Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

172 War Machine! Matching Devil Fruits! Terrible Fruit! (4 More)

"That's right, why, do you want to become a devil's believer?"

Qin Xiao At the moment played his identity once again.


Colonel Rhodes had a slight hesitation.

"As long as you eat the devil fruit, you can have the ability of Superman, just like Pepper."

He continued to bewitch Rhodes.

Do you want to be a follower of the devil?

As long as you eat the devil fruit, you can have a super ability.

Colonel Rhodes' already dark face changed color even more at the moment~.

I am a member of the military anyway, how could I become a devil's believer so casually.

But then he - remembered something.

The military is not as strongly against military members contacting demon messengers as before.

Because the news from General Ross is just astonishing.

The battle between the Hulk and the Abomination that night wiped out several neighborhoods.

In the end, it turned out to be an easy solution by relying on General Ross's daughter.

As for the solution, it was the opponent who ate the devil fruit of the devil messenger.

Judging from the news from General Ross, the power of the devil fruit is powerful and strange.

Originally, the military was not in a hurry.

After all, this thing is not easy to believe.

But what happened next has completely exceeded their expectations.

The New York War broke out!

In this battle, everyone who is qualified to know knows that there are fruit Ability fighters in many places on the battlefield.

Even, there is the participation of Mutant.

On the contrary, the military, which should occupy an important position, has achieved almost nothing in this battle.

It wasn't even until the military turned around that they discovered that S.H.I.E.L.D already had a bunch of Fruit Ability users.

This time, give them a hurry.

Even with the War Machine given by Tony, it doesn't make them feel any achievement.

Ever since, they had some other ideas inside.

For example, they also let some people become Fruit Ability users.

At least, in a research center like this, they can't be left behind.

Colonel Rhodes thought of this, and he had another idea.

Although some things are still in confrontation now, if you become a fruit Ability user.

So is it possible to unify them all directly?

Now it is becoming more and more dangerous, and it seems that it is not suitable to continue the internal confrontation.

Thinking of this, he seemed to understand what he should do.

"Then, what kind of calendar can I have?"

He asked the most important question directly.

At that time, I can inform the military of this result.

Also, asking is not against the law.

In case you are not satisfied with the Fruit Ability, just refuse it when the time comes.

Qin Xiao looked at Colonel Rhodes who was clearly in high spirits.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

This guy can't match a Devil Fruit until he becomes a War Machine.

At least a lot of times he'd seen Rod on Tony's side or otherwise.

Rhodes does not have the ability to match the fruit.

But now, it's clear that things have changed.

With the War Machine of MARK2 upgrade, the current Colonel Rhodes also has the matching Ability.

The most important thing is that the matching fruit of the opponent is still very powerful!

"Ding, a devil fruit match has been detected.

"Matchable fruit: weapon fruit, strong city fruit..."

Colonel Rhodes matched only two fruits.

Weapon Fruit!

Strong City Fruit!

But the power of these two fruits is beyond doubt.

It seems that the power displayed by the weapon fruit can only be transformed into ordinary swords and guns.

But the power behind this fruit may be as terrifying as the bomb fruit.

Nukes are bombs.

Nuclear bombs are also weapons!

The only problem is to know how the weapon fruit needs to be transformed into a weapon.

It is necessary to touch the weapon.

Still need to know which weapons.

Or, you need to learn to use those weapons.

Even, it is necessary to complete some "analysis" of the weapon in order to produce changes.

But no matter which method is needed, this fruit can play an important role for Rhodes.

As a colonel in the military, it is not difficult to get in touch with those powerful weapons.

Specifically, perhaps it is waiting for his development.

As for the Fortress Fruit, if this thing is given to Colonel Rhodes.

That is a model of one man forming an army.

As a soldier, it is not too much to put a few divisions in his castle.

It's not too much for these divisions to prepare a little bit of powerful weapons, right?

For example, put some aircraft cannon missiles.

Even throwing a few nuclear bombs inside is not too much, right?

This thing can only be used to its greatest effect if it is given to the military.

And Colonel Rhodes is obviously a more suitable person.

His status is not too high, and he will not be self-respecting.

If it's for General Ross.

He alone is a giant.

But for a colonel, there are still many people who can be suppressed.

Moreover, on weekdays, there can be some suppression of the things he places.

Put some military personnel like Colonel Rhodes in his castle.

Letting them lead those internal personnel can also play a short-term suppression role.

If it is more suitable than Colonel Rhodes, it may be a SHIELD Director like Nick Fury.

If Nick Fury turned into the fruit of the strong city.

