Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

124 Karma Fruit Development! Magneto Shows Off! (6 More)

A hidden area in New York.

Magneto At the moment is looking at the distant sky on the roof.

There, a huge amounts of space door is opened.

"Stark Industries, what are they doing this time, how could this technology of opening space passages appear on their buildings.

Magneto Eric seems to have some disdain for the Stark Building.

Last time, it was because of Tony Stark's intervention that his plan was in vain.

Although Professor X Charles and his Mutants also intervened last time.

But Magneto still habitually shifted the responsibility to Tony.

After all, Professor X is an existence that has been in love with him for decades.

They know each other well.

Since Professor X cannot be blamed, it is not too much to blame Tony.

That's why at the moment he saw that huge amounts of blue energy column, he was so disdainful.

And after he escaped last time, he and Ben didn't leave New York.

It's more convenient to do things here.

Just as Magneto's voice fell, countless figures crazily sprang out of the space channel.

Zeta Swiss Soldier!


At the same time, there are also huge amounts of giant floating beasts.

As soon as these things came out, they were wiped out by the thunder in the sky.

Magneto knew who summoned the thunder.

That person, is Thor Thor who appeared a long time ago.

At the same time, there is another figure flying in the sky.

That's Tony Stark.

"Alien invasion?"

Mystique Raven looked at the distance with a look of astonishment.

No matter how she thought about it, she never thought that the door of the air-conditioned room would open this time to welcome the invasion of aliens.

Even with her Ability, 04 she goes to many places as if there is no one in the land.

But she still couldn't accept that aliens would invade.

Sabretooth's head was not very flexible, he looked at the scene in mid-air, a little puzzled.

"What's going on here? How could aliens suddenly invade?"

Magneto glanced at Sabretooth.

"It seems that during the period of time we have been hiding recently, many things have happened that we don't know about.

Mystique, you haven't found any problems lately?"

Mystique Raven frowned when she heard Magneto's words.

"As far as recent news is concerned, the only unusual thing is that there was a big explosion in a secret department's laboratory.

Since then, it seems that some departments have become a little different.

Even some legendary characters have been brought together.

Now it seems that what they have to deal with should be the alien invasion. "

Mystique At the moment synthesizes what I know.

The only thing that can be explained is the current situation.

"Among them, there is also Tony Stark?"

"Yes, but he was picked up later."

"I see, in this world, do aliens also want to intervene?"

Magneto was lost in some sort of thought.

The battle at the Stark Building is getting more and more terrifying.

Even those others such as soldiers At the moment have begun to spread in all directions.

And one of them, by coincidence, rushed towards their position.

"what should we do?"

Raven looked at the battle in front of her, feeling a little powerless.

This is not something she can participate in.

Because she can do it, it is not bad to be able to drink a few aliens.

But with the huge amounts of Behemoth in the sky, there's nothing she can do about it.

After all, her own positioning is more about intelligence gathering.

Sabretooth At the moment also looked at Magneto suspiciously.

For him, his own decision is not important.

Importantly, Magneto's decision.

If Magneto decides to fight, he will.

If Magneto decides to stay hidden, he will stay hidden.

"Aliens, we have never been in contact with aliens. You say, if aliens occupy the earth, can we take it back from them?"

Magneto first asked a strange question.

"I don't know, because we don't even know how they fight or the weapons they use.

Mystique couldn't answer that question.

"In this case, the aliens this time may be a good opportunity for us to contact them.

Knowing their weapons and attack methods, we can decide what to do next. "

"That is to say, let's talk about it after a fight with them?"

Mystique understood Magneto's words.

"For a game, I want to see if the alien's technology can stop my super ability.

Moreover, everyone is in chaos at this time, and no one will pay attention to us. "

Magneto, made his decision.

Fight the aliens!


Sabretooth heard Magneto's words, and he guarded Magneto behind him without saying a word.

Magneto, on the other hand, reached out to the Chitauri floating battleship.

In his induction, these warships made of alien metal are as clear as exposed nerves.

His magnetic force can walk through it wantonly.

"Since this is the case, why do you still come here?"

After Magneto finished speaking, he clenched his fist with one hand.




The floating behemoth sensed by his magnetic force immediately began to collapse towards the inside.

The piercing metallic sound caused all the Zeta Swiss soldiers around him to subconsciously distance themselves in surprise.

When they focused their attention until then, all the Zeta Swiss soldiers looked shocked.

Why did the giant beast around him become like this without being attacked?

A metal bump like a biscuit!


The "bo cake" hit the ground directly, setting off a cloud of dust.

