Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

189 Blob Fruit! Terrifying Moving Speed! (1 More)

Captain Rogers didn't care much about Extremis' promotion of him.

Because he has already injected Super Serum once.

This serum allowed his physical fitness to surpass the limit of human beings.

After all, it's okay for him to jump down dozens of floors with his physical body.

It can also pull down the existence of the helicopter with the flesh.

This terrifying physical quality is enough for him to take the lead when developing the blob fruit.

He even began to be able to do those things just by hearing Qin Xiao's introduction.

Blob Air Cannon.

Pop fatigue hurts.

But when Extremis was successfully injected into his body.

That feeling of growing stronger again came through the decades in his body and in his mind.

It was a feeling that I had to forget.

A sudden sense of omnipotence.

The powerful physical body made Captain Rogers originally very terrifying.

The change that this physical body brings to his fruit ability is what makes him feel even more terrifying.

A while ago, Captain Rogers was trying to send things far with his own Blob bubbles.

It's just that he has never been able to grasp the feeling of being far and near as he pleases.

Every time I use Ability, it's always either too much or too little.

Things that are sent away are even directly damaged from time to time.

But this time the physical improvement directly made his senses more terrifying.

I couldn't feel that delicate feeling before, but now I can feel it.

A blob bubble suddenly appeared on Captain Rogers' hand.

Immediately afterwards, he slapped his own shield directly.


It's like the sound of bubbles popping.

Captain Rogers' shield disappeared immediately.



But then, at the end of the underground base 04, there was a sound of metal falling to the ground.

Everyone looked at each other, what is Captain Rogers doing?

Hawkeye Barton disappeared in place.

In a blink of an eye, he was back in front of everyone.

In his hand, he holds Rogers' shield!

The power of the Momo fruit is now used by Hawkeye as a regular power.

This is the biggest change brought about by his physical strengthening.

But at the moment, he frowned slightly.

"Captain Rogers, you didn't seem to be carrying any strength just now.

If you use the power of the Blob fruit before, the shield will definitely be embedded in the wall this time.

But this time, the shield is not embedded in it, why is that?"

Barton looked puzzled.

Captain Rogers seems to have lost it this time.

"No, it's not about mistakes, what I couldn't do before, I can finally do now.

After he finished speaking, he found an easily broken glass.

A Blob bubble appeared on his hand again.



With a slap, the glass disappeared from sight again.

It's just that Hawkeye Barton disappeared this time.

There was a crisp crash when the glass hit the ground.

But it was obvious from the sound that the glass was not broken.


In a blink of an eye, Hawkeye Barton appeared in front of everyone again.

At the moment, he was holding the cup that was blown out just now.

"Captain Rogers, can you now deliver objects exactly where you want them to go?"

Barton finally understood what Captain Rogers was doing.

Just now, he followed the blob bubble that Captain Rogers fanned out with his fastest speed.

On the way, he saw a scene that surprised him.

Blob bubbles envelop the glass cup.

Keep it from being damaged in that haste.

Afterwards, the Blob bubbles to where the previous shield dropped.

At the moment, the blobs suddenly burst like bubbles.

The glass cup wrapped inside fell gently to the ground.

This is the new Ability that Rogers has been training.

Wrap the object with Blob bubbles and send the object where he wants it.

It was impossible for the original Captain Rogers to get the items to a certain place so smoothly.

But captain Rogers, once again being strengthened, has been able to do such things.

Both times, items were delivered to the same place.

"That's right, I can now use the power of the fruit to do such things.

Moreover, the power that was previously mastered has now been improved. "

After Captain Rogers finished speaking, he stretched out his palm directly forward.

A Blob air cannon blasts straight into the distance.

The airflow of the explosion drifted across the underground base.

"The power of this explosion has increased several times.

Captain Rogers said something simply.

Immediately afterwards, his palm awareness aimed at Hawkeye Barton.

Barton's body began to stiffen, and he couldn't bear the captain's air cannon.

Immediately afterwards, he relaxed, which should be a move to pop out fatigue.


A pink blob slowly erupted directly from Barton's body.

It's Barton's exhaustion!

His Momo Fruit allows him to move fast.

But that doesn't mean he won't be tired.

Just running fast for this period of time, he has already accumulated part of the exhaustion.

Being ejected, Hawkeye suddenly felt refreshed.

"Now, I'm able to refine the negative forces in my body even more.

Fatigue and pain can be more refined.

Likewise, it's also possible to choose how much exhaustion and pain comes out.

