Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

169 The Mighty Iron Legion, The Beaten Attackers! (1 More)

Savin is Killian's number one general.

His fit with Extremis is the best.

At least compared to other people who blew themselves up from time to time, even if he was seriously injured, he could recover quickly.

This gave him even more power to carry out Killian's plan.

Although during this period of time, there have been cases where the soldiers under him exploded out of control.

But this does not affect their plans.

Because, Killian is a genius.

I actually thought of using a drama actor to play Mandarin.

So that these blasters can also be worth the money.

In fact, he knew part of Killian's plan.

Even a veteran like himself has to say the audacity of Killian's plan.

But, if he does succeed, a real empire will rise.

Rise from the ashes of war.

Become king from chaos.

With the people under their command, they took several modified helicopters and went straight to Tony Stark's residence.

At the moment, he looked disdainful.

Tony Stark, seems to take himself too seriously.

Although the opponent uses technology to become Iron Man, he needs the assistance of a battle armor after all.

Tony without armor is just a mortal.

In this raid, if Stark is dead, forget it, if not, then wait to be captured by them.

Although he didn't understand Killian's order either.

Extremis clearly still needs Stark.

Why did you attack so recklessly.

Really killed Stark, is this Extremis perfect?

He couldn't figure it out, and he didn't intend to figure it out.

Anyway, following Killian's action is 04.

Over the years, Killian has helped so many of their disabled veterans get back on their feet.

Not only stood up, but also made them stronger than ever.

This was originally a gift.

Even if Killian is against the world, he doesn't care.

Anyway, there are battlefields everywhere, and it is better than being disabled at home and waiting to die.

"Savin, we're here."

The Extremis warrior flying the plane At the moment reports a message.

They've been able to see Stark's villa from a distance with the naked eye.

"launch missile."

Savin was chewing on a chewable tablet to prevent self-explosion, and Ribe said casually.




Inside the helicopter, the modified firepower directly bounced out of it.



Several small missiles shot directly towards the villa.

"Tony Stark, a genius billionaire, may be dying like this.

Savin muttered to himself.

But when they were waiting for the missile to destroy the villa.

But suddenly found that a group of things spraying tail flames above the villa directly blocked the front of the missile.

"Savin, is that armor?"

A soldier seemed to be unable to believe his eyes.

"How come there are so many armors?"

"Also, can these armors act on their own?"

"Is there something wrong with Iron Man? He uses so many armors by himself!"

"No, the missiles have all been blocked!"

The group of attackers finally found out at the moment that it seemed that Tony had the confidence to go to war with them.

With this group of battle armor, none of them can do anything.

"No, the battle armor is rushing towards us!"

"Dodge, dodge quickly, don't get caught by them."

Savin stood at the cabin door of the plane, looking ahead with surprise.

A battle armor rushed directly into a plane next to Savin.

In the plane, a fight started immediately.

Extremis has a strong physical fitness.

More powerful resilience.

The most important thing, they are able to emit heat over 3000 degrees!

At this temperature, even steel can melt.

A suit of armor enters the next plane, only to encounter a frenzied Extremis warrior.

"Ooh, Shet! Don't transform inside the plane! You'll destroy the plane!"

"Dick, get off the plane!"

"Shet, if you don't leave, we're all going to die."


Suddenly, a plane next to Savin exploded directly.

The only thing that can be seen is that several people seem to have jumped off the plane before the explosion.

At the moment, the life and death of those who fell into the sea are unknown.

The Iron Man armor that had just attacked was also completely destroyed.

A plane is exchanged for a suit of battle armor. I really don't know whether it is a profit or a loss.

For all the reporters on the plane, At the moment it is even more unbelievable what happened in front of them.

From the moment they learned of Tony Stark's address, they flew a helicopter to report here.

Some big newspapers and TV stations are their own planes.

And those who are slightly weaker, At the moment also rented a plane to report here.

I thought I wouldn't receive any good news.

No one expected it to be such a blast!

Someone is going to attack Tony Stark!

The aircraft in the distance directly fired several small missiles.

In their footage, the missiles head straight for Stark's mansion with their plumes.

And Stark's villa, like a defenseless beauty, is about to be ravaged by missiles.

However, at this critical moment, everyone once again realized what Iron Man is!

One set of armor after another flew out of the villa.

They were directly in the way of the missile attack.

