Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

1185 Dr. Rama's Monster

There are many such tentacle monsters, but there is no need to destroy them all.

"But—can you complete this task instead of me, kill those bad guys, and make friends with him if it's good, how about that?"

This suggestion from Qin Xiao is very constructive.

"When you finish all these things, your father and I will take you to learn some new knowledge.

Ke—with an expectant face, then saluted Qin Xiao.

"Leave this kind of task to me. I really like to make friends. Can some guys talk? Interesting?"

Qin Xiao told her not to worry about this, because these monsters were all made by one person, that is Dr. Lama.

"Some monsters have escaped from his hands, so they will become friends with you if they have their own consciousness, while some are controlled by him. Just separate the two and act."

But once he understood the situation, he embarked on his own journey.

Only then did Qin Xiao realize that he hadn't told his father about it yet.

"Forget it, anyway, he won't care if he knows it. After all, his daughter has already obtained such a powerful ability. If something happens sometimes, it will be over."

But Yi was a smart girl, so Qin Xiao wasn't too worried.

"The next thing is to deal with you..."

At the moment a cloud of black mist emerged from behind him.

"Still as mean as ever, Mr. Qin."

Qin Xiao turned his head, and the guy turned into a man in a suit.

"So what's the point of coming to me, Chris."

Chris gave Qin Xiao a scroll, and what was written on the scroll was a message that an old man wanted to convey to him.

"Isn't that the old magician I helped last time? Now he's in trouble."

Qin Xiao felt that his chance had come, this old magician bullied him last time, this time he could see his jokes.

"Lead me the way, they should have moved the venue this time as well."

Chris didn't want to joke with Qin Xiao, because this time the old devil magician really encountered huge amounts of threats.

"The world created by the old devil magician suddenly had an evil thought, and that evil thought was transformed into an evil monster, and it used negative energy as food."

Qin Xiao hadn't heard of such a thing, so he asked Chris to speed up his pace.

The two of them opened the door of time and space, and then walked to the side of the old devil magician.

"Old man, why didn't you tell me at ten o'clock earlier? You see that your son is already injured."

Qin Xiao had already seen that Chris had an injury on his leg, and then he asked Chris to come to his side.

"Mr. Qin, you should be careful, that guy likes to hide at the bottom of the lake, although this is the inner world, but he will be even stronger if he goes to the outer world.

Qin Xiao found it even more interesting.

After treating Chris, he sank to the bottom of the lake without any hesitation.

"Irreverent, do you know what price you have to pay for coming here?"

Qin Xiao heard that the monster seemed to be able to speak human language, so he communicated with him.

"Show your true face if you have the ability, otherwise don't talk nonsense here.

The guy showed himself.

After Qin Xiao saw it, he realized that this guy was just a very big guy.

"For people like you, you can only deal with those who have a fear of giants, it is completely useless to me.

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