Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

209 Hydra Conspiracy Succeeds! Wrong Boot! Hunt Down The Crossbones! (1 More)

Winter Soldier looked at the shattered metal palm, his eyes revealed a rare seriousness.

He didn't feel any impact, violent force.

His arm seemed to be disassembled naturally.

It is scattered into as many pieces as there are parts on the arm.

He didn't understand at all what happened.

Is there something wrong with the metal arm?

Or, is this caused by the opponent's power?

At the moment's Winter Soldier has the meaning of retreat.

Without this mechanical palm, his own strength will drop a lot.

Moreover, the current strength of the opponent is really too weird.

If you continue to fight, maybe even worse things will happen.

As a fighter, Winter Soldier quickly made his own judgment.

Among the scattered metal parts, a mass of flesh and blood floated back to Phil Coulson's body.

The surprise in his heart at the moment is only known to him.

He doesn't know what Awakening is, but he knows what Qin Xiao said.

As expected, my own fruit can act outside of myself like the Soul Soul Fruit and Blob Fruit!

This is what surprised him the most.

Originally, apart from self-protection, his strength was really mediocre in other aspects.

But now, he has new hope.

Looking at his recovered body, Phil Coulson had the desire to fight his opponent for the first time.

Fighting with 04 opponents, maybe I can remember this feeling.

"Hey metal arm guy, here we go again."

This time, Phil Coulson rushed towards Winter Soldier directly in the flesh.

Winter Soldier's mechanical hand lost the palm, and now his left hand is just like an iron rod, unable to make more movements.

But he wasn't worried when he saw Phil Coulson rushing towards him.

He clenched his right hand into a fist, and his left hand counterattacked directly towards Phil Coulson as a blessing.

Phil Coulson fell apart again as he was about to get close.

One of his hands pinched Winter Soldier's metal arm directly.

"That feeling, that feeling of having this part as part of my body!"

Phil Coulson recalls that feeling.

"Torn apart~~"

To the voice of Phil Coulson, the Winter Soldier's metal arm ripped apart straight from the elbow!

All that's left is just the shoulders to the elbows.

This time, Winter Soldier was not calm anymore.

He kicked directly at Phil Coulson.

When Phil Coulson ducked, he turned and jumped.

The situation here needs to be reported to the higher authorities.

Phil Coulson tried to chase for some distance.

But in the end, the other party was allowed to escape.

On the other side, all the soldiers chasing Nick Fury were counter-killed by Nick Fury.

The most important thing is that he couldn't even leave a living.

Once the opponent finds out that he is going to be captured alive, he would rather die directly.

When Phil Coulson found Nick Fury, both of them shook their heads helplessly.

"I have one thing to report to you, the metal arm man I met this time is very familiar with our power.

He even knows my Ability clearly.

So basically, we've got each other's eyes in the New York branch.

And the most likely candidate of all, is Rumlow. "

Phil Coulson shared his analysis with Nick Fury.

"Rumlow, sure enough, has someone on the Global Security Council standing behind him.

Contact S.H.I.E.L.D and immediately imprison Rumlow. "

Nick Fury makes a new judgment call.

"However, S.H.I.E.L.D can't believe it now. It may be impossible for us to hunt down Rumlow with the power of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Phil Coulson raised his concerns.

Nick Fury smiled contemptuously.

"There's no need to catch it, as long as you let S.H.I.E.L.D move, someone will show up."

S.H.I.E.L.D urgently mobilized.

All people are looking for Rumlow agent.

This is the latest order from SHIELD Director Nick Fury.

As for the reason, Nick Fury did not elaborate.

However, under such pursuit by S.H.I.E.L.D, no Rumlow agent was seen.

It was as if the other party had disappeared suddenly.

This time, it seems that the whole thing has once again reached a deadlock.

At least, Nick Fury really couldn't figure out which director was standing behind Rumlow.

