Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

119 Avengers Vs Chitauri Army! (1 More)

Where did Loki go?

Not only is Nick Fury looking for it, but Tony and Thor who returned to the Stark Building are also looking frantically.

They all know Loki's flamboyant and arrogant personality.

Otherwise, I would not choose this place.

But, since he wants to show off, why can't he see where the person is?

With Loki's character, it is definitely not because of fear that he hides.

His clever brain can calculate many, many things.

Under such circumstances, if he chooses here, he should continue to implement it.

Dr. Eric is still there, but why is Loki gone?

The two tried to attack the device.

The end result was not good.

Tesseract has completed energy self-sufficiency.

Now, unless you directly attack the Tesseract body, it is useless.

"Tony, this thing, as a scientist, can't you solve it?"

Thor looked at this turtle-like thing, and really had nowhere to start.

"I think so too, but obviously it's out of control now, and after that, we'll have to see if Loki has a way to shut it down.

Tony returned to the Stark Building.

His suit of armor is already full of fear, and it is necessary to replace it with a new armor.

Thor wields Mjolnir, looking frantically for Loki in the sky.

And Tony came to the side of MARK7 armor.

He quickly installed two induction bracelets on his wrists.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, activate the make7 armor."

"Mr. Stark, mark7 has not been fully debugged yet."

"Then don't need the latest function, now is the battle period, I need a new set of armor.

"I understand, Mr. 04 Stark, the mark7 armor has been activated."


In the special mechanical room of Stark Building, the mark7 battle armor was successfully launched.

The biggest feature of this set of battle armor is that there is an extra quick dress.

Compared with the previous sets of armor that required special manipulator clothing, this set is directly based on the induction ring.

The distance between the two induction rings provides the basis for the determination of the rapid columnar armor.

The armor originally also comes with positioning and power assist systems.

The suit is put on in seconds, and Tony At the moment is ready to check out Loki's hideout.

However, at this moment, the excited energy column directly opened a space channel leading to another place!

Thor stood on a tall building, he looked up at the sky, and took a deep breath.

Zeta Swiss Soldier!

Loki really got the Zeta Swiss Soldiers!

Now, Loki is more than just a murderer.

He is still an aggressor!

Invaders who bring crisis to this world.

"Tony, the Zeta Swiss Soldiers have arrived, they haven't come here yet, only the two of us are here to stop each other.

As Thor spoke, he began to summon Thunder.

At this moment, Thor's divine body, Mjolnir, and thunderous fruit frantically gathered the power of thunder between heaven and earth.


The entire sky, except for the space passage, is completely occupied by dark clouds.

Violent thunder and lightning continued to rage, and at the space passage, the Chitauri individual Flight soldiers who had just escaped from the passage suffered a strong attack.

Countless Zeta Swiss Soldiers fell from the sky like dumplings.

This wave, Thor Thor day show.

"Hahaha, go back to your world, you are not welcome in Midgard."

Thor laughed wildly at the fallen Zeta Swiss soldiers.

But immediately after, a huge amounts of Chitauri Leviathan passed through the passage.

The huge body, the free-flying body, made Thor's face stiff.

"Thor, can't you shut up?"

Tony soared into the sky wearing mark7.

This thing is really too bad.

The weapon that comes with mark7 crazily attacked a wave of Chitauri monsters.

But the effect is not obvious at all.

Instead, it led to a large number of Chitauri individual Flight soldiers.

The moment these flight soldiers saw Tony, they rushed towards him like moths.

Tony had no choice but to turn around and fly towards Thor.

"Thor, I leave the pursuers behind me to you."

"Come on, leave it to me."



The thunder continued to shine, and the Chitauri individual Flight soldiers continued to fall.

And Tony's battle armor also has countless weapons shooting at the Zeta Swiss soldiers.

It's a pity that in this wave, they only blocked some of Qiterui's individual Flight soldiers.

A battleship with huge amounts of floating behemoths successfully broke through the blockade of the two.

Breaking through together, there are countless individual Flight soldiers.

These flight soldiers began to roam the city.

The whole city gradually fell into war.

"Hey! Chief Fury, how long are you going to be here?"

Tony was urging frantically on the communicator.

"The Helicarrier can't move fast now, but Captain Rogers has brought Dr. Banner and the others, so hold on.

Nick Fury At the moment is also helpless.

The Helicarrier was injured, and it was too late for them to support.

Moreover, the period when the No. 3 engine was damaged because the No. 1 engine was shut down.

All aircraft on the Helicarrier sustained varying degrees of damage.

