Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

159 Phoenix! Can't Match Devil Fruit! (1 More)

"Here, I'll open the door for you."

Just then, Qin Xiao came to the scene.

He directly opened a portal, and the outside of the portal was where the S.H.I.E.L.D aircraft was grounded.

A group of people walked out of the dam one after another.

They even made it to the extraction point before the group of Mutants who retreated earlier.

After everyone walked out, the weak Charles was sent directly to the plane.

Under this world of ice and snow, Charles of At the moment couldn't resist.

Along with the plane, there is illusion master Jason.

It's just that Jason is on the plane of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now, all await the other Mutants who escape with the Blue Devils.

But the distant dam At the moment began to rumble.

That was the sound of lake water pouring into the dam, and the dam was overwhelmed.

The dam is about to collapse.

"What should we do now? We must guide them to leave quickly."

Storm got a little anxious.

"I'll try, but I don't know if I can do as well as Charles.

At this time, Qin Gelei took the initiative to stand up.

She also has psychic ability, but her ability has not been as powerful as Charles.

In fact, it's just because her Ability has been suppressed all the time.

At the moment she started overloading her super abilities again.

A red flame flashed in her eyes.

Phoenix force Awakening again!

Immediately afterwards, she is connected to other Mutants who are fleeing.

"Here, Blue Devil, can you use me as a guide to teleport over here directly?"

Phoenix's voice rang in the mind of the fleeing Mutant.

Similarly, the blue devil also heard her voice.

"Using your 04 line of sight as a guide, I might try it."

The Blue Devil At the moment also made up his mind.

If you don't speed up, the people here are likely to encounter a crisis.

The blue devil directly grabbed a Mutant's hand, and then he closed his eyes.

Phoenix's gaze came directly into his mind.

It was an empty and white ground.


A flash of blue flashed past, and the blue devil disappeared in place with the child he caught.

On the other side, in front of everyone's eyes, a blue smoke flashed past.

The blue devil came here directly with a Mutant.

"Wow, that really works."

The Blue Devil was thoroughly excited this time.

It turns out that other people's sight can also be used as one's own destination.

"Blue Devil, others still need your help."

Storm hurriedly urged.

"I know."




Immediately afterwards, the Blue Devil flickered frantically.

In a few moments, all the Mutants were brought here.

And he himself felt a little exhausted.

This kind of continuous medium and long-distance flashes did consume some of his strength.

Next, everyone started to board the plane.

Wolverine was by Stryker's side the whole time.

Stryker needs to help recall his past.

Now, he ignored everyone and just stared at Stryker.

Other agents of S.H.I.E.L.D are ready.

Not only Stryker, but even Stryker's son Jason will be taken away by them.

This time, the battle between Mutant and Stryker almost went awry.

They have to prepare for what comes next.

Even they wanted to take Charles away too.

But obviously, relying solely on the Hill agent can't do it at all.

Qin Xiao probably wouldn't intervene, this time willing to open a portal is already an exception.

The dead woman next to him was obviously just under Stryker's control.

And now obviously won't help S.H.I.E.L.D either.

As for Wolverine, his attention is now on Stryker!

The rest of S.H.I.E.L.D is even less likely to be a match for the Mutant here.

So they had no choice but to imprison Stryker and his son first.

As for Charles, now anyway S.H.I.E.L.D knows their location.

There will be time to visit again later.

Besides, a mutant leader who is willing to maintain peace with humans should not be too hostile.

If the opponent is pushed to the enemy, then the entire human race may be really dangerous.

"Next, treat Charles well, and we'll visit him again after a while.

Hill agent looked at Storm and said seriously.

Storm At the moment's expression is also solemn.

This time, S.H.I.E.L.D also came to stop Stryker.

Likewise, Charles was saved.

If it weren't for Agent Hill holding Magneto off before she got there.

This time, Magneto's scheme might succeed.

S.H.I.E.L.D saved almost everyone this time.

"This time, thank you for your shot, after that, welcome to our school.

Storm expressed his gratitude on behalf of Xavier's School.

Qin Xiao At the moment glanced at Phoenix.

"Don't say thank you for now, because you Mutants still have things to do.

She is a little unstable now, it depends on whether you can guide her well.

If she is not guided well, she will be the next source of world destruction. "

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, everyone at the scene was stunned.

It's kind of a motherfucker wormhole here on Hill.

Just prevented a Mutant world-destroying disaster.

As a result, there will be another Mutant here in a blink of an eye, and it will bring disaster to the world!

