Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

110 Tesseract Changes! Loki Is Coming! (4 More)

"Also, do you think Dr. Banner and the others are abandoned sons of the demon messenger?"

Nick Fury suddenly asked a strange question.

"Abandoned? You mean that the demon messenger is actually selecting people.

Although there are many people who can eat a devil fruit, but not everyone needs it?"

Hill agent instantly understood what Nick Fury meant.

"That's right, in fact, up to now, the devil messenger has been following only one.

Frank, a veteran of the Marine Corps.

Wolverine Logan, from the information we've been able to retrieve, he's the least involved in combat.

Then there is Bronski, a soldier who has done meritorious service on the front line.

What he wants seems to be the kind of member with combat effectiveness.

Dr. Banner and Betty, obviously possessing great power, were sent to S.H.I.E.L.D by each other.

Combined with what I just said to Phil Coulson, I have such doubts. "

"Isn't it? Let's do a test to find out. Just to verify what Phil Coulson just said.

Will the devil messenger interfere in the battle between the fruit Ability user and the Fruit Ability user?"

Hill agent prepares the test directly.

Guessing is unreliable, and true knowledge comes from direct practice.

"Okay, then find an opportunity to arrange an accident and let fruit Ability users participate."

Nick Fury agreed with Hill agent.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were ready for what they might do next, to test the Fruit Ability.

It's just that when they really planned to test it, they found that there was no suitable opportunity.

Time went by, and Qin Xiao didn't show up during this time.

This brings them a lot of psychological pressure.

Devil Messenger, is he holding back some big move again?

But at this moment, something that they didn't expect came to S.H.I.E.L.D.

There was a change in one of their experimental bases.

This base is exactly the place where Nick Fury presides over the study of space Rubik's Cube.

Since they got the Rubik's Cube in Space, they have not stopped researching on this Rubik's Cube.

However, no suitable researchers were found.

Last time in New Mexico, they found Dr. Eric.!

The other party has made outstanding achievements in the field of space research.

So, he was invited to participate in the research of this project.

Moreover, there is another very important point, recently the representatives of God's Domain and Hell have directly appeared on Earth.

Thor of the gods, the demon messenger of hell.

They need a more powerful force to protect the earth.

The energy of Tesseract is a good choice.

This is why Nick Fury is so anxious to launch the Tesseract project.

Beware of gods and hell!

It's just that I didn't expect that in just a few months, there was a problem in the research.

"How bad it is!"

Nick Fury flew to the S.H.I.E.L.D Acceleration Test Center!

His complexion is very bad.

"That's the problem! Sir, we don't know anything!"

Dr. Eric spoke helplessly.

"I detected a set of data 4 hours ago, Tesseract released a powerful energy."

"NASA didn't give you permission to do the test!"

Nick Fury's face was even more strange.

"This is the problem, not only did I not test, even my people were not there at the time! The energy... appeared by itself. w!"

"It started on its own?"

The Hill agent who followed Nick Fury looked surprised.

"That's right!"

"Have you tried turning off the power?"

"It's useless, it is the energy source itself, we turn off the power, it provides energy to start again.

Dr. Eric looked helpless.

"So, Doctor, what did we do to prepare for this cosmic source of energy?"

"No, Director, we don't have the ability to control this energy yet!

Because my simulation calculations for it were never done!

Not only that, it's now releasing interference and radiation,

Release low levels of gamma rays! For the time being, there is no danger!"

"Gamma rays? That stuff can be dangerous."

Banner came to Nick Fury's mind again.

The hazards of gamma rays, he felt very good.

"Doctor, the energy has surged again!"

At this time, the doctor's assistant reported the latest news to him.

Eric casually took the information from the assistant and read it.

"What energy level have you reached now?"

Nick Fury continued to ask.

"It's still rising constantly! Let alone shut down now, it can't even be suppressed a little bit.

In other words, the energy here is completely out of control, and we all need to evacuate. "

Dr. Eric At the moment is completely hopeless.

"Hill agent, we need to evacuate faster!"

"Evacuation may not help."

Hill agent has a negative attitude towards this.

"It's better than doing nothing, you are responsible for taking away all the second-order equipment, and you can't leave any research materials here.

"Yes, sir!"

Hill agent led the team away directly.

"Hawkeye! I asked you to secure this place, do you see how it works?"

Nick Fury couldn't be more helpful with research.

He went directly to Hawkeye Barton, who was in charge of security here.

Here, Phil Coulson was supposed to be in charge.

Unfortunately, Phil Coulson chose to eat the devil fruit, so as a last resort, Nick Fury replaced Barton.

"Nobody was coming in or out, and Dr Eric had no problems.

No one touches here or uses it to pass information.

