Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

200 Unbelieving Thor! Indestructible Tai Particles! (2 More)

"But what if you still have a chance? As long as you live, will you still have a chance?"

Qin Xiao gave another answer.

"A chance? What chance do we have?

After this failure, we dark elves have almost disappeared in this universe.

With the few remaining dark elves, it is impossible to revive the glory of Proxima Midnight elves.

Instead of this, we might as well just die here.

At least, you can also get a reputation of being killed in battle. "

Malekith shook his head mockingly.

He could see clearly, it would be fine if he could get Tai particles this time.

If they don't get Tai particles, their remaining dark elves can't be opponents at all.

"You have studied Asgard for so long, haven't you heard of a legend?

A legend that the Shendu of Asgard will perish. "

Qin Xiao was surprised.

Could it be that the legend only arose in the Odin era?

"Legend? You mean Ragnarök?"

Malekith was taken aback.

Qin Xiao felt relieved.

It’s good that you have heard it, otherwise there is no way to explain it to you.

"That's right, since you know Ragnarök, if you are alive and wait until the day of Ragnarök, will you still have a chance to see the light of day again?"

Qin Xiao was like a demon, his voice kept echoing in Malekith's ear.

This thing is really, really possible.

Because Qin Xiao knew that when Odin passed away, Ragnarök began.

However, this world seems to be changed a lot by myself now.

How much longer Odin will survive is anyone's guess.

"No, it's impossible, Ragnarök has been rumored for a long time, but it has never appeared.

Maybe it was originally just a legend.

Even, this may have been a trick used by the people of Asgard to paralyze other people in the Nine Realms.

Let everyone think that the gods will die, and let everyone gradually lose their vigilance during the waiting.

Malekith was filled with disbelief in the legend in an instant.

He even thought it was originally a trick.

An Asgard plot against the rest of the Nine Realms.

The point is, this statement still makes sense.

Immortals like dark elves and frost titans lurk in wait.

And short-lived species like humans have forgotten the past after a few generations.

Many facts became legends at that time.

In this way, it can be convenient for the people of Asgard to operate.

"Is it their scheme, don't you want to see it with your own eyes?

Since you have waited for 5,000 years, can't you wait any longer?

There are actually two choices before you now.

One is that you die now and never have a chance.

The other is to choose to live and wait for the opportunity that may exist.

You who have been waiting for thousands of years, can't you wait longer?

Moreover, even if you can't see hope and future at that time.

Then it shouldn't be too late to end your own life. "

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, Malekith fell into deep thought.

If you simply look at these two options, this person is right.

One is that there is no chance, and the other is to gamble on the future with yourself.

One is to let the entire dark elf family perish immediately.

The other is in the long future, waiting for the glimmer of hope that might exist.

It is also possible that it is a deeper despair.

"Why are you helping us?"

Malekith asked what he most wanted to know.

He didn't believe that this person would help him for no reason.

Because, in fact, the other party is obviously on the side of Asgard.

Qin Xiao pointed to the two people who were fighting in the distance.

"The Cursed Warrior will only obey your orders, as the price for my help, you need to make the Cursed Warrior obey my arrangements.

If one day you really escaped from the Dungeon in Asgard.

The Cursed Warrior hadn't been fully assimilated at that time.

Then I will return the cursed warrior to you. "

Qin Xiao made his request in the blink of an eye.

The Cursed Warrior is a formidable fighting force.

A super soldier who can crush Thor's hammer.

He doesn't even care if he gets stabbed through by Loki.

Accepted by the darkness, he really wants to gradually become one with the darkness.

If you can make the other party obey your orders for a period of time.

I have one more super combat power under my command.

This combat power can not only accompany the abomination, but also do other things.

This is the most reasonable use.

Moreover, Qin Xiao has a bold idea.

Since the dark elves want to return to darkness so much.

Then throw them directly to Dormammu when the time comes.

Let's see what happens to them.

Hearing this request, Malekith thought for a while.

"If I want to help them take out Tai particles, I can directly agree to their request, why do I have to go through your layer?"

Malekith thought of this in a blink of an eye.

Under his own initiative, he can make a deal with Ding.

Why do you need this man in your midst to intervene?

"It's okay, you can make deals with them.

But what will happen to your people at that time is not certain.

For example, what will happen to this cursed warrior who will sacrifice himself for the dark elves, maybe.

Qin Xiao At the moment is like a devil.

If Malekith didn't think about continuing to survive, then he wouldn't care about the life and death of other dark elves.