She never doubted whether what Qin Xiao said was true.

Because Qin Xiao hardly ever lied.

This world is too uneven!

Aliens invade, Mutants cause trouble, and gods or people descend.

One incident after another, S.H.I.E.L.D seems to be becoming a sieve.

The point is, things seem to be happening one after another on Mutant's side.

This made her feel a little uncomfortable.

I really want to have a vacation.

Shall we kill Phoenix now?

That way you don't have to worry about her getting out of control.

An idea even popped into Agent Hill's mind.

As for the Mutant people, their hearts sank when they heard Qin Xiao's words.

Especially Cyclops Scott.

He has already felt the change in Qin Gree.

But I don't know why this change.

But today a stranger actually saw Qin Gree's problem at a glance.

This let him know that things were in trouble.

If something happened to Qin Gree, he himself didn't know what to do.

"Here, do you have a calendar to help her?"

Scott supported Qin Gree and asked anxiously.

Since you brought this up, maybe you have a way?

Qin Xiao shook his head.

"I don't know what to do for now, but you should ask Charles the most about this matter."

He really can't help it!

The system either gives matching devil fruits to other people.

Or it just can't match, and there is no hint at all.

But when I met Phoenix, I encountered a situation that I had never encountered before.

"Ding, a devil fruit match has been detected."

"Ding, return to the four matching fruits... Refreshing...

"Ding, the matching object is unstable, the system cannot match..."

This is the system's feedback to Qin Xiao!

Crazy Girl Unstable!

The system cannot match her with a devil fruit!

This situation was something he had never encountered before.

You know, the other Mutants here are all capable of matching Devil Fruits.

Only the most powerful Phoenix, At the moment can't match.

Qin Xiao has his own guesses.

The first is that the strength of Phoenix originally is not stable.

She has two states when she has Phoenix force and normal state.

Normally, she is an ordinary or only a third-level mutant.

But once Phoenix force Awakening, she is the most powerful level 5 Mutant in the world.

She is the only one with such fluctuations in strength.

The second is that her mood swings are very unstable.

Dark Phoenix's personality and visibly are waking up.

If Dark Phoenix's personality cannot be suppressed, then she will eventually become the most powerful villain.

The system At the moment is obviously unable to judge her in this state.

This is really the first time this kind of thing has come across.

You know, even Ancient One can match Devil Fruit.

Even Odin was able to conclude that the other was too old to match.

This is really the first time for Jean Grey.

So Qin Xiao At the moment had no choice but to stand up and remind Storm and the others to pay attention to Qin Gelei's state.

Storm At the moment is thoughtful.

She was also aware of Qin's condition, but she hadn't paid much attention to it before.

Now it seems that this matter needs to be seen in person after Charles gets better.

"Thank you for your reminder, we will pay attention to 570 next."

Storm thanked Qin Xiao again.

Everyone said goodbye briefly, and the two sides separated directly.

Back at S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick Fury was already waiting.

Not only is he waiting, but even Pierce has come to S.H.I.E.L.D's special holding interrogation room.

The crisis this time far exceeded their imagination.

Wilhelm Stryker was immediately locked up, and everyone began to interrogate him again and again.

But the result is not ideal, Stryker's hatred of Mutant is the only reason for him to do this.

After all, this thing is "reasonable" originally.

As for why he received orders to capture Professor X and Magneto at this time.

The matter eventually fell through.

After all, this is the military's "counterattack"

On the other side, Charles gradually recovered.

Storm recounts what happened this time in Charles' office.

So detailed that it even allowed Charles to read bits of her memory.

After Charles finished checking, he was lost in thought.

The circumstances behind this incident seem to be beyond imagination.

Even S.H.I.E.L.D is out!

Even the devil messengers were dispatched.

This kind of thing never happened during the New York War.

He himself knew how dangerous this time was.

As long as he succeeds once, whether it's eradicating all Mutants or all humans.

Even if it only hurts some people, it will make everyone feel scared.

Even if no one is hurt now, he believes that his danger level At the moment has even surpassed Magneto.

Magneto's Ability can be detected anyway.

His own Ability couldn't even be detected.

This kind of thing can easily make some people uneasy.

He is even sure that when S.H.I.E.L.D comes to him, he will definitely talk about this matter.

"Storm, get ready for a visit from S.H.I.E.L.D.

During this time, all the Mutant students are well placed.

What should be sent back is sent home, and it is considered a holiday.

In addition, those mutants who escaped will have to be retrieved by then.

And tell them it's safe. ".

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