Some armor directly supported the missile halfway, allowing the missile to shoot into the air.

Some fired palm cannons directly at the missiles.



Successive explosions signaled the failure of the attack.

But things are not over yet.

More Warframes flew directly towards the helicopters attacking in the distance.




Continuous palm guns or chest guns show the power of Tony's armor.

Several helicopters could only flee in this violent attack.

But Tony obviously didn't want to let them go.

These flexible armor rushed directly through the open hatch of the aircraft.

Not long after, the entire plane exploded directly in the air!

Disappearing together, there is also a set of battle armor.

"I bought Karma~ Dear viewers and friends, our reporter is here to report for you.

Everyone should have seen the shot just now, Tony is indeed Iron Man.

He formed a powerful Iron Legion with more than thirty sets of armor.

No wonder he dared to yell at Mandarin who recently hacked into the system of the President's Office.

Just now, a set of Iron Man armor directly destroyed a helicopter.

This set of battle armor is something we have never seen before.

How many armors like this do Iron Man have?

Since there are so many armors, why is Iron Man not willing to let others use them.

Maybe we can ask this question later.

Even buy Karma, the following battle has changed.

It looks like some of the attackers were captured by the Iron Armor.

The captured armor is now heading towards the villa with the raiders.

This time, is Iron Man going to create another miracle?

Find Mandarin earlier than the military?

Reporters constantly babble on camera.

The shock in their hearts is only known to them.

This time, they were so worth it.

On the plane, another battle armor entered directly through the open hatch.

"Savin, what should we do?"

"Owen, wait, are these armors trying to capture us alive?"

"That's right, as long as they don't resist, they won't attack violently."

"Tony Stark, this is trying to capture us alive!"

"Savin, what should we do?"

The voice of his comrade-in-arms came from Savin's ear.

"Don't resist, just let them bring us in, and once we get in, it's our world.

Savin thought of this plan in a blink of an eye.

"Melee? I know."

"Just do it, don't fight back."

"Shet, come on, come and catch me!"

A group of people stopped resisting according to Savin's words in a blink of an eye.

Even those who had already begun to emit high temperatures stopped heating up.

If Tony wanted to kill them directly, they really couldn't help it.

Because the helicopter is indeed not as flexible as these armors.

In such cases, they are a living target.

As for escaping the plane, At the moment is just impossible to succeed.

This is the sea, and if you fall, you will only get caught.

But since the other party wants to capture them alive, the other party is looking for death when they really go in.

Savin is very confident in their fighting power.

Moreover, if it doesn't work at that time, as long as someone in the group of 083 blows himself up, he can kill the other party.

This time, these fighters were really beaten and forced.

In the high altitude, they never expected to encounter such a large group of armor.

Such a battle armor can almost become an army.

Still a formidable army.

But, how come Tony Stark never showed it?

This made them misjudge each other's half.

If he knew this was the case, he would definitely not choose such a fanfare attack.

Wouldn't it be nice to attack Tony like Harpy elsewhere?

Similarly, they also saw the horror of Iron Man's armor.

In this rootless place, they are indeed not rivals.

But once they landed, it's really hard to say what will happen in the end.

In the villa, Tony At the moment has already put on a set of battle armor.

Not only that, he put three sets of armor on one side for protection.

In case something happens, he can put all the people here into armor.

The reason there are only three sets is because he knows Qin Xiao doesn't need it.

Tony watched as his armor gradually captured the people on those planes.

Even using armor to force those helicopters to fly towards the villa area.

"Pepper, did you see that I said we are well prepared here.

As long as they dare to come, they will definitely pay the price.

Now, I want to know where the Mandarin behind them is. "

Tony waited for his Iron Legion to bring everyone before him.

Pepper At the moment is still feeling a little worried.

But think about it, there is still a demon messenger around at this time, even if something happens, there is still a backer.

As for Colonel Rhodes, he was speechless at the moment.

With so many armors, the most basic set is for the military.

It made him almost speechless.

After today, I don't know what kind of request the military will make.

As for Maya Hansen, at the moment she was just being dumbfounded.

She didn't know that Killian would be so mad.

I didn't even know that Tony Stark was so well prepared.

With such a steel legion in battle, there are several who are his opponents.

"Mr. Stark, the prisoner has been escorted to the lawn for disposal."

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