Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

205 Insight Plan! The Ideas Of Captain Rogers And Director Fury Conflict! (2 More)

On the rescue plane, Natasha Romanoff, Captain Rogers, Crossbones Rumlow, and Phil Coulson led a group of agents.

At the moment they are discussing the latest plan.

In fact, Captain Rogers felt that there was no need for so many of them to participate in this operation this time.

It doesn't matter if the other party is "the former Operations Department of the General Administration of External Security and the most wanted criminal on the Interpol Red Notice".

They are now Fruit Ability bearers.

Also got the strengthening of Extremis.

All it takes is one random person to lead a team to do this.

But because the object of this rescue belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D.

So S.H.I.E.L.D finally dispatched this team after "balancing" internally.

Phil Coulson is Nick Fury's henchman.

Likewise, Crossbones Rumlow is the "confidant" of the Global Safety Council.

At least this misunderstanding created by Pierce Ancient One will not be exposed for the time being.

Natasha Romanoff, on the other hand, is a "willing to do anything" agent.

If there is anything wrong in the middle, she can do it.

As for the leader is Captain Rogers.

It's for balance!

Captain Rogers didn't have much to do with anyone.

He was able to maintain his usual mentality.

This is why he is the leader of the whole team.

Definitely, the other is that his strength is indeed the strongest of all.

If there is an accident, his dog can easily deal with it.

With a simple raid, the hostages on the entire ship were directly rescued.

The whole process is really easy.

Basically Captain Rogers flying everyone from the plane to the ship with the air cannon.

The close-range ability to send them wherever they want makes their raids as easy as shopping.

The pirates on board were directly targeted and cleared.

After that, Crossbones used the shear fruit to open the gate.

There is no need for bombs, no one can react to such a quiet breakthrough.

After that, Natasha Romanoff's faux Gatling fires along with other weapons.

The pirates who wanted to resist were all beaten into a sieve.

Phil Coulson is like an overseer, and his chances of making shots are almost non-existent.

The other agents are in charge of finishing and placing the hostages.

That's right, it's that easy.

The only problem with the whole process, is that Natasha Romanoff's artificial living creature is acting on its own.

This made Captain Rogers very angry.

Captain Rogers found Black widow Natasha Romanoff who was backing up the data.

"Natasha Romanoff, this time the rescue plan you should not let your artificial living things act without permission.

You should be aware that during training, your artificial living creature may lose control without your command. "

Captain Rogers looked serious.

The artificial living creatures made by soul soul fruits are very powerful.

But also, because they have "spiritual gods"

So they will have their own minds.

That is, they may disobey Natasha Romanoff's orders.

This happened in training.

In this operation, Natasha Romanoff let her artificial creatures follow other agents.

But she herself went off to do other things.

This made Captain Rogers very angry.

Natasha Romanoff didn't care.

"Captain Rogers, the possibility of that kind of loss of control is very low, maybe once in ten times.

And you also know that out of control situations are caused by being away from me for too long.

In this battle, they have been under my surveillance all the time, so it doesn't take long to get out of control.

"Natasha Romanoff, you have to understand one thing, those times are training, not life.

This rescue activity involves our own lives.

If once your artificial living things get out of control, those hostages are likely to die directly.

Then our rescue operation this time has completely failed.

Mission failure is not the most important thing, the important thing is that they don't have to die.

You are not putting their lives first.

This is the most important!"

Captain Rogers was outraged at Natasha Romanoff's disregard for human life.

Natasha Romanoff glanced at Captain Rogers.

"You are so kind-hearted, but unfortunately I am not.

And, you have your mission, I have mine.

Otherwise, why would I be needed just to save the hostages?"

After she finished speaking, she unplugged the copied USB flash drive, and then waved it in front of Captain Rogers.

"Oh, two, stop arguing, these things haven't happened yet?

Our summary task this time was very successful, and it should be worth celebrating.

Phil Coulson took the initiative to smooth things over at this time.

Seeing the good old man come out to talk, the two stopped arguing.

But Captain Rogers already had a new idea in his heart.