On the other side, deep in a bank, there is a hidden base of HYDRA.

Rumlow At the moment is hiding here.

In other words, hiding is not accurate, he is here at the moment, and he has really returned home.

Because here, all members of HYDRA.

Winter Soldier was sitting on a recliner, beside him, a staff member was dismantling his metal arm.

"You mean, the guy who can fall apart touched your hand, and your hand just fell apart?"

After listening to Winter Soldier's report, Rumlow looked serious at the moment.

"That's right."

Winter Soldier gave a positive answer.

"That's impossible, Phil Coulson's power has never been able to work outside his body.

Although the devil messenger said that the fruit can be used outside of itself.

But Phil Coulson's fruit has never shown that kind of power.

The researchers of the New York branch even speculated whether the fruit of the other party did not have that ability.

But according to what you are saying now, it proves that Phil Coulson's strength has grown.

Devil fruits, what kind of terrifying power do they have?"

Rumlow At the moment is very impressive.

He's been around Phil Coulson for so long.

Fighting together in New York for so long.

None of them found that the opponent's power could be used outside of himself.

But this time Winter Soldier's report clearly exceeded expectations.

"That's not the most important thing, the most important thing is that we lost one of the best opportunities to assassinate Nick Fury.

Nick Fury will definitely increase his security in the future.

At that time, there will never be such a good opportunity again.

Originally, it was because of Phil Coulson's limited ability that he chose to attack at this time.

Next time, no matter who is going to protect Nick Fury, we will have a much harder time. "

A person who looked like a staff officer shook his head constantly.

He was right, this time is the best chance.

There are ways to counter Phil Coulson's strength.

But it would be troublesome if it was replaced by someone else.

Natasha Romanoff's Soul Fruit Legion, whether it is the walking Gatlin or the hidden Barrett, all represent the difficulty of the opponent.

What's more, with Extremis, she even has such living things as tanks.

With her by Nick Fury's side, to assassinate is to court death.

If Hill agent is protecting Nick Fury, there will be no other way except for long-distance assassination.

Or Hawkeye Barton protecting Nick Fury, with his quick reflexes and the ability to torture everyone here.

If it was Captain Rogers, it would be even more difficult.

An air cannon knocked Nick Fury away and couldn't find him.

"No, assassinating Nick Fury is not important, what is important is that Nick Fury's attention has been attracted."

Just then, a figure came in from outside.

Obviously, he heard the conversation of several people.

"Minister Pierce!"

"Sir Pierce!"

All say hello 140 to Pierce.

"Right now, Nick Fury's attention is mostly on those guys.

No matter what we do, we will be regarded as doing it by those people.

Moreover, because of this attack, those people are now somewhat suspicious.

Next, Hitwell's agent will present some 'evidence' involving Nick Fury.

And it goes straight to Nick Fury.

When he sees those, he will be more sure that someone is designing him behind his back.

Afterwards, he would block the InSight program even more from liftoff.

At this time, the Rumlow agent is needed.

Rumlow agent, thank you, now their attention is on you, next you need to go to this place to take a risk.

Pierce handed Rumlow a note with an address on it.

"No problem, leave it to me, but what's the use of me going here?"

Rumlow didn't understand.

"This is near the residence of one of the directors, and as soon as you go there, new suspicions arise.

This director has been modified by me, and he will become the 'mastermind' behind this incident.

When their investigation is over, they will find that this group is related to some terrorist forces abroad.

The reason why the insight plan is blocked is to make these organizations transfer.

In order to combat those forces outside the country, and at the same time avoid the recurrence of things like Nick Fury being attacked.

The calls for the InSight program to take off again will be louder and louder.

Our plan is about to succeed. "

Pierce finally revealed his plan.

All of this, to get Nick Fury caught up in his reserved plans.

"I see, I'll go."

PS: Today is the first update. I am going to the county hospital during the day. I am not sure how many updates will be made today.

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