Now the plane Rogers and the others fly is considered a rare complete plane.

And the rest of the planes, At the moment, are being overhauled.

So even if they want to send air support, it is too late.

"Tony, we've arrived."

Just then, an airplane appeared in sight.

Captain Rogers they really arrived.

"Captain Rogers, open the tailgate of the plane, and, by the way, let me down on top of that big guy."

At this time, Banner's voice came out.

The big guy he was talking about was the chitauri giant floating beast!

At the moment in the floating behemoth has landed in the middle of the city.

Countless Zeta Swiss soldiers inside successfully landed.

They climbed among the tall buildings, shooting wildly with the weapons in their hands.

The plane successfully arrived at the sky above the floating giant, and Banner stood at the door of the tail cabin of the plane.

"Loki, you want to see a destructive Hulk, and now I'll give you that.

After he finished speaking, the whole person jumped down directly.

In mid-air, his figure swelled rapidly.



Hulk's heavy body slammed directly onto the huge amounts of floating behemoth.

The giant beast's entire head sank.


Hulk rips through a piece of metal he knocked up as he fell.

Holding the metal fragment with two hands, the other two smashed it down frantically.

A piece of huge amounts of metal shards was inserted directly into the monster reveal by Hulk.

It was revealed that the sinking giant floating beast was hit by this heavy blow, and it turned over directly with its head as the center.


The heavy body of the floating giant directly smashed down a building.


As soon as Hulk made his debut, he directly achieved absolute results.

His four arms waved wildly.

His roar resounded through the heavens and the earth.

"Well done, Hulk!"

Thor stood on a tall building, and the thunder kept falling.

His thunder can't stop such a big guy.

At the moment, watching Hulk's victory, he was also extremely excited.

And with the fall of this giant floating beast, the Swiss Soldiers who had just landed and won the Zita At the moment also turned their heads one after another.



A special roar came from their mouths.

Many soldiers even tore off the masks on their faces, revealing that special face.

They are full of anger at the moment.

"Hulk has already opened, next, we can't lag behind."

The plane smoothly stabilized on the Stark Building.

A group of people At the moment began to rush to the battlefield.

"Tony, hold your hand and take us quickly to the battlefield.


Tony flew over the Stark Building, leaving with Captain Rogers in one hand and Natasha Romanoff in the other.

In a blink of an eye, the two were directly sent to the battlefield.

And Hawkeye Barton, At the moment stands right on the Stark Building.

With his archery skills and Momo fruit, he is simply a natural sniper in this high position.




Every time an arrow is shot, a Chitauri individual Flight soldier falls from the sky.

"Barton, shoot my foot in there."

Standing next to Barton, holding a handful of exploits at a loss.

This place is too far away, he doesn't even have any birds.

However, fortunately, his fruit is somewhat special.

At the moment, he took the initiative to tear himself apart. 733 stepped on the Stark Building with a pair of feet, and his body was already suspended.

Hawkeye Barton shook her head.

shoot the foot out?

"Your operation is a bit beyond expectations."

He said so, but he tied Phil Coulson's foot to the arrow.


"Ten times faster."


The whole arrow traveled through space at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and shot steadily not far from Captain Rogers and the others.

And Phil Coulson's upper body, At the moment, is also flying forward crazily.

However, experiencing such a feeling for the first time, he couldn't help roaring crazily.

His body hit the ground uncontrollably.

But before that, he actively fell apart.

In a blink of an eye, he recovered his body.

"Captain Rogers, it was an honor to fight with you."

Phil Coulson, is definitely a Captain America fan.

"Phil Coulson agent, your operation is completely unexpected."

Rogers captain, Natasha Romanoff Cole formed a solid attacking group.

They are constantly clearing the surrounding Zeta Swiss Soldiers.


At this moment, in the channel in the sky, a giant planktonic giant once again appeared.

And this time, there are many ships as soon as they come out.

"Oh my god, is there no upper limit for the soldiers over there?"

Tony, who was cleaning up the individual Flight soldiers in the sky, looked at the giant floating beasts one after another, his head grew big.

"Thor, hurry up and find out where Loki has gone, we can't find him, why should we close this space channel like this?"

Tony At the moment was a little weak.

His armor ammo and energy are limited.

If he can't close this space channel, he can't hold on for too long.

"Where did I go to find Loki, I have no idea where he went."

Thor At the moment is also helpless.

"Stop arguing, I've seen Loki.

Just then, Hawkeye Barton's voice sounded.

"Did you see Loki? Where is he?"

Thor looks around.

"He just flew out of the space channel.

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