Even, I can bounce them back. "


After Captain Rogers finished speaking, he directly returned the ejected exhaustion to Hawkeye's body.

Hawkeye, who just felt refreshed, suddenly felt a little sluggish.

The kind of slowly accumulating exhaustion is fine, and the body can slowly adapt.

But this suddenly sends fatigue into the body.

Even with Hawkeye's current physical fitness, it is a bit too much.

After a while, Hawkeye recovered again.

"Captain Rogers, this promotion is more than just a little benefit, right?"

Hill agent asked her most concerned question.

Obviously, everyone has benefited greatly from this strengthening.

Definitely, Phil Coulson's promotion seems to be the exception.

But his improvement in fruit power is not obvious.

His physical fitness has definitely been greatly improved.

Captain Rogers' strength was originally very strong.

If it is only such a small increase, everyone will always feel that it is a little abnormal.

Captain Rogers glanced at Agent Hill, then nodded.

"Yes, there are more benefits this time."

After he finished speaking, Blob bubbles appeared on his hand again.


In an instant, his shield disappeared from everyone's eyes again.

After a while, the sound of the shield landing was heard.

Everyone is confused, is there anything strange about this?

Isn't it the same as sending the shield to the designated location just now?

Captain Rogers, took a look at everyone, and then specifically at Barton.

"Then you use your fastest speed to pursue this cup."

Rogers pointed to the cup in his hand after speaking to the chief.

Hearing his reminder, Barton agent is ready.


In a blink of an eye, the cup and Barton disappeared from everyone's eyes at the same time.

Moments later, Barton returned to the crowd with the cup and shield.

At the moment he looked horrified.

"Can these teleported items exceed the speed of sound given the location target?

And at such a fast speed, it can still maintain integrity. "

This astonishing control was what horrified Barton agent.

In other words, the method they envisioned using Captain Rogers' powers for weapons and equipment transfers is now fully achievable.

"No, it's more than that."

After Captain Rogers finished speaking, he slapped Hawkeye.


It disappeared in front of everyone's eyes forever and instantly.

"Captain Rogers, what are you doing?"

"Will there be no problem shooting living bodies with such power?"

"Captain Rogers, Bacheng will be all right?"

Seeing Barton who disappeared before everyone's eyes in a blink of an eye, everyone seemed a little worried.

"Everyone just wait."


In the blink of an eye, Hawkeye returned to everyone's eyes again.

"In your blob bubble, you can actually exist safely, and your current blob bubble is also amazing.

Hawkeye Barton At the moment is full of disbelief.

The first point is Captain Rogers' Blob bubble, which allows him to go from here to another place in a blink of an eye.

And he originally didn't look hurt in any way,

This means that Captain Rogers can achieve the effect of teleporting players.

This kind of power can make them more flexible when fighting.

If there is another New York battle, Captain Rogers can send everyone to various places.

The only thing we don't know is the extent of Captain Rogers' delivery.

But just this short-distance teleportation can also give them great benefits.

In fact, something that surprised Barton even more.

With his reaction speed, he couldn't even react under the captain's hands.

He himself was sealed in the bubble without the ball.

By the time he reacted, he was halfway there.

At that time, he can choose to break the blob bubble, or he can choose to continue waiting to reach his destination.

This he chose to wait until the destination and then come back.

The moment Captain Rogers shot, he didn't react.

It fully proved that the instant speed at which the blob bubble possessed him was too fast.

So everyone's movement can be my strength.

And not only that, I myself can move with the power of the Blob fruit.

Barton agent, let's see who gets there first! "

It is rare for the captain to have a sense of competition.

"Really? Just compare."

Hawkeye Barton was instantly ready to move.

The blob bubble formed in Captain Rogers' hand in an instant.



In the blink of an eye, the two figures disappeared directly in front of everyone's eyes.

"Captain, has it become so scary now?"

"I found that in S.H.I.E.L.D, the captain's strength is the most comprehensive."

"Indeed, the power of the blob fruit really exceeded all my expectations.

"And the Extremis promotion this time is indeed beyond our imagination.



For a moment, Captain Rogers returned to everyone's eyes again.

The moment the bubble burst, a breeze blew past everyone.

Immediately afterwards, Barton's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Instead he brought a gust of wind.

"Captain Rogers, when you use it yourself, your movement speed exceeds the speed of sound?"

Barton looked strange.

He thought his speed was the fastest.

It turns out that the captain is more terrifying than his movements.

"That's right, and my speed can be even more terrifying. As for the upper limit, I don't know now."

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