Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

021 Obadiah's Plan To Imprison Tony! The Punisher Is In Custody! (4 More)

Obadiah urges Tony to hand over the technology of the Ark reactor.

This technology belongs to Stark Industries!

The stock price of Stark Industries is still shrinking constantly.

None of them can do anything until new technology is injected.

Moreover, there are still people who are targeting Stark Industries.

Stark Industries as a partner in the military.

He robbed the business of an unknown number of arms dealers.

Like Hanmer Industries.

Such as the Osborn Group.

Now Stark voluntarily gave up this advantage.

Other companies naturally wished to kill the Stark Group directly with a stick.

They shot behind their backs.

The stock of Stark Industries plummeted by more than ten points.

The current Stark industry is only worth 10-20% of its peak value.

This made Obadiah, who had worked hard for thirty years, almost vomit blood.

Today, he wants to take the entire Stark Group into his own hands.

Tony, if he doesn't obey, he will be dismissed directly.

After passing through this outlet, kill him again.

Or, imprison him!

Smaller versions of Ark reactors can be crafted in dilapidated caverns.

Then give him a laboratory, I don't know how many powerful weapons can be produced!

And all this, not only Obadiah has this idea.

Those with vested interests behind it even think so.

Tony, just be a playboy!

The Stark Group, as long as his name, Tony Stark, is on it!

Business does not require him to participate!

These years, without Tony's intervention, the Stark Group and the military have been at ease.

Now, instead, something went wrong.

If there is a problem that cannot be solved, then solve the person who raised the problem.

Tony, the one to be solved!

That's why he has board members and military members to back him up.

"Forget about the Ark reactor.

Stark Industries still has my name on it anyway.

So I have the right to decide the direction of the company.

Now, please leave. "

Tony directly issued the order to evict the guest.

Obadiah looked at Tony from At the moment, and he had a sneer all over his face.

He casually glanced behind him.

A military person came out.

"Mr. Stark, we are not involved in matters within your company.

But now we need to take Frank away for investigation.

During your kidnapping, our military spent a lot of effort but failed to find any clues about you.

As a retired soldier, how did he get the information.

We suspect that he has something to do with kidnapping you.

Now, he needs to cooperate with our investigation. "

This military personnel has a businesslike face.

Hearing what the military personnel said, Tony's expression changed.

"Colonel Rhodes already has preliminary findings on Frank's matter.

Now, Frank is my personal bodyguard.

You have no right to interfere without my permission. "

"No, unfortunately, we have the right.

Not only that, we also found out that Frank was related to multiple attacks in the previous months.

He is suspected of multiple murders.

Now, he's a suspect. "

Another representative of the military also spoke.

"Frank, surrender!"

The military soldiers actually drew their guns directly at Frank.

Tony heard the words of the people in the military.

His expression changed.

These people deal with themselves, and others have to restrain their hands because of his reputation.

But if you deal with Frank, it will be really troublesome!

But Frank, standing behind Tony, wasn't worried.

On the contrary, the way she looked at these people became very dangerous.

These guys, the target this time is actually themselves!

During this period of time, Frank, who had been a little quieter, began to stir in his heart.

Do you really think you are easy to provoke?

If he hadn't agreed to complete the task Qin Xiao gave him.

He had already set off a bloodbath in New York.

The revenge of his wife and daughter has not yet been reported.

If you suppress your temper, do you really think that you are easy to bully?

The people behind you also underestimate yourself too much.

"Mr. Stark, I'll go with them."

Frank At the moment also wanted to know what they were going to do.

Tony knew what Frank was up to.

Frank is a powder keg!

These people are courting death by taking Frank away.

Immediately afterwards, Tony watched helplessly as the military personnel left.

This time, only Obadiah and the board members were left in Tony's villa.

Obadiah looked sullen.

"Tony, your bodyguard has committed a serious crime and was taken away, and he may never come back.

Hand over the Ark reactor, Stark Industries and the military are still partners. "

It's obvious what he means.

If you don't pay, maybe Frank will never have the chance to show up again.

Tony At the moment finally thought of Qin Xiao.

As Qin Xiao's person, Frank should inform the other party now.


But at this moment, there was a violent explosion in the distance.

"That's the military convoy!"

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