Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

215 Hydra Hail! You Are All Going To Die! (3 More)

"Because I ate the staring fruit!"

When Nick Fury said this, everyone on the scene felt shocked.

Nick Fury has always insisted on not eating devil fruit.

Because he wants to keep him from being controlled by demons.

But now, why would he suddenly choose to change his mind?

"Why did you suddenly eat the staring fruit?"

Captain Rogers got to the bottom of it.

"I've said it before, I think it's too easy. Director Rudolph's matter was exposed too easily."

Nick Fury is still the same reason.

"Then, what kind of ability does Gaze Fruit have that will make you make such a decision.

Captain Rogers continued to ask.

"Perspective, Acute eyes, see through people's hearts. When you came just now, I stood by the window and watched you come in.

When you came in, you were thinking that you met a runner again after running these few days, and maybe you can go to his house to have a look later. "

Captain Rogers was surprised after hearing this.

He did think about it today.

Nick Fury seems to really know.

"Natasha Romanoff, you're thinking, it's a pity that Aegis didn't bring 'Irene' with you this time. 17

Natasha Romanoff was also surprised when she heard the words.

Irene, is the name she gave to the plane she built.

This name, only she herself knows.

"Barton is thinking about applying for retirement, and it is not convenient to say the specific reasons for the time being.

Hearing this news, Barton's expression did not change, but the expressions of the others changed.

Barton ready to retire?

Isn't this a joke?

He has such a powerful fruit power, it is time to display his strength.

But why does he want to retire?

"This is the Ability of Gazing Fruit, which can see through people's hearts.

I also watched a lot of people in S.H.I.E.L.D this morning.

As a result, an idea was seen in the minds of many agents.

'HYDRA Hail"!

Captain Rogers, are you familiar with this slogan?"

"HYDRA Hail? I heard this slogan as if it was yesterday, how could I forget it."

Captain Rogers At the moment was full of murderous intent.

It was because of HYDRA that he missed the dance with Peggy.

When I woke up, the other party was already an old man, bedridden.

How could his memory of HYDRA disappear.

"Yes, I see that line in the minds of many at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Undersecretary Thompson, Researcher Blair, Director Anderson of the Research Department.

Agent Raul, Agent Reed, Agent Anderson, and Agent Chudel in the field agent group.

Agent Ward from Security, Director Mike, Secretary Robinson.

The whole team of agents who used to work with the Rumlow agent.

Even, Minister Pierce of S.H.I.E.L.D”,

Every time a name appeared, Agent Hill's expression changed.

Not only her, but the faces of several others also changed wildly.

When they heard Minister Pierce's name, everyone's faces changed wildly.

"Even Minister Pierce is a HYDRA member?"

Phil Coulson, who hadn't spoken, was also in disbelief.

Because he followed Nick Fury for a long time.

He knew about Nick Fury's relationship with Pierce.

The two simply had a deadly friendship!

Now, it's unbelievable to hear that Pierce is also HYDRA.

"I don't believe it either, but Director Rudolph has told me about it, so I have to believe it.

Rudolph's memory may have been completely changed by Peel.

That's why it happens.

All of these are designed to attract our attention.

And they have completely succeeded. "

"I get it, I'll call out the Avengers immediately.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, let them gather to be ready.

And, if S.H.I.E.L.D is really infiltrated by HYDRA.

I will destroy them all, whether it is HYDRA, or S.H.I.E.L.D. "

Captain Rogers' tone was very formal.

Nick Furui was depressed when he heard this.

After that, everyone here left one after another.

Natasha Romanoff and Barton began investigating the USB drive.

Both of them are old agents, and they cooperate much more smoothly than Natasha Romanoff and Captain Rogers.

With almost no difficulty, the two directly found the address recorded on the USB flash drive.

The two took the S.H.I.E.L.D plane directly to their destination.

There, it was a barracks that had been abandoned.

When Captain Rogers knew the other party's whereabouts in their investigation communication channel.

He directly guided the two into the familiar place.

Inside, they saw a pile of old equipment.

Zola Brain!

S.H.I.E.L.D transmitted Zola's intelligence and thinking into that mass of machines.

Zola, survived in another way.

Natasha Romanoff plugged in the USB flash drive, and Zola's profile picture appeared on the display.

The cameras representing his eyes are constantly turning.

Found Captain Rogers who was in remote contact here.

"Hello, Natasha Romanoff, hello, Barton, hello, Captain Rogers who is in touch here.

Zola opened the opening of the sound mechanism.

"Arning Zola! Sure enough, HYDRA is behind this!"

When Captain Rogers saw the headshot in the background, he was completely sure of what Nick Fury said.

"No, I am not HYDRA, I am a special advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D.

After the end of the war that year, S.H.I.E.L.D invited many of our German scientists with strategic value.

So, in fact I am a S.H.I.E.L.D person, not a HYDRA person. "

Dr. Zola explained very seriously.

"But why are you here, just why did you become like this?"

Captain Rogers was still a little hard to understand.

"In 1972, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Science could not save my body, but it could save my mind.

So, I stored my thoughts in the database of 200,000 wishes.

In a way, Natasha Romanoff, Barton agent, you're in my head.

Dr. Zola looked serious.

"No, I don't want to know that right now, I just want to know, how did you turn S.H.I.E.L.D into HYDRA?"

Captain Rogers asked very seriously on the other side.

"`~ I said that I am not HYDRA, I am a strategic scientist invited by S.H.I.E.L.D."

Dr. Zola emphasized again.

"Dr. Zola, you don't have to hide it, I already know about your demise.

When our people gather, we will start to attack them.

Do you think it makes sense for you to deny it now?"

Captain Rogers saw that the other party didn't say anything, and this time he came directly.

Zola seemed to pause for a moment when she heard the words.

"I didn't expect that I couldn't fool you. Well, I admit, I am indeed a member of HYDRA."

Dr. Zola directly admits this at once.

"You guys, how did you do it?"

This time it was Rogers' biggest concern.

And this issue is not only concerned by Rogers.

Nick Fury cares more!

He was also listening to the news on the communication channel at the moment.

"You understand, we are HYDRA, chop off one head and grow two back.

Back then, the goal of our establishment of HYDRA was to feel that human beings could not control their own freedom.

Because human beings who are too free are actually not conducive to development.

It's a pity that we were wrong, forcibly taking away the freedom of human beings, they will resist!

So that time, we failed.

However, war is not without benefits, at least it teaches (does it) teach us a lot.

For example, how to make human beings voluntarily give up their freedom!

After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D was formed and recruited me, and many more like me.

The new HYDRA was born like this?

We are parasites living in S.H.I.E.L.D.

We grow as S.H.I.E.L.D grows.

We, HYDRA, have been fomenting crises and wars behind the scenes for decades.

Whenever historical development does not match expectations, we will take action to correct it.

As a result, the world has become more and more chaotic.

Facing this chaotic world, people are finally willing to sacrifice freedom for security.

Once the new cleansing program is complete, our new world order in HYDRA will take full shape.

HYDRA Hail!"

Zola spoke very naturally.

War, Chaos, Death...

All of this is their plan.

"Purification plan?"

Rogers looked puzzled, what is this?

Zola did not answer this question at this time.

"You don't need to know these things anymore."

"Why do you look up?"

"Because, in fact, you are all going to die."

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