Just put a few Helicarriers in it, and the world will be lost.

Qin Xiao glanced at Colonel Rhodes.

"There are two kinds of devil fruit you can match, weapon fruit and macadamia fruit.

Their functions are respectively..."

Qin Xiao briefly explained the two fruits to Colonel Rhodes.

He even briefly talked about how to use the two fruits here.

Tony, who was tired on the side, heard Qin Xiao's words, and his face was full of surprise.

"The fruit matched by Rhodes is so terrifying?"

Tony couldn't believe it at all.

These two fruits were terrifying to Colonel Rhodes.

But if it is given to him, I have no idea how terrifying it will become.

Let me talk about the fruit of the weapon first.

He's Tony, genius Tony!

You can research and develop various weapons to your heart's content.

In this way, he is able to incorporate any weapon into his fruit.

For example, he can research and develop all kinds of armor, all kinds of weapons, flying in the sky, and running on the ground.

Even, the weapons department that he has closed can be opened again.

Only this time it's not producing weapons.

Instead, it is used to develop more terrifying weapons.

In this way, how terrifying this fruit will be played by him.

I don't need anything, it's not too much to just change into an armor.

I'm developing it myself, so it's not too much to make a fusion bomb.

With these things, destroying a little thing is completely easy.

And the fruit of the strong city is the same!

He doesn't need an army at all.

The Iron Legion is his army.

All he needs, is to constantly generate armor.

These armors are then stored in his Fortress Fruit.

After that, develop some more powerful weapons to directly replace those old artillery.

It is not too much to have a few missile silos.

It is not too much to have a few aircraft platforms.

In this way, he is really an invincible firepower output point.

Moreover, with these two fruits given to him, he doesn't have to worry about being restricted by anyone at all.

All of this was done by him alone.

0...asking for flowers...

His Stark industry can provide him with powerful backup.

Rhodes needs to be restricted by other people to obtain these fruits.

But Tony can only sigh.

He already has the fruit of the underworld, and has the power to live a lifetime.

This kind of power is what many people want most.

As for Pepper, she doesn't care much about these.

After all, she is not a fighter.

So she was not too surprised by these two fruits.

As for Maya Hansen and Savin, who were imprisoned in the battle armor, they both looked confused.

Now they have no access to this information.

Even if they know about the New York War, they know something about what happened.

But they still can't get in touch with things like devil fruit.

At the moment, Rhode froze.

He originally thought that the fruits he matched were just two random ones.

But he never imagined that he would be matched with such powerful two fruits in the end.

Now, he doesn't know how to choose.

Obviously, the weapon fruit made him a super soldier with outstanding individual combat ability.

And the fruit of the strong city is likely to make him go one step further.


Colonel, that would not be the end for him.


One man is an army!

one person!

Cheng Guo!

A terrifying thought flashed through his mind suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the whole idea out.

Such thinking is too dangerous!

This would make him a target.

The final result may not be very good.

At the moment, Tony seemed to see Colonel Rhodes' doubts.

"Rhode, I personally suggest that you choose the weapon fruit."

Tony spoke his advice.


Rhodes was still very tangled.

"Choose the weapon fruit, you will become the target of everyone's competition.

But more are research and development departments and powerful weapons departments.

They will constantly give you powerful weapons to try to integrate.

You know, many times they want to experiment with weapons and there is no way.

But if you integrate, then there is no way to really use it even if someone says it.

The file matter can be completely shirked to... the devil. "

Tony said this, and there was a slight pause.

After all, Qin Xiao was to blame for this matter.

Qin Xiao didn't react at all when he heard this.

Just leave it to the devil behind you to take the blame.

"If you choose the Fortified City Fruit, then you will still be the target of everyone's competition.

However, this goal is not necessarily a good thing.

Because, at this time, you are the target of competition, and the other side will be the target of defense.

They worry about your self-respect!

So in the end you will face countless forces in your castle.

They supervise each other and stumbling each other.

In the end, we will also supervise you together.

Even if you have strong fruit power, you may not have the opportunity to display it.

Once someone finds out that you have changed your position, the end result will be to eliminate them.

That is, once someone feels that your position is problematic.

They will most likely kill you.

That's why I suggest you choose the weapon fruit.

Moreover, even if the military does not provide weapons, we, Stark Industries, have many weapons to use.

This allows you to exert great strength even if you choose to retire in the end and you are not in the military.

Welcome to Stark Industries. "

Tony explained why he persuaded Colonel Rhodes.

The whole reason sounds reasonable.

"I think what Tony said makes sense."

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