Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

130 Black Dwarf Matching Devil Fruits! Feed Him! It's Okay To Be Rude! (6 More)

"Give you an opponent to play with."

Qin Xiao pulled the hatred into his mirror dimension.

Also pulled in is Wolverine Logan.

"Give me an opponent to play with? It's not Hulk's level opponent now, I'm not interested.

Abominations are now finicky.

He can't even look down on ordinary opponents.

"An opponent like that? I'll introduce you to a few in a while, and then we'll see how well you can fight."

When Qin Xiao heard the hateful words, he suddenly had a new idea.

It's hard to say anything else, but the opponent can still find a few.

"Then who are you introducing to me this time?"

Hate heard that there was an opponent, and the whole person became excited.

For him, fighting is his meaning.

Since there will be opponents at that time, it would be nice to have an appetizer now.

The entire mirror dimension At the moment changes wildly.

Black Dwarf, who was in the distance, was directly pulled in front of the three of them.

At the moment's Black Dwarf was full of question marks.

What is going on in this situation?

The way he was transferred even though he didn't move was obviously the work of those magicians again.

Just like Ebony Maw, it can pull others away even though it doesn't move.

At the moment, he saw three figures before his eyes.

The two looked very small, standard human size on earth.

But there is a body in the middle, which is as huge as him.

All his attention was focused on this figure.

"Who are you? What do you want to bring me here?"

Black Dwarf's dull voice sounded.

He's not a talkative guy, he doesn't even want to say a word with Ebony Maw.

But the current situation clearly cannot allow him to do that.

So he had no choice but to speak after he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Qin, I didn't expect you to bring me such a big guy this time.

It seems that even if he is weak, it is worth a fight. "

Hate this down interest.

The opponent's huge size means that he is worth fighting.

At least, the opponent's size can resist a little more, right?

After the hatred finished, he walked towards Black Dwarf.

After seeing this, Hei Shorty clearly understood what these guys meant.

The visitor is not good!

With a shake of the mechanical pickaxe in his hand, a sharp pickaxe popped out instantly.


Black Dwarf understands the truth of the first strike.

So, he directly hit the big guy with a pickaxe and an axe.

The hatred is not in vain.

He didn't even use the power of the shaking fruit, and directly resisted the pickaxe with his own strength.


Since Black Dwarf took the initiative, the pickaxe and ax directly pushed the abomination back a few steps.

"Hahaha, very good, powerful enough!"

The hatred was repulsed, and instead of being angry, he looked excited.

He is only happy when he has to fight.

At least for now Black Dwarf is showing strength to match his size.

The abomination rushed towards Black Dwarf again without hesitation.

Black Dwarf's mechanical pickaxe is more than just one form.

Seeing that the abomination was unscathed with a pickaxe and ax going down, he knew that his opponent was in trouble this time.

When the hatred rushed towards him, he dodged to the side.

Smoothly escaped the impact of hatred.

Immediately afterwards, his mechanical pickaxe went straight to the passing abomination.

Seeing this, hatred is also a flash.

He judged the range that Black Dwarf, the pickaxe, could hit.

However, everything exceeded his expectations.

Black Dwarf's mechanical pickaxe has an extended feature!


The sound of collisions brought by the extending metal chains directly awakened the abomination.

But it's too late!


The huge abomination directly ate it.

Being attacked by that powerful force, the abomination flew out directly.

But right after, Black Dwarf discovered the problem.

In this space, it will not crash into anything!

Hate turned over and stood up.

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting, it seems that there is an unexpected joy in fighting you this time.

However, I can't make you happy too much, or it would be too embarrassing for me. "

After the hatred finished, a white light shone from his hand.

The power of the shaking fruit began to show its power.


This time, the abomination rushed towards Black Dwarf again.

Black Dwarf shook the mechanical pickaxe in his hand, and another pickaxe smashed towards the abomination.

But this time, the hatred didn't even flicker.

A white light flashed in his hand, and he punched directly on Black Dwarf's mechanical pickaxe.



The entire mechanical pickaxe was directly smashed by the fist of hatred!

If it was an ordinary ax, the abomination would not be able to do anything with it.

But this mechanical pickaxe has mechanical features.

The vibrating power of the abomination directly acts on its interior.

Even floating giant beasts can't bear the power of the loathing shock, let alone such an axe.

Even if the forging technology of this ax is higher than that of the floating giant.

Under the vibrating force of hatred, there is only broken parts.

Hate smashed Black Dwarf's mechanical pickaxe with a punch, without any pause in his whole body.

He kept walking, and his fist landed directly on Black Dwarf's body.


The continuous fists directly hit Black Dwarf helplessly.

With the last punch, Black Dwarf fell directly to the ground.

