Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

1195 Qin Xiao Makes Trouble

Under the coercion of Qin Xiao and the others, these Angels also withdrew the sacred tree.

At this time, Qin Xiao became interested in the manufacturing method of the sacred tree.

"If you want to learn how to make the seeds of the God Tree, those Angels can actually teach you, but I'm not very interested."

Qin Xiao must learn, after all, this kind of thing is a new technology.

After Qin Xiao let these guys go, he followed them to the realm where Angel was and learned this technique.

"Since you let me learn this skill for free, then I don't care about it with you.

Qin Xiao returned to headquarters, and he told Stark about this technology.

Stark thinks this kind of thing is too dangerous, so he doesn't want others to touch it.

Afterwards, Start put the seeds of the sacred tree brought back by Qin Xiao in a secret place, and no one else could get them without his consent.

"In short, you need to complete one thing for me first. The seeds of this sacred tree may germinate anywhere.

Stark left this thing here to see if he could grow anywhere as Qin Xiao said.

What Qin Xiao has to do is to help him discuss cooperation plans with partners.

"It turned out to be a matter of discussion, and I haven't done it for a long time."

Qin Xiao went there happily.

When Qin Xiao came back from the discussion, he found that the base was already covered with sacred trees.

Stark and his group all slept on this tree.

"The vitality of the gadget is quite strong."

Qin Xiao had already learned before this, how to release the shackles of this sacred tree.

After Qin Xiao absorbed the energy of the divine tree, he turned it back into its original seed.

These people were all unconscious because of the divine tree. Looking at the dilapidated environment around them, Qin Xiao felt a little bit of self-blame.

"This mess still has to be cleaned up by me, it shouldn't have been brought here in the first place.

Qin Xiao used Ability to sneak into their dream space and found that each of these guys was dreaming sweet dreams.

After Qin Xiao forcibly woke these people up, he asked them what it was like to sleep on the sacred tree.

"That is to say, I felt that I had a better dream. 27

That's how Steve described it.

Those Angels just want these guys to sleep in a dream, and then go to plunder their energy emperor.

Qin Xiao remembered that Mei La had helped them before, probably because she had a relationship with Omega.

"Why did you bring such a dangerous thing here?"

Latin America stood beside Qin Xiao.

She wanted to bring Qin Xiao to the God Realm to inquire about the crime, because he brought the seeds of the God Tree to the mortal world privately, which aroused Odin's dissatisfaction.

"I'll just discuss it with Zeus, Mr. Odin will definitely understand me."

Qin Xiao didn't know, Odin was really angry this time.

"Don't be so playful, (Zhao Lehao) If you really offend these main gods, you won't be able to eat and walk around.

When Qin Xiao was discussing with Zeus, he even scolded himself.

"I have to discuss it with Odin, don't you know that the seeds of the sacred tree can't be brought to the mortal world?"

Qin thought of those Angels.

"They must be fooling me."

He didn't bother to go to them at this point, he had to make it clear to Odin anyway, otherwise Thor would definitely suffer. .

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