So, if someone is really playing tricks, then he must not be on our side!"

Barton gave a decisive answer!

"What's the meaning?"

Nick Fury has a bad feeling.

"The Tesseract is the door to the other end, and the door^...can be opened from both sides.

Barton gave an irrefutable answer.

At this moment, the energy of cosmic magic surged again.

Even the naked eye can see the energy shining in the Rubik's Cube.


Under the gaze of everyone, cosmic magic released a beam of energy.

And this energy beam directly opened a portal!

Under the burst of energy, a figure in the portal appeared in front of everyone!

With a wicked smile on his face, he looked stubborn and arrogant.

In his hand he holds a scepter encrusted with a jewel.

"Sir, please put down the spear in your hand!"

Nick Fury looked at each other with a heavy face.

Barton has a crow's mouth! It really hit the spot.

This guy is not simple at first glance.

Loki glanced at the scepter in his hand and grinned.


A powerful beam of energy shot directly at Nick Fury.

Want to put down the spear in your hand?

These mortals of Midgard are beyond their grasp.

Seeing the opponent make a move, all the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D fired in unison.

"Da da da~"

*da da da~"

But those bullets hit each other's body like tickling.

It's not even a tickle!

Asgard's divine power makes Loki immune to most weapon damage on earth.

These bullets can't hurt him at all!

The agent in front of him was knocked to the ground by him.

Hawkeye, who had just saved Nick Fury, stood up stiffly.

He hadn't had time to raise the gun in his hand.

Loki was already at his side.

The scepter tapped directly on Barton's chest.

Facing Mind Gem, even a trained Hawkeye has no chance of escaping!

His pupils became pitch black.

Barton, under the control of Loki!

In the same way, Loki turned all the surviving agents on the scene into his puppets.

Nick Fury took this opportunity to directly take down Tesseract.

he is leaving!

"Please put down what you're holding, that's why I'm here. My name is Loki, a god from Asgard! This time I'm in Midgard, and I'm on a mission."

The haughty Loki stated his purpose directly.

"`~ Loki? Thor's brother?"

Dr. Eric figured out who Loki was in the blink of an eye.

In that small town, they witnessed Thor and the demon messenger destroying an ultimate weapon of God's domain together.

The figure of huge amounts of still appears in his mind from time to time.

A picture that will never be forgotten.

"I didn't expect someone to know me, oh, yes, you were there back then.

Loki has a wicked smile on his face.

He remembered Dr. Eric, who was there.

"Ha, have you forgotten something? There are still demons in this world. Will your appearance attract the attention of demons?"

Since Dr. Eric experienced the last incident, he had some misunderstandings about the gods and demons.

He believes that the opponent is indeed very powerful, but it seems more like the power of aliens.

Eric's words reminded Nick Fury.

At the moment, he was even thinking in his heart whether the devil messenger would appear here.

After all, the last time the other party went directly to wait for Thor to come.

But obviously, At the moment can't see the existence of the demon messenger.

Everything has to rely on themselves.

"Did the attention of the demon messenger? In fact, I really want to meet him this time.

Perhaps this world should be divided up by us, or he should surrender.

Loki had a wicked smile on his face.

His scepter landed on Eric's chest!

Dr. Eric, who just refuted Loki, instantly became Loki's person.

When Nick Fury heard Loki's words, a plan took shape in his mind instantly.

Perhaps, this time is the opportunity to let the fruit Ability (Li Hao) make a move.

If the fruit Ability and Loki fight, then it is impossible for the devil to join forces with the protoss.

Two powerful races fight, they have the space for human beings to survive.

"For the first time, I knew that the Protoss would also degenerate into an alliance with the devil.

It seems that this so-called Protoss is nothing more than that. "

Nick Fury began to run on each other in language.

After Loki listened, the whole person returned to normal in an instant.

"Whether to form an alliance or not is our business, but what I want to do now is to let you hand over the box in your hand.

Why, we don't have Kougarde's Zuguan, why do you come to us?"

"The bugs didn't mess with the shoes either."

"You mean, you're going to trample us to death?"

"No, I want to help you out of bondage, out of false freedom! Because of this slogan, you will have no peace!"

Loki At the moment's calm face was full of madness.

At this moment, Hawkeye raised his gun and knocked Nick Fury to the ground.

"Leave quickly, this place will explode, if you don't leave, we will be buried tens of meters underground!"

Hearing what Hawkeye said, several people left quickly with the box containing Tesseract.

After some chasing, the other party managed to escape.

And this base was completely turned into ruins!

Nick Fury looked at the collapsed base.

His face became extremely serious.

"All those who participated in the rescue immediately track down the whereabouts of the box! This incident is at level seven! The war has officially begun!"

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