Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

176 Imitation Fruit Mandarin! Goodbye Killian! (3 More)

"What the hell did you feed me? It's so unpalatable.

Fake Mandarin looks disgusted.

"This fruit is called Mimic Fruit, and Ability is somewhat similar to Mutant Mystique.

So no matter who takes him into custody in the future, remember to take good care of him.

Otherwise, if he gets lost, you will never be able to find him again. "

Qin Xiao At the moment said to Natasha Romanoff.

Somewhat similar to Mystique.

The name and role alone can make her vigilant.

Most importantly, she once matched this fruit herself.

But because of her own reasons, she chose the Soul Soul Fruit.

She thought this fruit would never appear again.

I didn't expect it to appear on the fake Mandarin now.

Moreover, Qin Xiao gave this fruit directly to the other party almost without any conditions.

"Why did you give him this fruit?"

Natasha Romanoff At the moment still doesn't understand.

"He is qualified, so I will give it to him. In addition, he will go back and quit everything he shouldn't have.

With your Ability, it should be easy to make him obedient.

At that time, I will find him to use his Ability, this is considered a deal with him.

This fruit is for you, and you definitely know how to use it.

Perhaps, you can also ask Mystique about this matter. "

Qin Xiao didn't care much about giving this fruit away.

At this time, the fake Mandarin, who had already eaten the devil fruit, felt the changes in his body.

He walked up to Tony and stared at it for a long time.

All of a sudden, he touched Tony's face.

"Is this a billionaire? Sure enough, it's different from me."

Then, he touched his face with his right hand.

A shocking thing happened, Mandarin became Tony directly!

At the scene, two Tonys stood quietly in front of everyone.

The only difference is that the real Tony is in Warframe. 960

Fake Tony, with a straight face.

That expression was exactly the same as Tony's.

"I bought it, it really is an imitated Ability."

Colonel Rhodes looked surprised.

Among the people present, he alone knew very little about fruit abilities.

The others, except for the fake Mandarin, all participated in the Fruit Ability Battle that Qin Xiao prepared last time.

In that Gobi desert, several people with super fruit abilities fought a big battle.

The entire war directly changed the landscape of that area.

So other people are not very surprised by the Ability of the Fruit Ability.

However, everyone silently raised their vigilance.

This kind of ability, if you can't guard against it in the future, it will be miserable.

"Trevor. Slater, quickly change my face, or I will hold you."

The palm cannon in Tony's hand suddenly flashed.

He watched a face exactly like his appear in front of him.

Sure enough, this feeling is very bad.

The thought of someone going to meet an acquaintance with his own face.

Tony even wanted to blow his face to pieces.

"Wow~ Don't, don't, I'll change back right away."

When the fake Mandarin touched it with his left hand, he immediately changed back to his own appearance.

But then, he took a fancy to Captain Rogers.

"Captain, you are my idol, you know, your deeds are constantly broadcast in the museum.

I was influenced by you at the beginning, because you also started acting as a hero.

So I later decided to join acting as well.

But what I didn't expect was that the hero was not played, but the terrorist was played first. "

After the fake Mandarin finished speaking, his right hand touched his face again.

Immediately afterwards, he directly changed into Captain Rogers.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his physical condition.

"Oh, is this what it feels like to be a hero? It really is great."

Fake Mandarin felt the changes in his body with excitement on his face.

Tut tut, interesting.

Everyone looked at the two identical Captain Rogers and raised their foreheads again.

Except for one with a shield and the other without a shield, there is almost no difference between the two.

"Trevor, if you show up in my face, I'll smash this shield in your face."

Captain Rogers looked serious.

Smash his own face, this kind of operation he also wants to try.

Anyway, his shield smashed many people's faces.

One day, it might not be too bad to switch to hitting myself in the face.

Hearing what Captain Rogers said, Fake Mandarin looked depressed.

"Well, well, you don't want to either."

He touched it with his left hand again, and immediately returned to his own appearance.

Then, he turned his attention to Natasha Romanoff.

Qin Xiao's eyelids twitched. Will this guy give benefits like Feng Kelei?

That guy, but turned into Nami directly and untied his clothes.

Will the same thing happen with At the moment?

"Trevor, if you dare to touch my face, I'll cut off your hand."

Natasha Romanoff looked at the fake Mandarin ready to move, her face full of frost.

In her heart, she was thinking about other things.

This guy must be in his own hands.

Because of this situation, it will be of great help to them.

And once acquired by the enemy, it will be like Mystique next to Magneto.

They can clearly calculate the interests behind this.

Even HYDRA's Crossbones episode At the moment was thinking of bringing the other side back to S.H.I.E.L.D first.