Unlike the situation in other places, all Zeta Swiss Soldiers in this direction fell into silence.

What's going on ahead?

Why do giant floating beasts directly turn into biscuits?

Is there any terrible weapon here?

Or is there something weird here?

But why can't I see anything?

"Sabretooth, draw them over."

Magneto looked at the hesitant aliens, his eyes full of contempt.

These aliens turned out to be nothing more than that.

Since this is the case, then just kill all the aliens.

Sabretooth's face was calm when he heard Magneto's words.

"Hey~~ we are here!"

Sabretooth didn't know how to attract the opponent, but his roar naturally attracted the attention of the Zeta Swiss soldiers.

A group of Chitauri Flight soldiers rushed towards his position frantically.

Magneto waved his hand without changing his eyes.

It was as if all the Chitauri Flight soldiers had hit an invisible wall.



The flight controller under their feet twisted directly.

Soldiers who could not fly fell from the sky one after another.

At this moment, all the Zeta Swiss soldiers looked in the direction of Sabretooth full of panic.

what is going on?

How could the other party do this?

Can't get close to each other?

At this moment, the Zeta Swiss soldiers in the distance directly started a long-range attack.

A powerful beam of energy shoots towards Sabretooth.

Sabretooth's eyes were firm, with no sign of dodging.




Countless energy beams shot past him.

There were also countless energy beams that shot directly at his body.

With Magneto behind him, Sabretooth had no intention of dodging.

Moreover, he still remembered what the demon messenger had said.

One's own fruit can only absorb physical attacks for the time being.

However, if the energy attacks suffered become more, can I gradually adapt to Energy Absorbing attacks?

One's own cells are destroyed and reborn, in the process, will they mutate again?

Once this idea appeared, he tried to accept the energy attack constantly.

But on weekdays, he can't train at all.

Today, these Zeta Swiss Soldiers are the targets of his training.

They are their targets, but they are also their whetstones.

Countless energy beams beat Sabretooth to a bloody mess.

His body does crazy and fast Self-healing.

Before he is fully cured, his body will be attacked by powerful energy again.

Sabretooth gritted her teeth and persisted.

His body cells began to accept the attacks of these energies gradually.

In the beginning, it was only a trace, then a stream, and finally the energy was absorbed by his body like eating and drinking.


Sabretooth roared.

His body expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

two meters.

three meters.

Four meters.

five meters.

six meters.

The bigger Sabretooth's figure is, the more energy he can resist.

And with more and more energy, his size is getting bigger and bigger!

When a huge monster over ten meters appeared in front of the Zita Swiss soldiers, they suddenly felt that something was wrong.

This 103 big guy looks more terrifying than the big green guy with four arms in the middle.


A Chitauri commander directly stopped the attack.

Now they are a little bit hard to get off.

The big man was blocking the way ahead.

Can their team move forward?

Moreover, there is an inexplicable force blocking them.

"Sabretooth, I didn't expect you to actually Energy Absorbing attack power this time.

This time, these aliens have become your lucky stars. "

Mystique looked at the terrifying and huge figure in front of her, feeling a little emotional.

The help that the demon messenger gave Sabretooth was really great.

Just the terrifying Sabretooth, almost unstoppable.

"Next, you can move freely, it is best to drive the other party to my most suitable control area.

The distance is too far, and too much power is consumed. "

Magneto At the moment also spoke.

Sabretooth grinned when he heard Magneto's words.

"I know, I will drive them all over."

After Sabretooth finished speaking, the entire huge body jumped out from the roof of the building.

Where he landed, a huge amounts of deep pit appeared.

But Sabretooth didn't care at all, he rushed towards the Zita Swiss soldiers crazily.

A giant floating beast couldn't dodge, and was caught by Sabretooth directly.

His terrifying figure directly punched the top of the giant beast's head with even more terrifying power.

A burst of electric sparks flashed across the giant beast.


With one punch, a giant beast was directly smashed by Sabretooth.

This time, all the Zeta Swiss soldiers are like sitting on wax.

Fight? The more you hit the opponent, the bigger you get!

Don't fight? The opponent is directly attacking them now, can't they still hide?

Sabretooth moved consciously towards the back of the Zeta Swiss Soldier.

When he directly killed through this team, he began to consciously drive away all the giant beasts and soldiers.

Magneto, who was waiting there, turned cold instantly.

"All of you, destroy me."

The magnetic force crazily exerted force, and the behemoths in the sky and the Zeta Swiss soldiers were crushed into cakes one by one.

In this direction, the sky is clean.

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