Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

162 Inspiring Fruits! Confident And Powerful Phoenix! (4 More)

"Demonic stuff, the flavors are really underwhelming.

Charles finished eating, and was even in the mood to crack a joke.

At the moment he finished eating this devil fruit, a force gradually flowed in his body.

That is an inspiring force.

And this power gradually integrated into his body, including mental power.

At the moment, he looked at the other people around him who looked expectant.

The mind ability is directly distributed.

"Qin, your ability is very powerful. At that time, you were not yet fully mature and could not control that powerful power.

But for such a long time now, you yourself have been growing constantly.

Perhaps you are not yet able to harness your own power for the time being.

But that's because you haven't received more powerful strength training.

Next, it happens that most of the other Mutants have left.

I will conduct some special training for you.

You have to believe in yourself, you can control your own powerful power.

You, should not be afraid of those forces.

Because, these powers belong to you.

Charles' voice echoed throughout the office.

The voice clearly carried Charles' spiritual power.

The most important thing is that there is obviously another power in these spiritual powers.

This force seems to have aroused some kind of impulse in their hearts.

It was a feeling of believing in yourself.

It's like, I'm invincible!

Jean Grey, who was being taken care of by Charles, had a shining light in her eyes at the moment.

She seems to be telling herself in her heart that she can do it!

The power in one's own body should be controlled by oneself.

Those out-of-control forces are simply due to lack of training.

As Charles said, as long as I can train, I will be able to master these forces.

"Charles, I know, and I also believe that I will be able to control my power.

Qin Gelei looked solemn at the moment.

It was an almost invincible momentum.

Everyone who sees her momentum will feel that she can do it.

"Qin, I believe in you, and I will always train with you."

Scott At the moment also looked confident.

He believed that she could control her own power more than Jean Grey.

"Jin, come on, we believe in you!"

Storm is constantly cheering on the side.

There was a strong momentum in the whole office.

This appearance gave Qin Xiao an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Isn't it the same feeling when it comes to rumors and sales?

Everyone is full of energy, full of confidence.

How come this encouraging fruit has such an effect?"

Qin Xiao looked at the effect of this fruit after using it, and it really made him feel a little bit pained.

This is really a kind of mysterious confidence beyond cognition.

I believe I can do it, so I will definitely do it!

"Maybe, training can start now."

Qin Gelei turned and left the office while talking.

She stood alone outside the destroyed Xavier's School.

At the moment, she looked confident.

Everyone followed closely.

What followed was a scene that shocked everyone.

Qin Gelei slowly lifted into the air, and there was even a faint silhouette of wings behind her.

With her hands spread out, a powerful force constantly emerged from her body.

On the ground, the building materials that are going to rebuild Xavier's School are flying at the moment.

They are constantly repairing the entire school according to Jean Gray's wishes.

Broken window glass?

The new glass is directly replaced.

The door is broken?

New doors put on.

The wall is damaged?

Re-stack the stucco.

Everything is acting according to Jean Grey's will.

This is her strength.

Even, this is not her strongest power.

Because at the moment all she showed was her Psychokinesis.

"Good job, Jean."

Charles' voice sounded again in due course.

The voice clearly has the power to encourage fruit.

As a result, Phoenix At the moment in the sky became more energetic.

Her At the moment heart can really withstand the changes brought about by the power of At the moment.

Her idea is very simple, power belongs to her, and power must obey her words!

The original worry, the original fear, and the original lack of self-confidence are all gone now.

She, just believe she can!

Because she believes she can, she really can!

This is a spiritual force.

However, it has real power.

Qin Xiao stood beside Charles quietly.

The voice of the system echoed in my mind.

Ding, it is detected that the fruit of encouragement has been developed to a certain extent by the matcher, and the host absorbs the other party's Ability-Psychic Cage.

Among his Abilities, there is a new Ability-Psychic Cage.

This Ability is exactly a cage that Charles built with his powerful mental power.

In the cage, some bad things are directly sealed.

For example, Qin Gree's powerful but immature mental power.

At that time, Charles could still be sealed, but now Jean Grey has gradually begun to break through this cage.

So it's getting more and more out of control.

Qin Xiao never thought that this ability would be the first thing he got.

Because of this Ability, he felt a little speechless.

He can't actually use it!

Just like Black widow Natasha Romanoff gave him feedback on the Ability-spy skill beauty torture!