Once at S.H.I.E.L.D, the next thing is easy.

Colonel Rhodes is on the side, also thinking about controlling the opponent.

But obviously, this time he will be at a disadvantage.

S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA simultaneously took the fake Mandarin to S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is difficult for the military to take advantage of it.

"Mr. Stark, Killian has been spotted. They have moved to a port."

Just then, J.A.R.V.I.S finally found Killian.

At the moment, he has arrived at a port.

Here, they appear to be preparing to leave.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, let the python come over and take this counterfeit into custody. If he acts recklessly, he will explode himself."

Tony walked outside again and again, asking J.A.R.V.I.S to take the fake Mandarin into custody.

A set of battle armor flew directly from the sky.

In a blink of an eye, I arrived at the side of the fake Mandarin.

Fake Mandarin looked depressed, but looked around and had no choice but to go in.

Now, Bingguan directly took three captives.

"Captain Rogers, now, let's get Killian. (aeai)"

After Tony finished speaking, he soared into the sky.

Captain Rogers looked around at the crowd.

"Let's go, go over there and take down the opponent early, and learn more about it earlier."

Everyone got on the plane and went straight to the port.

Killian was a little depressed.

He didn't expect one thing, Tony actually captured so many of his Extremis fighters this time.

It was supposed to be a surprise attack on Tony's villa, but it turned out that the other party was really prepared.

From the live TV feed, he clearly saw his Extremis warriors being captured.

Originally, he thought that if these people entered the villa, there should be huge amounts of explosions.

At first there seemed to be a real firefight.

But after a while, there was no trace of the exchange of fire anymore.

He didn't know that he was pulled into the mirror dimension by Qin Xiao.

So his only guess is that these captives were really captured!

Even after that, he saw fighter planes going to support them.

Knowing that his information might be leaked, he had to take the Extremis fighters to find a new safe house.

It can also be said that the training is looking for a new battlefield.

The place where Mandarin is located is mainly used for shooting.

The real battle venues have to be in other places.

Coming to this port, he had the Extremis fighters begin to scatter.

Next, there will likely be counterattacks from Iron Man and his companions.

Killian from At the moment is really a little nervous.

This is not in line with his ideas!

In his mind, it didn't really matter whether Tony existed or not.

Because his own Extremis has been basically perfect.

Even if there is a little bit of danger, it is for others.

So he chose to attack Tony, just for the next more horrific attack.

Come to think of it, who is Tony?

Tony is Iron Man!

If Iron Man can't protect himself, can he be expected to protect others?

Once Iron Man is attacked, everyone will be in fear.

At that time, Mandarin's reputation will become even more terrifying.

The last step is to use the people around the president to complete a power transfer.

At that time, the president of the most powerful country in the world was one of his own.

The most terrifying terrorists in the world are also their own people.

They will all come forward to make troubles in the world.

And myself, I will always hide behind the scenes.

This world will build a new world in your own hands.

Whether it is destroyed or rebuilt, it will be created by oneself.

But at this time, the scene I was expecting did not appear at all.

Tony's villa was still on TV.

Then the only explanation is that they successfully prevented the Extremis fighters from exploding themselves.

With the means of those people, it is only a matter of time to obtain information.

So as a last resort, he could only choose to leave a place first.

Waiting here for the opponent's attack.

And as expected, the opponent fruit raided the land of Mandarin.

This time, not only Tony appeared, but also the people from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Moreover, the strength of the visitor this time is astonishing.

Just a few people wiped out all the fighters left there.

Not surprisingly, this is the next step.

I really didn't expect that my plan was obviously good, but it turned out to be a failure because of attacking Tony.

At the moment, it would be a lie for him to say in his heart that he has no regrets.

If he didn't mess with Tony, maybe his plan had reached the final stage.

But now, it's too late to regret.



A piece of armor shining with tail flames landed directly on this port.

Tony looked around, checking the situation here.

Immediately afterwards, a plane landed directly not far from the port.

On the plane, a group of people came down.

"Killian, I didn't expect that I would create you as a devil."

Tony's voice came from the armor.

The visor opened, and Tony's face appeared in front of Killian's eyes.

"The devil? No, no, I don't think I'm a devil.

But all of this is indeed caused by you.

Do you know what you left for me in Switzerland?


You asked me to wait for you on the roof, and for the first twenty minutes I really thought you would show up.

However, I was disappointed, you did not show up.

So in the next hour, I wanted to take a step forward and jump off the stairs countless times.

But when I looked at that city, I found a more desperate thing.

Nobody knows I'm there.

No one saw me.

No one pays attention to me.

Under such circumstances, I realized.

A thought has been with me since that day.

Do you know what it is?".

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