But once he wants to survive and rebuild the glory of the dark elves, then more dark elves need to survive.

As the last cursed warrior among the dark elves.

If it can persist until that day, it will be the most powerful fighting force.

But it's more likely to be the day when the Cursed Warrior can no longer hold out.

But these are hopes.

"I agree to your request, and I make such a promise for an ethereal future.

Malekith finally chose to agree.

Since the last time in order to pull the universe into darkness, he was able to sleep for 5000 years for this.

This time, he was willing to wait forever.

If they can wait until Ragnarök, then maybe they still have a chance.

If you can't wait until Ragnarök, at best you will be waiting for that period of time in vain.

"You made a wise choice. I believe that it won't take long before you will find out how wise your choice is. I hate it. Please stop for a while."

Qin Xiao stopped the two big men who were still fighting.

When the cursed warrior saw Malekith, he was extremely excited.


The cursed warrior came to Malekith's side.

"This time we failed, I still choose to hide.

But it is impossible to escape and sleep like before.

This time I'll be waiting for Asgard's destruction in the Asgard's Dungeon.

During this time, you first listen to his words and follow his orders.

If your assimilation lasts until the day of victory, then the glory of the dark elves be with you.

If we don't wait for that day in the end, then we will all go to darkness together.

At that time, we are still with you. "

Malekith issues new orders to the Warriors of the Damned.

Obey Qin Xiao's orders.

The cursed warrior glanced at Qin Xiao.

"I know, I will try my best to wait until that day, if that day does not come, we will see you in the dark.

The cursed warrior made his choice.

After dealing with these matters, Qin Xiao directly opened the portal and returned to the main hall of Asgard.

Thor at the moment is full of anticipation.

"Thor, Malekith will take out the Tai particles next.

But you have to ensure that their clansmen can survive well in prison.

Qin Xiao had a formal face.

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, Thor's face was full of surprise.

Jane Foster beside him also had a look of surprise.

Only by taking out this unstable bomb in her body can she feel more at ease.

`~No problem, as long as he can do it, we Asgard haven't abused captives yet. "

Thor makes his promise.

Hearing Thor's assurance, Malekith turned his gaze to Jane Foster.

He stretched out his hand towards the other party.

An invisible force directly made Jane Foster float in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a red liquid-like thing constantly seeped out from Jane Foster's body.

This is Tai particles.

Reality Gems from Infinite Gems.

The only remaining substance in the universe that can exist in a liquid state.

When all the Tai particles are expelled from Jane Foster's body.

Jane Foster fell to the ground without force.

Thor grabs her by the side.

In the main hall of Asgard, Tai particles are constantly changing forms under the control of Mares.

"It's these things, can't even Grandpa Pole destroy them?"

Thor watched the Tai particles wandering away.

Mjolnir in his hand seemed eager to try.

He doesn't believe that there are indestructible things in this world.

Looking at the thing in front of him, he had an urge to try it.

"Yes, the original matter of the universe appears to be truly indestructible.

Otherwise, my father King Boll would not have buried him deep in the ground.

If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself. "

Odin originally thought that his father had destroyed Tai particles in some special way.

So he has never doubted it.

But in the current situation, things are not like this.

(Hi Wang) This made him more firmly aware that those things must exist everywhere in the universe.

Thor heard the words, Mjolnir in his hand frantically flashed the power of thunder.


The force of thunder directly hit the Tai particles in the air with Thor's divine power.

Powerful forces continue to pile up inside.

In the blink of an eye, a violent explosion occurred in the main hall.



A sound of crystals falling to the ground kept coming,

Everyone looked at the ground and found that the original red liquid, At the moment, had all turned into red crystal-like things.

"Is this destroyed?"

Thor looks curious.

"No, this substance is really indestructible, it's just transformed into a form.

Malekith interrupts Thor's reverie.

The crystallized complexion gradually floated slowly.

Then they turned into Tai particles again.

"Contain these Tai particles!"

Odin gave new orders.

A purpose-built container was brought to the scene.

All the floating red liquids were filled into containers.

"Send all the dark elves to Dungeon, and then, let's witness the celestial phenomenon that can only be seen in five thousand years.

After Odin finished speaking, he took the lead towards the viewing stand.

PS: My foot hurts so much that I can’t walk. This time, my foot hurt for more than a month, which is completely beyond my imagination. I will go to the county hospital for a check-up and update, and it may be unstable for two days.

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