in 390 S.H.I.E.L.D, the other ontology or duplication will disappear.

Has such a thing already happened?

Or, is this the purpose of the devil messenger?

Turn the whole S.H.I.E.L.D into a fright?

From the beginning to the end, they are the ones that the demon messengers are plotting. S.H.I.E.L.D?

As for myself, making Natasha Romanoff a fruit-ability holder and establishing a branch is actually all in the other party's calculations.

If this is really the case, is this considered to have lured a wolf into the house?

Banner never dreamed of it, because he used his clever mind to develop various ways of using Huahualishi.

It directly makes S.H.I.E.L.D feel like an enemy.

However, he really didn't know all this.

What he is doing now is trying to make himself able to use three things at once.

He also wants to make another duplication.

His seven doctoral degrees mean that he has research topics in seven directions.

Hulk's blood involves biology and physics.

In other respects, he didn't want to give up either.

If there are more duplications, he can do more things.

Banner At the moment is even more fortunate that he chose this flowery fruit.

If he chooses other fruits, he will not be able to fight himself, so it will hardly be effective.

At the moment, he could only feel disbelief towards Qin Xiao, the demon messenger.

What kind of power is it that can create such a terrifying power.

Fruit Ability users, are they all so unbelievable?

Just like Betty.

Like Natasha Romanoff.

Their fruit, Ability, is also extremely mysterious.

Even with such a clever mind as his, it is completely impossible to imagine how those two fruits were achieved.

Soul! Ghost!

This is an area that even he has not touched.

Although he really wants to participate, but now he has occupied most of his mind just researching his fruit Ability.

He will help Betty when he has a preliminary result on the Devil Fruit.

As for Dr. Banner, he went crazy and directly reported to Qin Xiao.

"Ding, it is detected that the Ability of the host of Huahua Fruit has been developed, and the Ability of the other party has been acquired.".

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