Back at the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, Captain Rogers went directly to Nico Fury.

"Don't let me lead the team next time, and don't involve me in your internal conflicts.

I want to complete the task, and I need to be responsible for the lives of those people.

But you seem to be more interested in another course of action.

You tell me to lead this team to rescue the hostages,

But Natasha Romanoff had already done other things in the first place, even abandoning the hostages.

If you don't believe me, you can let your confidant lead the team. "

Captain Rogers saw Nick Fury complaining.

Nick Fury glanced at Captain Rogers.

"You are wrong, it is for the safety of the hostages, so I sent my most powerful agent to rescue them.

The most important thing is that you successfully completed your respective plans.

Moreover, this plan involves very important things.

You will know when you come with me. "

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he led Captain Rogers into the elevator.

"Insight Planning Fleet."

Nick Fury reported the address to go.

Captain Rogers looked puzzled.

This was another place he hadn't heard of.

How many secrets are there in S.H.I.E.L.D.

The artificial intelligence in the elevator went through a scan.

"Captain Rogers has no vision of the plan.

Artificial intelligence has the answer.

Captain Rogers looked a little ugly.

"Gulas. J. Director Nick Fury Authorized."

"Authorization received, go to the insight plan ship bay."

The elevator began to descend slowly.

"You're talking about something very important, what exactly is it?"

Captain Rogers looked puzzled.

"You'll find out soon."

The elevator went all the way down, and when the elevator stopped, Rogers' anger turned to consternation.

Below this, there is such a huge underground space!

Numerous Quinjet aircraft are constantly being fixed inside.

And their positions are exactly three huge Helicarriers!

"You built three more Helicarriers?"

Captain Rogers finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Yes, we built three new Helicarriers.

They are part of the insight plan.

Three new-generation Helicarriers will be synchronized with a network of positioning satellites. "

Captain Rogers At the moment finally understood.

~The satellite launched by the Lemuria star! What we saved this time is this abnormal satellite platform.

"That's right, the satellite doesn't need to land after it goes up, and the same goes for the three Helicarriers.

They have state-of-the-art shock engines that allow them to sustain suborbital flights.

This thing was improved by Tony. "

"Tony? Does he still have time for this?"

Captain Rogers looked surprised.

"Yeah, after all he's seen our old turbo engine, up close.

This gave him some very bad thoughts.

So that the same thing doesn't happen the next time I'm on the Helicarrier.

So he took the time to design and modify this latest engine for us. "

Captain Rogers' eyelids twitched when he heard this.

This matter seems to have something to do with myself.

Last time, I didn't pull down the handbrake in time, and the opponent was sucked in by the turbine.

It seems that this left a psychological shadow on Tony.

"Then what are these? What are you going to do with such dense firepower weapons?"

Captain Rogers asked, looking at the weapons on the Helicarrier.

"These are new long-range pinpoint weapons.

One minute can destroy a thousand enemies.

Satellites can read the DNA of terrorists even if they don't show up.

With them, we can nip threats before they are born. "

(by Zhao Le) "Strangling? You should be punished for doing bad things, right?"

"It will be too late to do something bad, and we can't wait until then."

"who are we?"

"After New York, I convinced the Global Security Council that now, we can protect them."

"Protection? Pointing a gun at everyone is protection? Everyone, is there freedom?"

"We at S.H.I.E.L.D accept the real world, not the ideal world.

For the sake of this world, there will eventually be something that needs to be sacrificed.

Captain Rogers, you should be aware of this. "

There was a serious clash of ideas between Captain Rogers and Nick Fury.

This time the conversation broke up badly in the end.

In China Aegis, Captain Rogers has his own residence.

Only at the S.H.I.E.L.D branch in New York, they will gather together.

At other times, although someone is watching them, they also have their own space.

Leaving S.H.I.E.L.D, Captain Rogers made a trip to the History Museum.

There, there are his feature documentaries.

Here, looking at the familiar people in the documentary, he can find some peace.

"This world, after all, is no longer the world I am familiar with."

Captain Rogers muttered to himself.

"Hey, isn't this the sentence of Captain Rogers?".

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