Due to the appearance of the magic fire and the general's armor, the soldiers who had passed away here also woke up one by one.

"The general has returned to us, everyone please make me happy, the resurrection is well planned now. w

One of the soldiers shouted loudly.

Qin Xiao didn't hold back his curiosity and left. When he found out that they all looked like they were alive, he was very puzzled.

"What the hell is going on with you guys? As soon as the magic fire appeared, they all came back to life. If other people saw this scene, 07 wouldn't be scared to death. 1"

The leaders of these soldiers were a little unhappy when they heard Qin Xiao talking to him like this.

He asked Qin Xiao why he summoned them, and Qin Xiao just told them that they wanted to do a small experiment.

"What do you treat us as experiments, that is to say, treat us as guinea pigs. The general will never allow you to do this kind of thing to us."

At the moment Ardens' body moved uncontrollably, and rushed over with the knife attached to the magic fire.

"Mr. Qin, run away quickly. My body is out of control. It seems that those soldiers can control this armor with their thoughts."

Banner forcibly snatched Attens' belt, then threw it aside.

"This thing is definitely problematic, it's better to return it to them."

After Qin Xiao threw the thing over, the soldiers were absorbed into the belt.

"It seems that they also went in voluntarily. Otherwise, how could they show an expression of enjoyment? It seems that the relationship between these soldiers and the general is still very good."

Banner sighed, and then wanted to take them back to the headquarters to continue his research.

At this time, Qin Xiao made a suggestion, he wanted to go to the world inside the belt, and then go on a tour to see if he could find the general.

"Although this idea is quite crazy, but I have the ability of fruit, no matter how much you refute it, it is useless."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he got into the world of the belt without saying a word, and he found that there is indeed another space here, and it looks like ancient China.

"It seems that this is the place where they used to live. A group of dead souls wandered here to build a peaceful home. To be honest, it's pretty good, but it's not good to avoid reincarnation all the time."

Qin Xiao wandered around here for hours as he talked.

Banner and Attons had already made breakthrough research results, and when Qin Xiao came back, they had obtained new achievements and successfully raised their salaries.

"You guys are really annoying. You actually managed to accomplish such an amazing thing in the few minutes I stayed inside."

Banner and the others said that it has been a long time now, almost a few days, but Qin Xiao felt that only a few minutes had passed.

"Could it be that time flows slower there than outside? It's really a bit annoying."

Qin Xiao's arrogant appearance made Banner and the others feel a little sick.

"Can you stop talking in that tone, or I'll have the Hulk come out and beat you up."

Banner's research result is actually to strengthen the previous stick with space. At this time, the space inside can be changed only through the remote control.

Qin Xiao approached them. .

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