Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

149 Magneto Is Arrested! Stryker's Goal! Professor X Visits! (1 More)

With a bang, Magneto's residence was shot into one bomb after another.


Continuous explosions sounded in the room.

Countless metal shrapnel were flying in the room.

Those things don't do anything to Magneto, though.

He easily used his ability to create a magnetic barrier outside his body.

However, he didn't protect Sabretooth.

Because all Sabretooth needs is damage!

These injuries will become his strength.

Magneto had deep doubts about the attacker this time.

Knows himself, still uses metal bombs, knows Sabretooth, but doesn't know how to deal with it.

Is there any conspiracy on the other side?

This kind of attack is completely giving food to oneself!

Magneto sensed something was wrong, and he was about to leave.

In fact, that's the time they gave Mystique to escape.

Mystique, without the toughness of him and Sabretooth, it's easy to have trouble with them.

But left alone, almost no one will be able to find Mystique.

"Sabretooth, we're going, I think they have a conspiracy."

After he finished speaking, he directly manipulated all the metals and shot them crazily towards the outside.

Regardless of whether there was anyone outside, the metal shattered the surrounding glass crazily.




There was the sound of metal piercing into flesh.

This is obviously the metal controlled by Wanmage hurting people.

This time, Magneto Wang Yue felt that something was wrong.

How could such a team come to find me?

Or, they didn't come to find themselves? 04

They're actually here for Sabretooth?


Just then, Sabretooth roared wildly.

After receiving the first wave of damage, he began to transform crazily.

"Inside, all units pay attention, the other party is still inside."

"Be careful, the opponent is very strong."

"Don't attack, prepare to release smoke bombs and gas bombs to force him out."

"Smoke bombs and anesthesia bombs together!"

Outside the house, the arrest plan was commanded nervously and orderly.

At this moment, Magneto's expression changed.

One after another smoke bombs were fired from outside.

The entire room quickly filled with smoke.

"Sabretooth, get out there and lead them away!"

Magneto made his judgment quickly.

Let Sabretooth lead people away.

Since the other party is not targeting me, I don't need to expose myself.

And not surprisingly, Xingzhuang has successfully lurked.

As long as Sabretooth leaves here, he can find a chance to leave at any time.

As for Sabretooth, the intelligence of the other party is obviously problematic.


Sabretooth responded with a cry, and then he rushed out of the room.

In the entire room, only the Magneto day area remains.

"Quick, the opponent rushed out."

"Surround, surround!"

"Not good, why did his size become so big?"

"Oops, he rushed out, chase after him quickly."

"Chasing after chasing~"

"Woo~ woo~ woo~~"

The continuous car engine sound sounded.

A series of cars rushed straight into the distance.

Apparently, they went after Sabretooth.

Magneto heard the sound outside disappear, and he walked out of the room carefully.

Looking at the messy scene outside, he smiled contemptuously.

"These people really don't know what to say."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.


At this moment, he suddenly felt a pain in his body.

Immediately afterwards, a tingling feeling spread throughout his body.


Magneto slowly fell to the ground.

In his eyes, the last picture was a group of people pointing guns at him.

"Report that the target has arrived.

"Very well, bring him back to base."

This voice is exactly Stryker!

This time, it was Stryker launching an attack against Magneto.

He led Sabretooth away in front of him because he didn't want to ruin the plan because of Sabretooth.

Sabretooth's danger level has now been raised again.

However, in their plan, Sabretooth will also be wiped out soon.

Now that Magneto has been directly taken down, the next plan can be implemented.

By the time Magneto woke up, he had been locked in a prison full of plastic.

Here, he couldn't control any metal at all.

Although he can still sense the earth's magnetic field, this does not change his current situation in any way.

Not long after, Stryker walked in with a woman.

Magneto could sense the metallic smell on the woman.

It's a pity that the woman stopped at a position that he could control smoothly.

It seemed that Stryker knew him very well.

Magneto, we meet again. "

Stryker's very calm voice came.

They are all old rivals, and they are even more familiar with each other than each other.

"You worked so hard to catch me, what is it for? Is it because of the last time?"

Magneto refers to the last time the Statue of Liberty in New York happened.

"No no no, Magneto, you made a mistake, and those things have nothing to do with me.

In fact, the last time I wished you success.

Because only if you succeed will they remember the horrors of the Mutant again.