The espionage skill beauty torture requires beauty, even if Qin Xiao uses it, he can only consider using it on women.

And the mind cage requires a strong mind ability.

Although Qin Xiao's current mental strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

But it's still not up to the level of building a mental cage at will.

So this Ability is another power that is useless for a short time.

But this also reflects another thing from the side.

Charles should encourage students a lot on weekdays.

Otherwise, he would not be able to match the fruit of encouragement.

Just eat it and give back the other party's Ability.

But such a suitable fruit, the system never thought of giving it to him at the beginning.

It seems that the system pays more attention to the eater originally.

Piao Piao Fruit can bring great changes to Charles' life.

That's why the system chooses fluttering fruit instead of encouraging fruit at the beginning.

"Devil Messenger, why do demons have such power?

I would not be surprised if there is a fruit called bewitching fruit.

Because that's what demons like to do best.

But the name of the fruit is the encouragement fruit, which is really hard for me to understand.

Devil, do you still need it?"

Charles looked at Qin Xiao and asked his most curious question.

A demon messenger actually has a fruit of encouragement towards Ability.

There is even a fruit that is also positive.

One boosts morale, one washes away sins.

Do demons hate this too?

Qin Xiao felt a little depressed when he heard this.

My identity is all made up, definitely do as I say.

As for the power of this fruit, it all comes from the system.

I can't explain the power of the system.

But this really needs to be explained.

"Devils are different from demons, just like our Eastern mythology is different from Western mythology.

For your gods, faith is power, but for our gods, faith is the lowest.

0...asking for flowers...

Qin Xiao explained casually, but didn't go into details.

Because of these things, it's best to let them understand for themselves.

If you explain too much, on the contrary, if you say too much, you will lose.

Charles thought about it.

But in the blink of an eye, he still focused on Qin Gelei.

"With the help of the fruit of encouragement, Qin can always avoid the erosion of another force.

And can use this power all the time.

With such a powerful force, she may end up scaring humans even more.

Whether this is a good thing or not is hard to say. "

Charles thought of something else in the blink of an eye.

The strength shown by Qin Gelei at the moment has already reached the level of a fourth-level mutant.

It will be even higher in the future.

She is a level five Mutant after all.

By then, there will already be two opponents, Professor X and Magneto, that will make humans vigilant.

In the end, there will be a more powerful one, what kind of fear will it cause to human beings.

Under such circumstances, what choice will humans make?

Whether to continue peace or choose war.

No one knows these things.


Therefore, it seems that the matter of Phoenix has been solved for the time being, but it has planted a bigger crisis for the future.

"You think too much, if this matter is not resolved, Qin Gree will definitely lose control.

Now, as long as you can keep up her main personality and suppress her dark personality.

She can always be at her best.

Under such circumstances, she chose peace more.

A situation that was 100% out of control is replaced by a situation where there are still choices.

Such things are good in that respect.

Moreover, if one day, her master personality is strong enough to be able to suppress the dark power zone without your power.

Then she will no longer be out of control.

At that time, it was her strongest strength.

All-around powerful. "

Qin Xiao could see clearly.

Phoenix, who had absolutely had an accident, now at least has a choice.

And the most powerful Qin Gelei may be when she becomes the white phoenix.

Charles also nodded upon hearing this.

"You're right, but I never thought that a devil fruit could provide such power.

I could feel it, it didn't boost my mental power.

So I am not Qin Gelei who uses mental power to suppress and seduce.

This power seems to be a strange The Power of Rules.

It can act silently on others.

Even this power has a very high priority.

Compared with Qin Gree's original second personality, the power priority is higher. "

This time Charles sent out with emotion again.

Inspire the power of fruit priority!

This is a power over Phoenix's dark personality.

"This also shows that in Qin Gelei's heart, the desire to control power and not to be controlled is very urgent.

Otherwise, even if she has the power to inspire fruit, she may not be able to grasp her own power so quickly. "

Qin Gree's thoughts are actually very important.

If she didn't have the determination to control these forces.

Even if there are encouraging fruits, it is useless.

Encourage the fruit, just encourage it!

Nor can it create thoughts of nothing out of thin air.

"You're right, the next step is for me to constantly strengthen Qin's heart.

Charles also agreed with Qin Xiao's words.

"No, there may be another thing to do next."

Qin Xiao At the moment suddenly refuted Charles' words.

"Anything else to do? What?"

"Try to heal your body knife.",

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