At the moment, he was still dumbfounded.

My own weapon has followed me for so long, and there has never been such a situation.

Kill yourself with one punch!

Immediately afterwards, that punch fell on him one after another, letting him know the reason.

Every punch of this big guy has layers of force.

These continuous fists directly severely injured the internal organs in Black Dwarf's body.

If it weren't for his own strong defense ability and recovery ability.

Just this moment he had to be beaten to death on the spot.

Qin Xiao looked at Black Dwarf, who was lying on the ground, and walked over at the moment.

"Very well, it seems that now you have a full understanding of our place.

Then there is one thing we need to talk about. "

Hate to look at this tiny earthling.

His mind was still a little unclear.

talk to yourself?

Could this little earth be the leader?

Like Ebony Maw?

"The next thing I'll say, you listen, and ask questions if you don't understand after listening.

I know all about you coming to our planet on behalf of Thanos.

I also know exactly what you are going to do next.

But now you have also seen that the power of the earth is beyond the reach of ordinary people like you.

And I can offer you some interesting stuff.

These things will improve the strength of some of you.

You can ask Thanos if he is interested in this matter. "

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he looked at Black Dwarf.

At the moment Black Dwarf was in a daze.


Does this guy know Thanos?

Does he know Thanos' purpose?

He also said, is there something that can increase strength?

"What do you mean by that?"

Black Dwarf finally turned all doubts into this one question.

"Well, you need to tell Thanos this matter in the form of a test subject.

So next, I will give you something that allows you to have some other abilities.

This Ability, if you show it to Thanos, he will understand. "

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, his body began to ripple.

Immediately afterwards, a fruit appeared in front of several people.

Devil Fruit!

Qin Xiao actually offered devil fruit to this guy who attacked the earth!

Logan At the moment is completely unable to understand what is going on.

Even those who only know about the abomination of fighting, At the moment still don't understand.

"Qin, are you sure you want to give him a devil fruit?"

Logan looked serious.

The opponent is the enemy!

Although he didn't see that this man was attacking with Loki.

But the other party is obviously not from Earth.

If he eats this devil fruit, will it bring more harm to the earth?

"`~I know what you guys think? But as I said earlier, I know what they're going to do.

In fact, what I want is to use this to seduce the other party.

If he comes out, Ancient One and Odin are still there, maybe they will seal each other directly.

If he doesn't come, it's just a devil fruit, any of you can fight him.

Does not affect the overall situation. "

Qin Xiao simply explained the reason.

"The him you're talking about is the Thanos you mentioned just now?"

"That's right, that's a formidable opponent."

This time, Logan understood what Qin Xiao meant.

Use the devil fruit to attract Thanos, and then take down the other party while the Ancient One and Odin in his mouth are still there.

Logan knows who the Ancient One and Odin are.

Ancient One first appeared in New Mexico.

It was a young and ugly little girl.

At least it was in his mind.

And Odin, this is Thor's father, the King of God.

Asgard, the ruler, is even within the scope of the opponent's rule in a sense.

These, originally he did not believe, but at that time he believed.

And since Qin Xiao admired the other party so much, he believed in the other party so much.

So it seems that all this is indeed a hole dug for Thanos.

"I see."

Logan backed away.

Black Dwarf looked at Qin Xiao with a serious face.

The other party was not by his side when they communicated just now.

But the opponent was obviously a little defensive.

Now, I saw two brightly colored things growing out of each other's bodies.

He just couldn't understand it.

Is there something special about this thing?

"The two fruits here are both animals.

One is called the Allosaurus fruit, and the other is called the Mammoth fruit.

These two fruits can make you have a huge body.

Even bigger than your current body.

Of these two fruits, you can choose one to eat. "

Qin Xiao looked serious.

Black Dwarf is also a host with a matching Devil Fruit.

And what he matched were these two devil fruits.

Animal fruit. Allosaurus!

Animal fruit. Mammoth!

Qin Xiao was actually a little curious. These two fruits had appeared on the body of Abomination.

Now, it appeared on Black Dwarf again.

They are originally huge monsters, do they need a stronger body?

Or, is a larger body beneficial to their performance?

"Why should I eat?"

Black Dwarf looked disdainful.

Qin Xiao was not angry at all when he heard this.

He glanced back at Abomination and Logan.

"This guy won't eat, you can choose one to feed him."

As soon as I hated it, I became interested directly.

This thing is hard to eat.

If you force it, the other party will feel even more unpalatable.

"I'm very interested in this matter."

After finishing his hatred, he walked towards Qin Xiao.

He grabbed a devil fruit casually and walked towards Black Dwarf.

"Oh, by the way, it's okay to be rude."

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