At that time, they will let me go free to capture Mutant.

On the contrary, I didn't expect that you failed.

This made me also suffer a great impact.

I have been speechless for a long time.

I am looking for you this time because of another matter. "

Stryker talked to himself.

"For another matter? What is it?"

Magneto always felt that something bad was going to happen.

"I want an address out of your mouth."

"An address?"

"That's right, the address of Charles' Xavier's School."

Stryker finally reveals his ultimate purpose.

"You're going to do it to Charles!"

Magneto was taken aback.

"That's right, we need to rely on his strength this time, but we can't find his position.

Now, with you we will know. "

Stryker smiled grimly.

Magneto was apprehensive, but his expression gradually calmed down.

"You know, I won't tell you. Even though I don't agree with Charles, it doesn't mean I'll betray him.

Stryker was calm when he heard Magneto's words.

"I know, I know you won't tell me easily.

But, do you remember my son Jason? He studied with Charles.

Unfortunately, Jason dropped out of Charles' school in the end.

You know what? Jason hated us when he came back.

So, he began to torture our minds.

He is constantly creating visions in the minds of my wife and me.

Let us be constantly immersed in pain.

Afterwards, my wife tried to get rid of these pains.

He drilled into his head with an electric drill alive.

Oh, by the way, let me introduce you to a test item No. 143. "

After Stryker finished speaking, a man in a wheelchair was wheeled in.

Magneto At the moment's heart skipped a beat.

"Damn it, Wilhelm, this is your son, what have you done to him?"

The man in front of him was the son of Wilhelm Stryker.

That Mutant who used to study at Charles' school.

But now, the other party was sitting in a wheelchair, and his head had obviously undergone surgery.

At the moment, he seemed to be a fool with imperfect intelligence.

"No, my son is already dead, as much as you are.

However, he still has some room to use.

The secretions in his brain have the ability to control people's thoughts.

I know you won't say it, but Experiment 143 will help me out.

Wilhelm Stryker gestured to the bodyguards beside him.

The bodyguard stepped forward and pressed Magneto on the table.

Wilhelm Stryker took out a potion and dripped it directly on the back of Magneto's neck.

After a while, Magneto, who was still struggling, gave up struggling.

"Very well, then I'm going to ask what I want to know."

Xavier's School.

"Charles, news of Magneto's arrest is all over the place, do we need to go see him?"

Cyclops Scott held a newspaper in front of Charles' eyes.

Charles glanced, brow furrowed.

"There's something wrong with this, Eric helped humanity in the Battle of New York not long ago.

Why would they attack Eric167 at this time?

You must know that the most important thing is to deal with the giant warships, corpses, and technological weapons left by aliens.

They are fighting at the moment, aren't they afraid of the Mutant counterattack last time?"

Charles At the moment really can not figure out why.

It's been a long time since the last time Magneto wanted to mess with the Statue of Liberty.

During this time, the person has not

But why do it after Magneto participated in the battle to save New York?

What is the significance of this time?

"We don't know about this matter, and it is possible that the other party only knew that Magneto was still in New York at this time."

Scott casually offered a possible guess.

"It's okay if this is the case, if not, there may be some conspiracy behind this matter.

Also, newspaper sources say Sabretooth has escaped, how is he now?"

Charles asked another question.

"Sabretooth is fine, he went to S.H.I.E.L.D last time.

Currently living at a S.H.I.E.L.D branch outside of New York City.

The specific situation, we are not very clear. "

Scott told Charles what he knew.

"Why didn't Eric go to S.H.I.E.L.D with Sabretooth to get an identity.

Otherwise, S.H.I.E.L.D would have done it himself by now. "

Charles shook his head helplessly.

"Should we go see Magneto?"

Scott asked again.

"Go and see, this matter may only be cleared up with Eric.

Our Mutant participated in the Battle of New York this time, which is the best time to live in peace with humans.

At this time, it cannot be destroyed by others. "

Charles had a decision in an instant.

"Okay, let's go over there and have a look."

Scott takes Charles to the plastic prison where Magneto is being held.

The moment Magneto saw Charles approaching, the pupils of his eyes shrank.

Obviously, he can save Charles from the trap by sounding the reminder.

But Magneto has his plans.

The war will finally start!

"Eric, I really didn't expect this meeting to be here."

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